Eric, Brian, and Alberto have the most thorough discussion on the principle of specificity and how it applies to powerlifting that has ever happened on the podcast or any other 3DMJ platform. Why does the barbell bench press result in better pec development for some than others? Why does the barbell back squat result in [...]
Published 06/15/23
Jeff, Brad, and Alberto discuss everything you need to do and think about the day before and day of your show. What can you do to help keep your stress low the day before your show? How accurate are competition-day schedules? What tips do the coaches have regarding when and how to shave? What do [...]
Published 06/01/23
Andrea, Brian, and Alberto host an audience-supplied Q and A session. Topics discussed include training, soreness, hypertrophy, cutting, bulking, programming, and more. What are signs that your training sessions might be too long? If you're feeling sore, is it better to push yourself to train or wait until you're less sore? What should you do [...]
Published 05/18/23
Alberto, Steve, and Eric talk about what causes overeating, how you can help prevent it, and what to do when it happens. What is one factor that research shows predicts binge eating? What can you do to help prevent yourself from overeating? What should you do after you overeat? Do the coaches have their athletes [...]
Published 05/04/23
Amanda, Brian, and Brad discuss the anxieties and stresses that go along with competing. What can you do if you're nervous about posing? What are the benefits of having a set competition date versus an open-ended timeline? How can you be less nervous on game day? When is it time to bail on a prep? [...]
Published 04/20/23
Alberto, Nick, and Eric discuss the current hot topic of choosing exercises that challenge your muscles in their most-lengthened positions. Why and how are Alberto and Eric experimenting with their training? Who has the potential to get the most out of experimenting with training muscles in their most-lengthened positions and partial reps? Who would probably [...]
Published 04/06/23
Sometimes you have to go there and sometimes it's smart not to. How do you know when to do what? That's what Jeff and Brad are here to discuss. How is Brad going to alter his exercise selection as he gets leaner? How do the coaches program their and their athletes' squat, bench, and deadlift [...]
Published 03/23/23
Brian and Eric have an in-depth discussion about rep ranges. They discuss what the research says, the importance of variety, and how they recommend choosing your rep range for each exercise. Who experiences less injuries, bodybuilders or powerlifters? What do the coaches take into consideration when choosing their rep ranges? What are the potential downsides [...]
Published 03/09/23
Alberto, Jeff, and Brad discuss how they have evolved as coaches. What they do differently than they used to, what they've let go of, and what they are testing now. What are things the coaches used to do when coaching athletes that make them cringe now? How do the coaches stay up-to-date on best practices? [...]
Published 02/23/23
Steve, Eric, and Brian discuss the benefits of not having specific carbohydrate and fat targets, as well as components of your diet that are important for overall health, the way you feel, and achieving your physique goals. What is "The Athlete's Plate"? What do the coaches like to have their athletes and clients pay attention [...]
Published 02/09/23
Brad, Alberto, and Brian discuss the role of nutrition in building muscle. Which is more important for muscular hypertrophy, eating in a caloric surplus or progressive overload? What variables do the coaches like to monitor during a gaining phase? What is too fat in regard to how much body fat a competitor should put on [...]
Published 01/26/23
Nick, Brad, and Jeff discuss modifying your training to fit your life as it changes, as you age, and as you acquire more responsibilities. When did Jeff and Brad realize they weren't going to be able to train the exact same way they always had? When did Brad realize he didn't need to train to [...]
Published 01/12/23
Andrea, Brian, and Eric conduct an audience-supplied Q&A session. 15 questions spanning everything from programming, to cutting, hydration, low-intensity exercise, and more. How do you develop a program where hypertrophy and strength are both prioritized? Is it possible to develop a competitive physique using only compound movements? What is the definition of "mechanical tension"? What [...]
Published 12/29/22
Brian, Brad, and Alberto discuss how they have adjusted their volume throughout their lifting careers and the benefits of lower-volume programs. About how many sets per muscle group did Alberto do this prep? What made Alberto realize his volume was too high? What is the cost and return of higher-volume programs? How have lower-volume programs [...]
Published 12/15/22
Amanda, Brad, and Alberto discuss the benefits of competing and why sometimes you just have to go for it, even if you don't feel ready. How would someone who has never competed before know competing is something they are capable of doing? Why hasn't Amanda competed yet? Why does Brad want to compete again someday? [...]
Published 12/01/22
Today's episode is all about 3DMJ's newest coach, Brian Minor. How did Brian get into lifting? How did he get into competitive bodybuilding? How did Brian earn his Mr. Olympia title? What did Brian get his degrees in? How did he build up his coaching business? How long was he coaching before he left his [...]
Published 11/17/22
Steve, Alberto, and Jeff discuss why they recommend *not* cutting out food from restaurants and other sources of food you didn't prepare from your diet, and how to stay on track with your goals while continuing to eat these types of foods. What strategies do the coaches use to stay on track with their goals [...]
Published 11/03/22
Brian, Jeff, and Eric discuss the benefits of diet breaks, what the research says about diet breaks, and why they like to include them in their preps as well as their athletes'. What is a diet break? What is the difference between a diet break and a refeed? How can diet breaks be beneficial for [...]
Published 10/20/22
Nick, Jeff, and Alberto discuss the role of genetics in recovery, fat loss, muscle growth, perseverance, and more. When did it first become obvious to the coaches that genetics really do play a role in one's bodybuilding journey? How does Jeff feel about his genetics? Does Alberto think it is easier for him to lose [...]
Published 10/06/22
Brian, Alberto, and Jeff discuss what they did well and what they wish they'd done differently when they first got into bodybuilding. The coaches talk about how they went about their nutrition when they first started, how they took it too far at a certain point, and how they've come to see that the basics [...]
Published 09/22/22
Eric, Jeff, and Amanda discuss how to navigate the overwhelming amount of health and fitness related content floating around social media and on the internet. How can you determine if someone's recommendations are beneficial for you? How can you screen content based on the specificity of the advice given and the confidence it was presented [...]
Published 09/08/22
Brian, Brad, Nick, and Steve go through a series of checkpoints and scenarios that help you reevaluate your current plan and practices, so you can make sure you're working towards your goals efficiently. The coaches and specialists go through different types of clients they work with and how they guide those clients. They cover adjusting [...]
Published 08/25/22
Brad, Jeff, and Steve conduct an audience-supplied Q&A session. Topics covered include: programming, building a home gym, setting up refeeds, mindsets that don't support sustainability, and more. Does anyone ever come to 3DMJ and the coaches think they don't have a chance at getting on stage? If you are plateaued on an exercise, what are [...]
Published 08/11/22
Brad, Alberto, and 3D Muscle Journey's new coach, Brian Minor, discuss training burnout and what you can do during these times to help you enjoy lifting again. What have been Brad, Alberto, and Brian's experience with feeling burned-out on training? What did they do during these times? Do the coaches think everyone who is in [...]
Published 07/28/22
Jeff, Steve, and Alberto discuss how people store fat in different places, how this affects the look they can sustain long-term, and what you can do if you're as lean as you can comfortably sustain, but you're still not happy with how you look. How will Alberto sometimes program for someone who comes to him [...]
Published 07/14/22