The pandemic has created enormous changes in the workplace, and with it our skills have adapted. What skills will be needed post-pandemic? Adam and Jeff discuss some of these skills you may want to consider weaving into your utility belt as you continue along your career journey (p.s. you'd be surprised as many of you already have these skills!). Editor: Meg Lane
Published 12/10/20
Published 12/10/20
Regardless of the employment market and current circumstances, age discrimination continues to be a problem during the job process. In this episode, Adam and Jeff discuss encounters with age discrimination and how to combat it in regards to a resume. Check it out! Editor: Giana Malgieri
Published 12/03/20
What are interviewers looking for when hiring for remote jobs? What are some questions you can expect and need to be ready to answer in regards to remote work? Tune in to this latest episode as Adam and Jeff discuss the top questions you may be asked when interviewing for a remote position. Editor: Gianna Malgieri
Published 11/20/20
Missing those casual discussions between co-workers/colleagues about work and non-work related topics? We are! Adam and Jeff discuss the benefits to 'Water Cooler' talk in the workplace, and how simple informal conversations can lead to meaningful relationships among employees. Check it out here! Editor Nick Stellini
Published 11/12/20
Do you listen to music while you study or work? If so, what is your 'work soundtrack'? Adam and Jeff discuss how the type of music you listen to can influence your work mood, and in turn impact your productivity. You don't want to miss this episode! Edited by Filipe Costa
Published 11/06/20
On this episode, Adam and Jeff tackle tattoos in the workplace and explore what is out there on this issue and their take on it. Editor Gianna Malgieri
Published 10/30/20
Are you experiencing screen fatigue? Having trouble finding a balance between life and work? Who isn't these days! This episode discusses how you can alter your behavior to combat screen fatigue, and be more productive with all forms of work. Editor: Gianna Malgieri
Published 10/22/20
Season 3 is here! Join Adam and Jeff in a discussion about how online learning translates to skills you need in order to succeed in any career industry/field. Produced/Edited by: Chloe Swift
Published 09/24/20
On the last episode of the Spring 2020 semester, Adam Mayer and Jeff Poulos share notable pieces of advice to consider wherever you are on the road of career and professional development. Additionally, best practices and general tips geared toward these uncertain times are discussed, as well as an overall reflection on the podcast for the academic year. Editor: Alyssa Correale
Published 04/27/20
Informational interviews are an under-utilized networking technique. Adam and Jeff discuss where, and how to open conversation in order to start making these networking connections. Most importantly, steps to setting up successful informational interviews are shared in this episode. Edited by Jordan Bess TVDM 255-02
Published 04/20/20
Not sure how to prepare for a virtual career fair? Jeff and Adam discuss best practices for preparing for career fairs, and also more importantly for virtual employer engagements as this will be an upcoming trend for job seekers. Edited by Peter Zezas TVDM 255-02
Published 04/13/20
Now more than ever, video interviewing through platforms such as Skype and Zoom (to name a few) will be a big trend for job seekers. Adam and Jeff discuss tips and tricks on how you can succeed during a video interview, and how you can best prepare. Editor: Alyssa Correale WMSC Montclair State University Radio Station
Published 04/02/20
The virus has impacted all of our lives, including how career services can assist and support YOU right now! Adam and Jeff discuss the online services available for MSU students, and how you can connect with us and/or your respective career services team for the rest of the semester. Edited by Jordan Bess TVDM255-02
Published 03/27/20
Adam and Jeff (or in this case, George Washington and Ben Franklin), share some statistics and data behind salary negotiations and offer best tips to these sometimes difficult discussions in the workplace. Check it out here! Editor Peter Zezas Producer: Anthony Rios
Published 03/25/20
Want to channel your inner Andy from Parks and Rec. but also don't want to come across as Napoleon Dynamite on your first few months of the job? Unsure as to what you should be doing but want to remain professional? Not to worry as Adam and Jeff break down a 30-60-90 day approach to how you can succeed once you're on the job/internship. Check it out here! Edited by Mandonnah Mahallatti Produced by Anthony Rios Engineered by Sonny Bartel
Published 03/25/20
On this special episode, Adam and Jeff chat with Chris Fitzpatrick, Campus Relations Manager at Crestron Electronics. A fellow alum of MSU, Chris provides some great insight as to how students can prepare for the workforce. Editor: Sandra Boulos Engineer: Deanna Roma Producer: Sandra Boulos
Published 02/28/20
Did you ever wonder how Artificial Intelligence fits in during your job search process? What's Pymetrics? Adam and Jeff discuss these topics and how you can best prepare to navigate AI wherever you are on the road of career and professional development. Engineer: Sonny Bartell Producer: Anthony Rios Editor: Sandra Boulos
Published 02/22/20
Applicant Tracking Systems are REAL (see episode 12), however, there is one free software which can help you get navigate the application process: jobscan.co Just like R2D2 and C3P0 scan for lifeforms, jobscan.co scans for how you strengthen your resume in the search process. We break down the software and more, on this episode! Editor/ Producer: Alyssa Correale Engineer: Christopher Ribeiro [In conjunction with class TVDM 255-02]
Published 02/22/20
Be prepared as there are robots in the job search! No, not Terminators or Meca-Godzillas! What robots may you ask? These robots are called Applicant Tracking Systems (ATSs)! In this episode Adam and Jeff break down what is an ATS, and how to best navigate through the scans when it comes time for your job/internship search. Tune in every week for a new episode! "WE'LL BE BACK" (*Arnold/Terminator voice*). Producer: Jordan Bess TVDM 255-02 Podcast Production Class
Published 02/06/20
For the last episode of the year, Adam and Jeff discuss potential road blocks, when it comes to the search process. Why aren't we hearing from employers? What could be happening? Check this episode out to gather some insight so you don't get detoured! Engineered by Russell Sullivan and Edited by Stephanie Braunlich
Published 12/05/19
Wow! Our tenth episode! Just like the TA Anniversary, you won't want to miss out on Adam and Jeff discussing email etiquette, and how this is a crucial part of the job search. Check it out! Podcast produced and engineered by Kaitlyn Kirgan Edited by Kaitlyn Kirgan
Published 11/28/19
Just like draining a 3-pointer shot in Basketball, Networking can get you the points! Listen to Adam and Jeff discuss how to create those warm connections in order to expand your Network. You never know where it may lead! Edited by Katherine Gray
Published 11/28/19
This podcast discusses how you can be proactive on social media when it comes time to searching for internships/jobs. Adam and Jeff share the most up to date tips and tricks you can have on your tool belt for when you are searching the 'interwebs'. Producer & Engineer: Stephanie Braunlich
Published 11/28/19
Jeff and Adam discuss best practices and provide recommendations for what you can be doing when it comes to checking your social media presence during the job search process! This is a part 1 of 2 podcast! Editor and Producer: Sarah Perney Engineer: Russell Sullivan
Published 11/07/19