In eating disorder recovery we start with using mechanical eating if hunger and fullness cues are absent. In this video, we introduce mechanical eating and go over 3 tips that you can do to help support your child with mechanical eating!  In last week's episode, we discussed the topic of hunger and fullness cues. If you haven't yet checked out that episode we recommend watching it first and coming back to this episode after. ► To learn more about mechanical eating, head over to our blog at...
Published 03/08/23
In today's episode, Jillian discusses how to get help for your child if your doctor or primary care practitioner doesn't agree that your child has an eating disorder. ► To learn more about what to do if the doctor doesn't agree, head over to our blog at https://changecreateschange.com/what-if-your-doctor-doesnt-agree/
Published 03/08/23
One of the main complaints I hear from clients and families is that the child affected by the eating disorder does not feel hungry, and therefore doesn't need to eat. This is one of the biggest mistakes when it comes to early eating disorder recovery.  In this episode, we discuss what hunger and fullness cues are and what happens to these cues for someone struggling with an eating disorder over time. We introduce a new term known as mechanical eating that can support regaining those hunger...
Published 03/08/23
Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S), formerly known as the Female Athlete Triad, is when an athlete is taking in less energy than they require. Not taking in enough energy can cause an irregular menstrual cycle and decreased bone density. RED-S is not an eating disorder, but there is often a strong relationship between eating disorders/disordered eating and RED-S. FAST FACT: - Folks living with RED-S are at a 6-7 times higher risk of bone fractures due to a decreased bone...
Published 03/08/23
→ www.changecreateschange.com What is Diabulimia? It is not a formal eating disorder diagnosis, but it is a term that we use to describe the intersectionality of Diabetes & Bulimia. Folks living with diabulimia intentionally restrict insulin as a means to control weight or shape. FAST FACTS: -20% of females living with Diabetes either have or have had an eating disorder in their lifetime. -Teens living with Diabetes are 2x more likely to develop an eating disorder than their...
Published 03/08/23
In today’s episode, Jillian discusses binge eating behaviours in children and teens and the top 5 things you can do if you spot eating disorder tendencies in your child. ► To learn more about binge eating in children and teens living with an eating disorder, head over to our blog at https://changecreateschange.com/binge-eating-behaviours/
Published 03/08/23
Atypical Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is recognized as an eating disorder under the category of Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder in the DSM-5. Similar to folks living with AN, folks living with atypical AN may severely restrict their caloric intake in an effort to lose weight. Like all eating disorders, atypical AN does not discriminate. It can affect folks of all ages, shapes, and sizes. One-third of folks in inpatient eating disorder programs are diagnosed with atypical anorexia. ► To...
Published 03/08/23
Not sure if your child or teen has an eating disorder or are you worried that your child may be exhibiting signs of an eating disorder? In today's episode of Creating Change I go through the top 5 signs that I often see in my practice when it comes to eating disorders and teens. ► To learn more about the signs of an eating disorder in children and teens, head over to our blog at https://changecreateschange.com/five-signs-of-eating-disorder/
Published 03/08/23
Kids and teens affected by eating disorders always ask me, "When do I need to start recovering from my eating disorder?". And parents ask me, "When should I help my child recover from their eating disorder?". My answer?   "Let's get started now!" Early change helps predict the success of eating disorder recovery. But, we cannot see change until we start making changes. Some folx come to me to help stop their negative self-talk or interrupt eating disorder behaviours like purging,...
Published 03/08/23