Episode 99  Traams is getting lots of play in my earholes. I’m hooked, its driving toe-tapping steering wheel slapping sing-a-long post pop punk at its best. get you some, fool. tumblr   here soundcloud   here fatcat (get the album)   here ep99 TRAAMS – Sit Up Advertisements
Published 03/23/14
Episode 98  Geyser is taking pre-orders for their debut 12″ EP on Radiclaw Records, get in there and grab one- all 4 tracks are good grungy garage post-punk tunes. their bandcamp——–> here Radiclaw Records bandcamp———-> here Geyser fb ————–> here ep98 Geyser – Junkie
Published 03/09/14
Episode 97  White Murder released their debut full length s/t LP in January this year, and its a conglomeration of high octane 2 minute blasts of kick ass punk rock to your face, suck it up chumps. their bandcamp—————–> here their fb——————–> here buy the LP at Razorcake————> here
Published 02/24/14
Episode 96  PILE from Boston have a loud, unrelenting 7″ coming out in March, you can pre-order it now——–> here their tumblr—————-> here their fb ———–> here ep096 PILE – Special Snowflakes
Published 02/12/14
Episode 95  New York trio is brilliantly loud; drums and bass pound and groove; vibrant vocal/guitar. goodness. their site ———> here their fb ————–> here their bandcamp ————> here ep095 Sharkmuffin – Quarter Machine; Soft Landing
Published 02/06/14
Episode 94  March 2013 launched Kinski’s Cosy Moments album, a heavy, pounding, riff-ridden beast of an album. Check out the tunes. their site ———> here their fb ———–> here get the album at KRS ————–> here ep094 Kinski – Conflict Free Diamonds; Let Me Take You Through My Thought Process
Published 02/04/14
Episode 93  Out of Olympia, blasting into new territory from their olden days of Old Time Relijun-y goodness Malaikat dan Singa throat sings you to new levels of euphoria, blast this s**t loudly, and share it with someone you love. their bandcamp ———–> here Arrington’s tumblr ———> here ep093 Arrington de Dionyso’s Mailakat dan Singa … Continue reading Arrington de Dionyso’s Malaikat dan Singa – I Feel the Quickening →
Published 01/29/14
Episode 92  From Ontario, The Dirty Nil are releasing an EP this February and it has me very very excited. This is noisey punk garage rock at its finest. Enjoy responsibly. their bandcamp (here is where you pre-order the s**t) ———> here their fb ———–> here their tumblr ———-> here ep 92 The Dirty Nil … Continue reading The Dirty Nil – Wrestle Yu to Husker Du →
Published 01/26/14
Episode 91  Heavy, loud, no-wave, noise rock from Dublin Ireland. Just over 6 minutes of gnarly bliss for your inner angst.  their bandcamp ———–> here their fb ————–> here ep091 Girl Band – Lawman
Published 01/25/14
Episode 90    Seattle surf-punk garage heroines La Luz have a full length album out called It’s Alive and they are currently on a lengthy tour of the western-most portion of North America before they head off to Europe. This music soothes your vibes. their site ———> here their record ———-> here their fb ————> … Continue reading La Luz – It’s Alive →
Published 01/23/14
Episode 89  The Younger Lovers is a Bay Area band that is carrying on with the tradition of being really good. The punk rock movement is alive and well in Northern California and The Younger Lovers can take a little slice of credit for that. their blog————> here their fb—————> here Southpaw Records————> here ep89 … Continue reading The Younger Lovers – Down Down Gently; The Ballad of Two Stubborn Men →
Published 01/15/14
Episode 88    Out of Memphis, a beautiful voice will be heard. Singer-songwriter Valerie June has made a fabulous album. her site———-> here her fb——–> here ep 88 Valerie June – Pushin Against a Stone
Published 01/05/14
Episode 87- the f*****s of stars groove on into 2014. Their album Miracle Mile is a whole lotta fun and you can really bug out to it. their site————> here their fb————> here polyvinyl———–> here bandcamp———–> here     —————-check this out ep87 STRFKR – While I’m Alive
