Sunsetting 51% and launching a brand new podcast brand HODLong! 《伍拾壹说》之退役与新品牌《后浪》的诞生!
Published 05/07/22
这一期里我和Harry坐下来聊了聊关于Uncommon Core 最新的一期播客里面一些有意思的点,还有一些其他漫谈。 In this episode, Harry and I sat down and chatted about the interesting points occurred in the latest episode of Uncommon Core. We also covered some other topics.
Published 04/10/22
本期记录了我和BAI Capital 的合伙人 Will Wang 关于互联网与Web 的进程的一些讨论。 This is an episode where I discuss the evolution of the Internet and Web3 with Will Wang, Partner at BAI Capital.
Published 04/02/22
In this episode we invited the two cofounders of Fractal, Justin Kan and David Wurtz, to join us and talk about how they think of the mission and vision of Fractal, their growth and BD strategies, and everything else about Fractal as a unique marketplace where users enjoy enhanced interactive experiences with games. 在这一集中,我们邀请了 Fractal 的两位联合创始人 Justin Kan 和 David Wurtz,讨论他们如何看待 Fractal 的使命和愿景、Fractal 的增长和 BD 战略,以及其他关于 Fractal 作为一个独特的NFT交易市场是如何使用户获得增强的游戏互动体验的分享。
Published 04/01/22
在这一集中,Miao(Superfluid 的 CTO)与我们分享了 Superfluid 是如何作为可编程和可组合的代币化流支付基础设施工作的,以及它的技术路线图和一些用例。 In this episode, Miao (CTO of Superfluid) shared with us how Superfluid works as programmable and composable tokenized stream payment infrastructure, its technical roadmap, and its use cases.
Published 03/18/22
In this episode Felix Sim, the cofounder of Salad Ventures, described to us how Salad Ventures attempts to enable guilds to attract and manage better talents with Salad Academy and GuildOS. 在这一集中,Salad Ventures 的联合创始人 Felix Sim 向我们描述了 Salad Ventures 如何尝试通过 Salad Academy 和 GuildOS 使公会能够更好的吸引和管理人才。
Published 03/12/22
In light with the launch of Drift DLOB (Decentralized Limit Order Book) I invited the cofounders of Drift, Cindy and David, to join 51% for an episode! Tune in to hear them talk about DAMM, DLOB, GTM strategy, and product line-up. 鉴于 Drift 推出了 DLOB(去中心化限价订单簿),我邀请了 Drift 的联合创始人 Cindy 和 David 加入 51% 的一集!收听他们谈论 DAMM、DLOB、GTM 战略和未来的产品规划。
Published 02/23/22
This episode hosted 0xOdia, one of the founding members of Solend. We talked about their public image (and being an anon team), their product positioning, and the roadmap. 这一集请来了 Solend 的创始成员之一 0xOdia。我们讨论了他们的公众形象(包括作为一个匿名团队)、产品定位和路线图。
Published 02/11/22
In this episode we had Ryan Li (CTO of Cyberconnect) to talk about the techinical architecture of Cyberconnect, a Web3 social graph protocol. We discussed the key properties that Cyberconnect, as a user-centric indexing protocol, attempts to offer to its users. 这一集我们邀请了 Ryan Li(Cyberconnect的CTO)来讨论 Cyber​​connect 的技术架构。Cyberconnect是一个 Web3 社交关系索引协议。我们展开讨论了 Cyber​​connect 作为一个围绕用户为中心的索引协议试图为其用户提供的关键产品属性。
Published 01/28/22
在这一集中,STEPN 的联合创始人 Yawn 和 Jerry 以及 Folius Ventures 的创始人 Jason(Maple Leaf Capital) 和我们一起讨论了 STEPN 如何致力成为一个流行的生活方式应用。我们还讨论了 GameFi 中的经济设计。 In this episode Yawn and Jerry, the cofounders of STEPN, as well as Jason (Maple Leaf Capital), the founder of Folius Ventures, joined us to talk about how STEPN strives to become a popular lifestyle application. We also spent some time discussing the economics design in GameFi.
Published 01/21/22
在这一集中,2211 和 0x128 谈到了非实用 NFT 的收集以及鉴赏家和艺术家现阶段未满足需求。作为 Artblocks 的大收藏家,2211 特别讨论了人们在生成艺术中欣赏的究竟是什么东西。他们还解释了 Eyesfi 和 SphinxUp 如何试图为非应用类NFT市场提供更好的工具。 In this episode, 2211 and 0x128 talked about the collection of the non-utility NFTs and the unserved demand of the connoisseurs and artists in today's market. Specifically, as a big collector of Artblocks, 2211 unveiled what people are really appreciating in the generative arts. They also explained how Eyesfi and SphinxUp aims to provide better...
Published 01/15/22
某天 Meta(原Facebook)推特账号评论道:“@RealyOfficial 正在改变元宇宙中的时尚。” 所以什么是REALY?在这一集中,REALY的创始人George将与我们分享他们的宏伟愿景。 The Meta twitter account one day commented:"@RealyOfficial is changing the fashion game in the metaverse." So what is REALY? In this episode the founder George will share with us their grand vision.
