Does your child take forever to work on that math assignment?  How long is long enough? Every kid has THAT subject in their schoolwork. It takes them forever to do and seems to be an infinite source of frustration. Thankfully, there is freedom and even...
Published 03/02/21
Published 03/02/21
When homeschooling our kids, it's easy for us to get overwhelmed when our kids are struggling to learn.  Add in our kids' frustrations and their overwhelm can result in difficult behavior such as meltdowns and "tantrums".    And how we respond as...
Published 02/16/21
Should you train your kids to obey right away?That’s the question and that’s the topic I’m discussing in today’s episode. A sweet friend of mine asked this question a year ago and I answered her in a Facebook Live.  She asked this:“I was at a parenting...
Published 12/29/20
If you are new to the idea of home education, you may be one of those moms looking to know how to homeschool.  It is not school at home.  Homeschooling is a lifestyle focused on educating each individual child so that they grow into a thriving adult. So if you are overwhelmed and searching for answers as to how to homeschool, give yourself lots of grace.  Learning anything is a process and does not happen overnight. With everything in life, internal motivation is the game changer that...
Published 12/28/20
Do you have a kid who melts down at the slightest frustration?   Wait... Is that you banging your head against a wall?  I get it.  I really do.  I know how brutal it can be navigating our kids' intense emotions and behaviors.  Because the reality is...
Published 12/08/20
Homeschool Math Tips: 11 Math Teaching Tips, How to help your child who hates math- ADHD, Autism, dyscalculia, etc...
Published 11/24/20
What do we do when our kids are out of control?  When our kids' first response to frustration is to chuck things across the room or to kick and scream and hit?Tara, a sweet momma from A Heart For All Students private community, asked me this question...
Published 11/02/20
I recently posted a question to the moms in A Heart For All Students Private Facebook Community.  "It's Saturday!  Another school week in the books.  What do you hope will be different next week and how can we help?"One of our moms replied with this:"We...
Published 10/21/20
These days it every mom has had some experience teaching their kids at home.  As millions of families were thrown into remote learning for the first time, many felt like they were drowning.  Whether you are a seasoned homeschool mom, or if you are...
Published 10/14/20
There is nothing I talk about more than the importance of our relationships with our kids.  Nothing.  If we don’t have a healthy, loving and trust-based relationship with our children we have no power.  Period.  The End.For way too long moms, including...
Published 10/07/20
“My kid started kicking me as I was trying just to get him up and ready for Transitional Kindergarten today.  Brutal morning!!” Yep… in this week’s episode of the podcast I share w you a situation that happened with me and my boy last year. That day, I ended up sharing w the moms in AHFAS private Facebook community about that really hard morning w my kid.   Let’s just be real…  we’ve all had crappy mornings w our kids.  Some of us may have more crappy mornings than others.    When you take...
Published 09/30/20
Who simply loves it when the kids are fighting?!!!!  I know I do!  Nothing brings this momma more joy than when the oldest is picking on the youngest.  Even better... when the kids are wrestling for the remote control and end up whacking one another...
Published 09/23/20
Jessica asks, "My kid is so disobedient!  He's so strong-willed and will not obey.  Help!  What do I do?"In today's episode, I will speak to an amazing momma, who knows what it's like to parent a more strong-willed or determined child.  I love Jessica...
Published 09/15/20
Homeschooling ADHD Teaching Tips- Harness the Power of Your Child's ADHD Brain
Published 09/08/20
Hi, Friend! I am Lindsay Leiviska. It's my honor to walk alongside you by providing actionable strategies, tips, encouragement and support as you homeschool and raise your uniquely-designed child to thrive. If you are a mom raising a child who simply doesn't fit into the box of the world's expectations, this is a place for you!
Published 09/01/20
Hi, Friend! I am Lindsay Leiviska. It's my honor to walk alongside you by providing actionable strategies, tips, encouragement and support as you homeschool and raise your uniquely-designed child to thrive. If you are a mom raising a child who simply doesn't fit into the box of the world's expectations, this is a place for you!
Published 08/26/20
Hi, Friend! I am Lindsay Leiviska. It's my honor to walk alongside you by providing actionable strategies, tips, encouragement and support as you homeschool and raise your uniquely-designed child to thrive. If you are a mom raising a child who simply doesn't fit into the box of the world's expectations, this is a place for you!
Published 08/19/20
Hi, Friend! I am Lindsay Leiviska. It's my honor to walk alongside you by providing actionable strategies, tips, encouragement and support as you homeschool and raise your uniquely-designed child to thrive. If you are a mom raising a child who simply doesn't fit into the box of the world's expectations, this is a place for you!
Published 08/13/20
Hi, Friend! I am Lindsay Leiviska. It's my honor to walk alongside you by providing actionable strategies, tips, encouragement and support as you homeschool and raise your uniquely-designed child to thrive. If you are a mom raising a child who simply doesn't fit into the box of the world's expectations, this is a place for you!
Published 08/04/20
Hi, Friend! I am Lindsay Leiviska. It's my honor to walk alongside you by providing actionable strategies, tips, encouragement and support as you homeschool and raise your uniquely-designed child to thrive. If you are a mom raising a child who simply doesn't fit into the box of the world's expectations, this is a place for you!
Published 07/29/20
Hi, Friend! I am Lindsay Leiviska. It's my honor to walk alongside you by providing actionable strategies, tips, encouragement and support as you homeschool and raise your uniquely-designed child to thrive. If you are a mom raising a child who simply doesn't fit into the box of the world's expectations, this is a place for you!
Published 07/25/20
AHEART #17 Calm A Child During A Meltdown
Published 07/18/20
AHEART #16 Unit Studies In Homeschool Curriculum
Published 07/12/20
AHEART #15 How To Choose The Best Homeschool Math Curriculum
Published 07/09/20