Axis of Devotion John 17:6-19 In his sermon, Father Mark examines Jesus' prayer for his disciples before his crucifixion. Jesus asks God to protect the disciples from the world's ways so they may remain united in God's loving character. Father Mark notes that living according to God's ways is counter-cultural and often opposed by the prevailing worldly culture. Father Mark highlights the difficulty of maintaining devotion to God when constantly surrounded by a culture with conflicting...
Published 05/13/24
Tuned In to God’s Love John 15:9-17 Father Mark began by reflecting on Jesus' words in John 15:9-17, where Jesus says "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love." He noted that this passage is not just about intellectual understanding, but about feeling a deep sense of connection and love with God. He encouraged the congregation to imagine themselves as branches connected to the true vine, Christ, and to feel the stir of inward sap rising from their root, which is...
Published 05/05/24
Fruit of Love John 15:1-8 Father Mark draws parallels between our physical bodies and our spiritual lives, noting that just as what we put into our bodies affects our health, so too does what we feed our minds and spirits affect our well-being. He emphasizes that our spirits were designed to run on God, not alternative fuels like entertainment or busyness. Instead of seeking happiness and peace through external sources, we should abide in Christ, the true vine, and allow His love to flow...
Published 04/28/24
Following the Good Shepherd John 10:11-18 In his sermon, Fr. Mark discusses the image of Jesus as the good shepherd, contrasting it with the hired hand who abandons the sheep in times of danger. He emphasizes the deep, loving connection between the good shepherd and his sheep, which mirrors the relationship between Jesus and his heavenly Father. Fr. Mark stresses that following the good shepherd is not always easy or comfortable, as it involves sacrifice and can be...
Published 04/21/24
Dying to Live John 20:19-31 In this sermon, Father Mark discusses the concept of resurrection and its relevance to our lives in the present. He shares a story about his friend who experienced the death of his relationship with his mother, only to have it resurrected after she survived a near-fatal heart attack. Father Mark emphasizes that the power of resurrection is not limited to Jesus' story from 2,000 years ago, but is available to transform our lives here and now, releasing us from...
Published 04/14/24
Questions and Doubts John 20:19-31 Reverend Wendy discusses the story of "Doubting Thomas" from John 20:19-31, emphasizing that it is normal and acceptable to have doubts and questions about faith. She shares her own experience of a crisis of faith following her divorce, during which she questioned and doubted God. Reverend Wendy points out that even in the Bible, figures like Job questioned and challenged God during difficult times. The sermon highlights Jesus' gentle and...
Published 04/07/24
Easter 2024 Matthew 28:1-10 Father Mark's Easter sermon focuses on the transformative power of the resurrection. He points out that in the Gospel accounts, Jesus' followers initially fail to recognize the risen Christ, signifying that something about Him has changed. This transformation extends to Mary Magdalene and the disciples, who are no longer just followers but become apostles, sent out to carry God's love and grace into the world. Father Mark emphasizes that transformation often...
Published 03/31/24
The Passion of Jesus Christ as told in Mark 14:1-15:47.
Published 03/24/24
Full Immersion John 12:20-33 Fr. Mark uses a humorous story about a woman trying to avoid full immersion baptism to illustrate how we often try to protect our vulnerable inner selves by staying on the surface of life, preoccupied with the external world. He says we need to die to our false surface self in order to find our true self in God. Jesus himself felt the human fear of losing his individual self, but knew that fruitful, abundant life is found in union with God and others, not...
Published 03/17/24
Love or Judgment? John 3:14-21 Father Mark’s sermon revolves around interpreting the famous biblical verse, John 3:16, which states, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life." Father Mark discusses how this verse can be interpreted as either comforting or terrifying, depending on one's perspective. He highlights the contrast between viewing God as a loving, merciful being or as a demanding,...
Published 03/10/24
Beyond the Marketplace John 2:13-22 Father Mark's sermon focuses on the story of Jesus cleansing the temple. He argues that the act was driven by Jesus' frustration with the temple becoming a marketplace. Traditionally, people brought animals for sacrifice, but the temple merchants inflated prices and prioritized profit over worship. This commercialization contrasted with God's free flow of grace and love. The sermon highlights the dangers of a "marketplace mentality" even in our...
Published 03/03/24
Facing Ourselves Mark 1:9-15 This sermon by Father Mark delves into the themes of self-examination and living a life centered on divine things, drawing on the Gospel of Mark and Sister Joan Chittister's book "Falling Upward." Father Mark emphasizes the importance of introspection and confronting our inner selves, challenging the tendency to blame others and avoid responsibility. He argues that true freedom lies in letting go of selfish desires and attachments, aligning our lives with...
Published 02/25/24
Fast and Feast Mark 1:9-15 Father Mark's sermon explores the concept of the wilderness as a place of testing and transformation, drawing parallels between the experiences of Jesus and those of the congregation during Lent. He emphasizes the presence of two opposing forces in our lives: the "divisive, oppositional, satanic spirit" that separates us from God and others, and the "life-giving, loving, compassionate spirit of Jesus." The sermon encourages self-reflection during Lent, urging...