Published 01/02/14
In the early 1990’s, rising out of the neon concrete slab of Tokyo could be heard the acoustical assault that is Melt-Banana. Their new album “Fetch” continues the tradition; and the masses wept, some for joy, others for their impending doom. ep86 Melt-Banana – Candy Gun; Vertigo Game (oh, i neglected to mention their bassist, … Continue reading Melt-Banana – Candy Gun; Vertigo Game →
Published 12/23/13
This here is 6 dudes from London sticking it in your face and waving it around- daring you not to like them, if you don’t like them it don’t matter. I like them. their fb——–> here their bandcamp ———-> here ep085 – Fat White Family – Special Ape; Heaven On Earth
Published 12/16/13
ep084 Hookworms – Away/Towards UK band Hookworms released their debut album in October and it is a mind-blowing/mind-numbing bastion of sonic bombardment. Psychedelic jams that build, reverberate, resonate then retreat and repeat. their website——–> here their fb———–> here world weird records (get the lp)———–> here
Published 12/10/13
ep83 Quasi – You Can Stay But You Gotta Go Portland rock and rollers Sam Coones and Janet Weiss are Quasi and their new album Mole City is excellent. their listing at Kill Rock Stars——–> here their fb————–> here their page—————–> here
Published 12/07/13
ep82 Radioactivity – Don’t Try; World of Pleasure Out of Austin, Radioactivity is The Marked Men’s Mark Ryan and Jeff Burke with Daniel Fried and Mark Rutherford. They blast out 13 songs in 30 minutes on their self-titled debut that keeps selling out over at Dirtnap Records. Pick it up, order it, make them work … Continue reading Radioactivity – Don’t Try; World of Pleasure →
Published 11/19/13
ep81 Sonic Youth – Sugar Kane So I’m once again riding the Sonic Train. I usually go about 6 to 8 months; I’ll hear a Sonic Youth song here or there and think “mmmm, so good.” But that’s it. Then out of nowhere, the urge overtakes me and it’s all I’ll listen to for a … Continue reading Sonic Youth – Sugar Kane →
Published 11/18/13
ep80 Bad Sports – Washed Up Bad Sports new album Bras perpetuates their persistent pursuit for punk perfection. The songs are tight. The songs are loud. The songs are fast. Kickin ass in your earhole. the bandcamp ——> here
Published 11/13/13
ep79 Dead Wives – Beekeeper; Angry Swarm A punk, garage, grunge band out of New Haven, rocking the bee sides. Good stuff. Check out their bandcamp here This is a tattoo of a queen bee on my forearm- i like bees:
Published 11/10/13
ep 78 – 8 songs 1 show 3 months later I apologize for the lengthy absence, but I cannot say that it will not happen again.   I’ve got a lengthy show for you, to make up for lost time, a bit. I wrote an article on some of the best albums of 2013 so … Continue reading 8 Songs 1 Show 3 Months Later →
Published 11/03/13
ep77 Pregnant – Lil by Lil Pregnant, the musical emanations of one Daniel Trudeau, released “Pottery Mill” earlier this year- Aprilish. The psychedelic, folksy experimental soundscapes appeal to my inner psycho-folksy mountain man. the website ——-> here Pregnant on Mush Records ——–> here
Published 08/02/13
ep76 The Oblivions – Run For Cover Back to Memphis, with the Oblivians. The 90’s garage punk lo-fi band is back with a new release of grinding, thrashing goodness. Go find yourself a copy of “Desperation” today! their fb ——> here
Published 07/30/13
ep75 Speedy Ortiz – Plough Speedy Ortiz is getting some love, and rightfully so. . . their album “Major Arcana” is very, very niiiice. The melodies attach themselves to your medulla oblongata and deposit gritty pebble sized guitar notes that you’ll have a difficult time srubbing clean. Be prepared to foster their grunge pop into … Continue reading Speedy Ortiz – Plough →
Published 07/21/13