Throughout religious history, make-up and jewelry have been taboo to many.  What are their reasons? Do only pagans and harlots wear them? Are they forbidden by God? What does the Bible tell us about these things? 
Published 11/13/23
The kingdom shall be YHWH’s in the end. The minor prophet with the major message, Obadiah, tells us of the coming judgment on the wicked and those who hurt Israel. How we treat others matters to God. 
Published 11/06/23
The brazen laver in the Tabernacle is just one of many components required to keep the Tabernacle functioning for the Israelites. Join us in this series as we look at each component, the role it plays in the physical Tabernacle and what it may signify in the spiritual and even prophetic arenas. 
Published 10/31/23
Don’t be a hypocrite. Amos warned us that time is growing short. It should go without saying, but believers need to live what they claim to believe. Some prophets are considered major, others minor, but all of them have major messages as they come from YHWH. We would do well to heed them. 
Published 10/31/23
The altar of sacrifice in the Tabernacle plays a pivotal role for Israel. What all was it used for? How is the Messiah tied to it? What other lessons can we learn from studying the altar? 
Published 10/16/23
Faith is integrally tied to our salvation, but what is faith and how does salvation actually work?  Where does our faith fit into the process that results in our salvation? What does one have to do with the other? 
Published 10/10/23
Joel may have been a minor prophet, but he has a major message. He tells us of the Day of the Lord which will be either a Day of Judgment or a Day of Salvation. Which side of that day you fall upon is up to you. 
Published 10/02/23
YHWH wants you to know through the prophet Hosea, that you are not irredeemable. Using the story of Gomer and Hosea, a minor prophet with a major message, Scripture tells the story of the promise of Israel’s redemption, and our own. No message of the prophets, whether a minor prophet or major, is without an important and major message. Hosea is no exception. 
Published 10/02/23
 The Courtyard and Kingdom of YHWH, like the rest of the Tabernacle of YHWH hold a lot of meaning, some more obvious than others. They may seem a bit boring on the surface, but there’s so much more when one takes the time to look deeper and study. 
Published 09/18/23
The Tabernacle, or Tent of Meeting, needs no introduction...or does it? It is of great importance and no one disagrees, but what makes it so special?. There may be much more to it than many realize, even down to what may seem mundane things like its measurements. Join us as we start a journey to examine the Tabernacle and its components. 
Published 09/11/23
The Hebrew Root of worship may take us somewhere you didn't expect. Many of us have been taught that worship often involves slow songs of adoration, the lifting of our hands, and other such practices.  But is that what was really happening in Scripture when “worship” was being performed? What is the difference between praise, worship, and giving honor or respect? 
Published 09/04/23
Being comfortable, isn't bad if you're buying a couch, but should we be living a comfortable spiritual life wearing our spiritual sweatpants and t-shirts staying on our comfy couch? 
Published 08/22/23
 What does it mean to have the fear of the Lord? If God is love, why should we be afraid?
Published 08/14/23
Are all sins equal to God? Sin is sin, right, it's all the same? Does it even matter? 
Published 08/07/23
 What is the error of dispensationalism? What is dispensationalism anyway? Are the seven dispensations supported by Scripture in its culture and context? Does the Bible teach that the church really replaces Israel? Is Peter the rock the church is built upon? Join us as we look at these and other potential problems with one of the most common theological frameworks in mainstream Christianity. 
Published 07/31/23
The reason we don’t stone sabbath breakers is simple but can sound complex. Opponents of following the Torah often bring up what they believe to challenging questions to those who do. This video addresses the topic of why we don’t stone sabbath breakers. You might be surprised to find out that things aren’t always as cut and dry as some may think. 
Published 07/24/23
What did the Messiah mean by "weightier matters"? What do we do when obeying one law of God appears to force us to break another? How do we determine which laws matter more to YHWH? 
Published 07/24/23
Scripture tells us that the Torah is for gentiles too, it just uses different words. Regardless of the phrasing, the Bible is clear that God’s Law is for everyone who wants to serve Him. 
Published 07/10/23
What does it mean when the Bible calls something pagan? Is "pagan" inherently evil? What happens if we start using Scripture to define Scripture for things like pagan and heathen? Does always pagan mean what so many think it means? 
Published 07/03/23
Continuing on in our Bible Study series on 2 Peter, we continue looking at how to confirm your calling. In Chapter 2, we hear how God rescues the righteous and judges the wicked, time and again throughout Scripture. It’s time to check ourselves to see if we are living righteously to the best of our ability or following the way of the wicked that leads to destruction. 
Published 06/26/23
 It’s commonly taught that the Bible says not to judge others, and it does say that. However, is that all that it has to say on that topic?  Join us as we examine the subject of judging, from a biblical perspective. 
Published 06/19/23
Essential to understanding is learning the history behind things. Enjoy a brief historical look at how Christianity went from Sabbath to Sunday. 
Published 06/12/23
 Are you tangled in the weeds of life? Are they choking out your faith and preventing a deeper, closer relationship with the Father? Is your spiritual growth being stunted? 
Published 06/05/23
 In this video we are going to be testing the Lilith myth. Did Adam have another wife before Eve as some mythology says? Where did the story of Lilith come from? Is this just another example of misogyny? 
Published 05/29/23
 In this video, we look at the mo'ed (appointed time) of Sukkot (or Feast of Tabernacles).  What is the prophetic meaning of this time of year? How do we celebrate it? 
Published 05/29/23