Published 02/18/24
Transfiguration Mark 9:2-9 Christianity teaches that Christ can be born a thousand times in Bethlehem, but all are in vain until he is born in each individual. The meaning of the transfiguration is not just that Jesus was transfigured 2,000 years ago, but that we are called to say yes to our own transfiguration and metamorphosis into something greater than ourselves. As we enter Lent, it is a time for us to courageously seek to become truer versions of ourselves, allowing ourselves to...
Published 02/11/24
Weak and Strong Mark 1:29-39 Father Mark's sermon delves into the narrative of Jesus' healing and exorcism activities in Capernaum, as described in the Gospel according to Mark, highlighting Jesus' deliberate choice to maintain the Messianic secret. He interprets Jesus' refusal to allow demons to reveal his identity as a strategic measure to prevent misconceptions about his messiahship, particularly against the backdrop of contemporary Jewish expectations of a military liberator. Father...
Published 02/04/24
Root of Authority Mark 1:21-28 Father Mark's sermon focuses on the unique authority of Jesus as depicted in the Gospel story, where Jesus teaches and performs an exorcism in a synagogue. He contrasts Jesus' innate authority with the external, institutional authority of the scribes. The people in the synagogue recognized Jesus' authority as emanating from his essence and connection with God, rather than from any official position. Father Mark also explores how Christian authority has...
Published 01/29/24
Beyond Nets and Boats Mark 1:14-20 In his sermon, Father Mark explores the Gospel of Mark, specifically the story of Jesus calling Simon, Andrew, James, and John to follow him. He discusses three ways to interpret this story: as a historical account, a rationalized narrative, or a personal, deeper message. Father Mark emphasizes the importance of understanding "repentance" in its original context, as a call to change one's mindset and actions. He critiques the common reluctance to...
Published 01/21/24
Come and See John 1:43-51 Father Mark's sermon, based on the Gospel of John, delves into the theme of invitation and openness, using the story of Philip inviting Nathaniel to meet Jesus. He highlights how Nathaniel's initial skepticism about Jesus being from Nazareth reflects a common human tendency to prejudge and dismiss others based on superficial attributes like their origin, social status, or beliefs. Father Mark emphasizes that Jesus represents an invitation from God to see beyond...
Published 01/14/24
Baptism and Belonging Mark 1:4-11 Father Mark's sermon focuses on the theme of identity in the context of the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. He explores how Jesus, at his baptism, was reaffirmed by God as His beloved son. This affirmation of identity, Father Mark suggests, is crucial before Jesus begins his earthly ministry and faces temptation. He draws parallels between this divine affirmation and our own understanding of identity through baptism. Father Mark explains that baptism...
Published 01/08/24
Discharging Our Loyal Soldier Luke 2:22-40 Father Mark's sermon reflects on the biblical narrative of Simeon and Anna encountering the infant Jesus in the Temple. He explores the theme of transitions in life, using Simeon's experience as a metaphor. Father Mark extends this metaphor to our lives, suggesting that we often struggle with identity and purpose after major life transitions, akin to the loyal Japanese soldiers post-WWII. He suggests that, like Simeon and the loyal soldiers, we...
Published 12/31/23
Story Power Fr. Mark's Christmas Eve sermon reflects deeply on the power of stories, particularly the Christmas narrative, as tools for discovery and understanding. He begins by recounting the Gospel of Luke's account of Jesus' birth, emphasizing how stories, even those seemingly simple like the Christmas narrative, have profound impacts on us. He notes that our brains are wired for stories, as they engage multiple parts of our brain, not just the language-processing areas. Fr. Mark draws...
Published 12/25/23
Beyond Amazement John 1:1-14 If we are to honor these texts, we cannot avoid personal involvement. All of these texts are “after our souls.” We must go beyond our initial amazement, which can block our deeper spiritual development. We can harbor within us a pondering heart, which is the vital path of discipleship, as we reflect on the multiple aspects of Christmas which include the birth of Christ within the soul. We discover that grace is the free flow of infinite, intimate Love, so we...
Published 12/25/23
Beyond Belief Luke 1:26-38 Rev. Wendy's sermon starts with a personal anecdote about hearing the song "Mary Did You Know?" and transitions into exploring the theme of impossible pregnancies in the Bible. She connects Mary's miraculous conception of Jesus with other biblical stories of unlikely births, such as those of Elizabeth (John the Baptist's mother), Sarah (Isaac's mother), and Hannah (Samuel's mother). Rev. Wendy highlights the common thread in these stories: the idea that nothing is...
Published 12/24/23
Preparing the Way Mark 1:1-8 In the season of Advent, Father Mark's sermon takes us through a reflective journey, guided by the Gospel of Mark.  We are part of the continuing Gospel. We are real life characters in a Gospel that has no end. We must clear and straighten the path for the advent of Christ into our lives. We can open the way for the coming of Christ into every moment of our lives. We do this by changing our hearts, minds and behaviors, and that which blocks the flow of Divine...
Published 12/10/23