Published 12/23/21
宝子、Harry和我现在正在一处隔离,因此我们决定录制这期关于Web3的播客来抵御时差和对抗无聊。 Bowen, Harry and I are currently in quarantine together. So we decided to record this conversation about Web3 to get through the jetlag and defend against boredom.
Published 12/20/21
Felix is the co-founder of Arpa and Bella. But in this episode he is joining as an NFT collector and a community member of Hic Et Nunc. He shared some interesting stories about Hic Et Nunc, his involvement, and some governance practices in the community. Felix 是 Arpa 和 Bella 的联合创始人。但在这一集中,他将作为 NFT 收藏家和 Hic Et Nunc 的社区成员加入讨论。他分享了一些关于 Hic Et Nunc 的有趣故事、他的参与以及社区中的一些治理实践。
Published 12/18/21
JC is a core contributor at Qilin protocol. In this episode we talked about some unique designs of Qilin and features these designs uniquely unlocked. He shared why Qilin took an emphasis on permissionlessness and volatility. This conversation also touched upon the overall decentralized derivatives space. JC 是 Qilin 协议的核心贡献者。在这一集中,我们讨论了麒麟的一些独特设计,以及这些设计解锁的独特的功能。他分享了为什么麒麟认为无准入和波动性十分重要。这次谈话也涉及到整体去中心化衍生品领域的探讨。
Published 12/18/21
In this Episode I invited Dmitriy Berenzon to talk about the multichain future and the trade-offs in the various crosschain solutions. 在这一集中,我邀请了 Dmitriy Berenzon 讨论多链的未来以及各种跨链解决方案的权衡。
Published 11/19/21
Coin98 started from Vietnam and was able expanded its global user base in a very short period of time. In this episode I invited Thanh Le, the co-founder of Coin98 to talk about their product strategy, his view of the multichain world, and how he sees wallet fit in the Web3 stack. Coin98从越南起步,并在很短的时间内扩大了其全球用户群。在这一集中,我邀请了 Coin98 的联合创始人 Thanh Le 谈论他们的产品策略、他对多链世界的看法以及他如何看待钱包在 Web3 堆栈的定位。
Published 10/29/21
在这一集中,我们的特邀嘉宾给我讲了很多关于去中心化存储、相关共识算法以及不同项目在设计上做的权衡。干货超多的一集! In this episode our special guest educated me a lot about decentralized storage, the relevant consensus algorithm, and the trade-offs of the mechanism design in different projects. This is an episode with a ton of insights!
Published 10/17/21
吓洪是一个可以想出无数个从零到一的想法来搭建和孵化的投资人。 Xiahong is an investor who can come up with countless 0 to 1 ideas to build and incubate.
Published 09/27/21
今天给大家朗读0xMaki离开Sushi核心团队的告别信 Today I am reading 0xMaki's farewell letter from the Sushi Core Team in Mandarin
Published 09/18/21
我与 DeFi OG Bowen 聊了聊 DeFi 多年来的历史以及现在以太坊的 MEV 现实。 I chatted with Bowen, a DeFi OG about the history of DeFi over the years and the current MEV reality of Ethereum.
Published 09/10/21
雷兔科技(Lay2 Tech)作为 一个搭建在 Nervos 区块链之上的团队,一直在提供可能降低 Web 3.0 世界进入门槛的产品。该团队的使命一直专注于推动 Web 3.0 应用程序的大规模采用:Unipass 旨在成为一种去中心化身份解决方案,在保留一定安全级别的同时降低用户界面和体验的门槛。关于链上身份和信誉的详细讨论,请收听这一集! A team building on top of Nervos blockchain, Lay2 Tech has been delivering products that could potentially lower the entry barrier of Web 3.0 world. The mission of the team has been focusing on driving mass adoption in Web 3.0 applications: Unipass aims to become a decentralized identity solution that preserves certain...
Published 09/06/21
Project Galaxy just launched an on-chain targeted marketing campaign for the "Shadowy Super Coders" with along 10 developer-facing projects on the Ethereum network. In light of this massively impactful campaign, I invited Harry Zhang, the co-founder of Project Galaxy, to talk about what Project Galaxy does today, and their long term vision as a permissionless on-chain credential network. In my opinion, the on-chain credentialing space is one of the most underrated sectors in the Web 3 stack...
Published 08/24/21
Helium 是一个供物联网使用的去中心化的无线网络,在过去的 2 年里取得了很大的进展。由于 Helium 最近宣布了由 a16z 领投的 1.11 亿美元融资,我邀请了 Helium 中国区负责人Yuan来谈谈我们的观众想了解 Helium 的一切。 Helium, a decentralized wireless network for IoT, has made a lot of progress over the past 2 years. As Helium recently announced the $111M funding round led by a16z, I invited Yuan, Head of China at Helium, to talk about everything that our audience would like to learn about Helium.
Published 08/15/21