The hosts of SourceFed and SourceFed NERD pick user submitted questions from Twitter and Reddit for a ridiculously entertaining round-table discussion!
Let's do some podcasting, shall we?
Welcome to SourceFedNERD’s Dungeons & Dragons! Follow the heroes as they go on an epic adventure!
Join the crew from the YouTube channel SourceFed as they share embarrassing stories, ponder outlandish sexual fantasies and try to answer the age old question, "Why are we even friends?"
Our panel of non-experts gives you the news, reviews and rumors surrounding Marvel and DC's comic book inspired television series. Shows include iZombie, Powers, The Flash, Arrow and Agents of Shield. Staying true to our roots, we end each show with our comic book picks of the week!
Super Panic Frenzy Podcast: Welcome to the apex of pure entertainment and wisdom. Come join Steven Suptic and Reina Scully as they discuss their weekly adventures in life, providing endless hours of delightful pleasure.