The Buzz 1: “Everybody can relax...I found the car. Needs some suspension work and shocks. Brakes, brake pads, lining, steering box, transmission, rear end.
Published 12/20/21
The Buzz – Recent headlines : – “As the pace of change continues to accelerate, organisations are searching for new routes to growth. Successful transformation journeys will be critical to leading businesses into a better future.
Published 11/12/21
The Buzz: “I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now, from up and down, and still somehow…it’s cloud illusions I recall…I really don’t know clouds at all.
Published 10/28/21
The Buzz 1: “Technology like art is a soaring exercise of the human imagination.” (Daniel Bell, sociologist, writer, professor at Harvard University) The Buzz 2: “The great growling engine of change – technology.
Published 10/21/21
The Buzz 1: “Technology is anything that wasn’t around when you were born.” (Alan Kay) The Buzz 2: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic.” (Arthur C.
Published 10/04/21