These days, many of us have heard something about the importance of dopamine in our brain. We explore with you here, simple but powerful ways to trigger the dopamine we need to get to the outcomes we so want.
Published 03/12/24
In this micro-series episode, we delve into the profound role imagination plays in shaping our lived experiences. Whether envisioning a trip to the beach or any other scenario, our minds construct vivid images laden with emotions and meanings. These mental simulations influence our responses and motivations, guiding our actions and decisions. Through our imagination, we interpret and imbue significance into our encounters, ultimately shaping our subjective realities. Join us as we explore the...
Published 03/05/24
Yes, we can actually train our brain to produce more success in so many areas of our lives. How do we do it? Listen up...
Published 03/05/24
Straight out of the research, we learn how important it is to pause in the midst of our day for just minutes in a way that let's just get so much more out of what we're doing. Such a small thing for such big results.
Published 02/27/24
In this micro-series episode, we challenge the negative perception surrounding imagination. From a young age, we're often urged to stifle our daydreams and focus on reality. However, dismissing imagination as a mere distraction overlooks its immense potential. While grounding children is important for practical tasks, there's a loss in the widespread suppression of imagination. Rather than viewing imagination and willpower as opposing forces, we discover how they can harmonize to enrich our...
Published 02/27/24
While imagination is often thought of as a negative or a distraction, we explain the power and importance of not only allowing yourself to use your imagination, but to actually foster its development. We go much more in-depth into how to develop your imagination in our full 3-part episodes, “Your Imagination is Transformational.”
Published 02/20/24
So many of us think we can outrun our need for sleep. Or we assume that we're getting enough and suffer because of it. How do we get deeper sleep and enough of it? With a little understanding, we can get so much more out of our sleep and out of our lives.
Published 02/20/24
Learning to manage our time effectively is essential to doing well in school, our work and the whole of our lives. Good time management skills is one of the top predictors of success. Here we explore those tools and make sure that we have the know how that we need to use our time to our advantage.
Published 02/15/24
In this micro-series episode, we explore the incredible magnitude of daily decisions we make and why they matter more than we think. Join us as we uncover the profound impact of these seemingly small choices on our lives and our learning and how they shape our futures. We go much more in-depth into this topic in our full episode (“Podcast #40 - How Decisions Rule Our Lives”). 
Published 02/13/24
For some of us, our won't power and our I can't power is what we try and live our lives on. Our willpower when aligned with what we want lights up our lives.
Published 02/13/24
Active learning is an incredibly powerful tool that can help us develop empathy and so much more. In this micro-series episode, we explain the benefits of active listening. In our full episode (“Podcast #57 – Become a Powerful Listener”) we talk in more depth about how to develop those listening skills. 
Published 02/07/24
The meaning that we derive from what we do is all important. Whether it's in our studies or in our work, a life without meaning is empty. How do we build meaning into our lives?
Published 02/06/24
In this micro-series episode, we walk through an example of working through negative beliefs. These can hold us back from our full potential and have a strong impact on our perceived self-ability to succeed in life. You can listen to the full interview in podcasts #60 and #61 where we help Jessie work through some limiting beliefs. 
Published 02/01/24
We're told all kinds of things about what it takes to develop useful habits. Yes, habits can be very helpful if we set them up correctly. Contrary to popular opinion, there are ways to easily develop the habits that we need to succeed.
Published 01/30/24
There's so many ways to get stuck on our way to the outcomes we want. We lead you through ways here to get unstuck and to get the results that you want. This will help.
Published 01/23/24
It is important to give your body and your brain the best-quality fuel if you want to see the best performance. We explain why this is important in this micro-series episode and provide a much more detailed discussion in our full episode, “Podcast #64 - Amplify Memory to be Better at Learning and at Life.”
Published 01/18/24
As we develop our ability to better visualize, everything lights up for us. We're better able to learn. We're better able to live passionately the life we want.
Published 01/16/24
When you’re studying, it might seem like the way to learn best is to study straight through without any breaks so you have more time with the material. In this micro-series episode, we propose an alternative way of studying that has been shown to increase your ability to retain information. 
Published 01/11/24
Too often we've shut down in some way. As we open back up to learning and engaging, are intelligence actually increases. Here's how to do it.
Published 01/09/24
While we might not think of distractions as significant hindrances to our learning, they have a massive impact on our ability to actively listen and absorb the information given to us. In this micro-series episode, we address why this is important to recognize and find ways to improve when you’re in the classroom.
Published 01/04/24
Feeling stuck? Here are the perspectives and the actions needed to move forward in a more satisfying way.
Published 01/02/24
Why do we need to actively engage with the material we’re trying to learn? In this micro-series episode, we look at why engaging actively as you learn is important rather than passively skimming through material. We also provide strategies on how to actively go through the material to enhance your learning and memory.
Published 12/26/23
The title says it all. Find the meaning in what you're learning, and what you're doing and we come so much more alive. Here's exactly how to do that.
Published 12/26/23
Humans are fundamentally meaning makers. When anything significant happens, we give it meaning and then we live from within the cage of meaning that we created. We can do a much better job of this and here's how.
Published 12/21/23
In this micro-series episode, we explain why connecting the material we learn to its application in the future is important and how doing so will improve our memory.
Published 12/19/23