The use of the Messiah’s name in Hebrew has begun to be mainstream. But is Yeshua the Messiah’s name? Is it Jesus? Yehushua? Yahshua? Something else? Does it even matter what the Messiah’s name is? Join us as we take a brief look at what some consider a very touchy topic, the Messiah’s name. 
Published 04/29/24
Welcome back to the Whole Word...Continuing on from part 1, for those who are new to striving to follow the Torah and have a ton of questions, we will again briefly address some of the most common topics and questions you may encounter. This time we will touch on the following:StoningThe Land Sabbath (Shemitah)Cheeseburgers? (Mixing meat and dairy)The CalendarsMezuzah and TefillinSalvationSacrificesGraven ImagesHalalKosher SlaughteringTwo House TheologyPolygamyThe Name (HaShem)
Published 04/16/24
Published 04/16/24
The Tabernacle has many components and even more symbolism. We have covered a lot of it in previous videos, but here are some additional thoughts on the Tabernacle. 
Published 04/16/24
Zephaniah was a minor prophet with a major message, one of wrath and mercy. The prophet warned Israel of the destruction of the world and how they might avoid it. He gave them hope and a reason to rejoice despite the coming wrath, for there would also be Yahweh’s mercy. 
Published 03/26/24
In this conclusion to our series, The Tabernacle, we find that when everything is put together, the Tabernacle is the way to God. We’ll review each component and look at its spiritual counterpart and how they all show us the path to come before the Father. 
Published 03/19/24
We would like to offer you a welcome to the whole Word. More and more people are realizing the WHOLE Bible is true and applicable to all in the faith today.   If this describes you, then you may have a lot of questions. In this 2-part video we will be taking a brief look at a lot of topics. Here is what we will be covering in part 1:What instructions from our Creator should I be following that I am not currently?The Sabbath (Exodus 20:8)Dietary Instructions (Leviticus 11)CircumcisionTzitzits...
Published 03/11/24
Habakkuk, a minor prophet with the major message. His message wasn’t unique, but he kept an important perspective we should all take, “I will rejoice.” Where does he get this perspective and how can we apply it to our lives today? 
Published 03/04/24
Do you know how the Biblical festivals point to Christ? Many think of the holidays celebrated in Judaism as being just for the Jews and not relevant to believers today. What those people don’t realize is the strong connection they have to our Messiah. The Bible has more to teach us using God’s holidays than may be realized by the average person in the Body of Christ. 
Published 02/27/24
The Tabernacle consists of many pieces, the Tent of Meeting is one of the largest. This tent holds some great parallels for the lives of believers, and reminds us of how physical things can teach us spiritual lessons. 
Published 02/20/24
God will not clear the guilty according to the minor prophet with a major message, Nahum.  How is YHWH not clearing the guilty a comfort to us? What comfort can we find in the condemnation of Nineveh for its evil? 
Published 02/12/24
Talking Torah is something many people love to do, and with good reason!  However, it's not uncommon to find yourself against a brick wall of hostility or rejection.  There can be many reasons for this, but it may all be in the way that you are talking Torah. Are you bullying with your words? Do your actions match your words? We have a few ideas that may help you avoid destroying relationships with your loved ones when sharing your faith. 
Published 02/08/24
 The Tabernacle is made up of many pieces, but the heart of the Tabernacle is the Ark of the Covenant. That said, what is it? What is its purpose? What lessons does it hold for believers today? 
Published 01/29/24
Why would God, being perfect, say he gave them statutes that were not good? How could the embodiment of what is good and just and holy give Israel statutes that were not good as he said in Ezekiel 20:25-26?  What were these “not good” statutes? How do we make this make sense? 
Published 01/22/24
The Tabernacle is made up of many different pieces, or components, the table of showbread is one of them. What is the significance of this table, of the bread, and what was it really like? What may be the spiritual and prophetic implications and meaning of the bread? 
Published 01/15/24
To compliment our teaching “The Church: His Model” we have released a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) follow-up to assist in offering additional clarity on this complicated and controversial subject. In this presentation we are going to respond to a large number of questions surrounding this topic that we did not get covered in the main teaching. Some of these questions include:Does the Moses Model work?What about Paul appointing elders? Does this mean Paul had more authority?What about...
Published 01/09/24
Sometimes people ask if Christians should keep the Bible’s food laws found in Leviticus 11. It’s taught by some that those laws are outdated and no longer apply to Christians after Christ came because of passages like Mark 7, Romans 14, and Acts 10. In this short video we take a quick look at those verses as we strive to test everything and hold fast to what is good. 
Published 01/01/24
The Tabernacle has many components, including the altar of incense. In this installment of our series on The Tabernacle, we’ll explore what was the altar of incense used for.  How is the altar of incense tied to the prayers of the saints? And, why would God answer prayers of vengeance? 
Published 01/01/24
Micah is a minor prophet with a major message. In this video, we’ll review his message on judgment, especially of YHWH’s people, but how there is still hope for those who repent and turn back to Him. 
Published 12/18/23
It's time to take a look at the church: his model, not something man has created over the centuries. It seems that few realize the Bible details the intended structure for the Body of the Messiah, the church, Israel. Even fewer might realize that our Lord really cares how we choose to organize ourselves. Certainly a sensitive topic, this teaching presents a conclusion far different than the norm when it comes to looking at how the body assembles.  We pray it offers much to consider, and...
Published 12/18/23
The Tabernacle has many components, one of which is the Menorah. What is the menorah? What did it look like, and what purpose did it serve in the Tent of Meeting? Is there any spiritual or even prophetic significance to having a lampstand in the Tabernacle? 
Published 12/04/23
The minor prophets with major messages series continues, this time with Jonah. Jonah’s story is relatively short in Scripture, but it has a major message strewn throughout. We learn we need to be merciful even as our Father is merciful. But how do you get that message from a man being swallowed by a whale? Check it out to find out. 
Published 11/27/23
Among the many components of the Tabernacle are the curtains. What do curtains and unity have in common and how do they relate to the Tabernacle? The curtains play an important role in the function of the Tabernacle and may have more meaning than you’d have ever considered before. 
Published 11/22/23
Throughout religious history, make-up and jewelry have been taboo to many.  What are their reasons? Do only pagans and harlots wear them? Are they forbidden by God? What does the Bible tell us about these things? 
Published 11/13/23
The kingdom shall be YHWH’s in the end. The minor prophet with the major message, Obadiah, tells us of the coming judgment on the wicked and those who hurt Israel. How we treat others matters to God. 
Published 11/06/23