Happy New Year! I wanted to start cover some of my experience stories that might be helpful for other. I started my carrier at startup age of 23 and started my company when I was 25. Now I’m 28 and turning into 29 this year. I’ve learned many and have accomplished several things so far. I wanted to share my stories so that might be helpful for someone who’s looking for some opinion who went through. Because I was seeking when I was younger....
Published 01/06/23
How my 2022 was? First international travel since covid hit and my business has been growing…personal growth, relationship, new goals and so much. I’m excited for 2023 already! 1年の振り返りです!話すことが沢山ありすぎてまとまり悪くてすみません。でも沢山学んでこれからも沢山色んなことやってみようと思います!!笑
Published 12/28/22
To stay positive and live happy isn’t so easy, but it’s not impossible. Personally it took me couple years to figure out and there were ups and downs. I learned a lot especially after I founded my company with my team in 2020, it wasn’t simple but I’m happy where I am today. So here’s some tips I learned:) 色んなことが起こる日々、毎日ハッピーでポジティブに生きるのはそう簡単ではありません。私も自分の会社を始めてからメンタルヘルスについて沢山悩んで学びました。今日はそのtipsについて少し話したいと思います💛
Published 11/20/22
I believe traveling make you richer. You get to meet new people, culture, ideas and so much more. You’ll learn more about who you are and I’ve experienced my own too. So here’s my story🗺 何事もやってみないと分からないのが当たり前、でもやってみると学べる!旅は人を豊かにする。本当だと思うし、1番投資すべき所じゃない?😆シャイだから、1人で怖いから、と言う人ほどチャレンジしてみたらいいと思う。「変わる」それが私の自己体験🙋🏻‍♀️
Published 10/22/22
Japan’s currently population is about 125.8million, but it is forecasted to decrease down to 60million by 2100. That’s crazy. Lately, the Japanese government started to encourage young people to drink more alcohol. Why? 🤔 日本の人口は現在1.2億人程で、2100年までに6000千人までに減少すると言われています。ほぼ半分になると言われるスピードで小産多死が進んでいる国家日本…みなさんどう思いますか?🤔
Published 08/23/22
Coming to somewhere where it’s completely different is challenging. Doing all alone could feel lonely at the beginning. But pioneer does exist and it’s not impossible! 全く新しい土地に飛び込むのは簡単じゃないし、寂しかったり辛いこともあるけど…無理ではない。不可能ではないから私は頑張りたい✈️💙
Published 06/07/22
I recently met age of 16 to 19 years old entrepreneurs who is working and building their dreams. They inspire me and seeing those youth trying hard is definitely nice. At the same time they made me realized I have grown. 最近10代の若い起業家達に出会いました!若いってやっぱり最強だな!と思ったし、早くからいろんな経験できて最高だね!と思いつつも、彼らを見て自分もそれなりに成長したのかな。みんな頑張れ!!と思った話について🤲🏼
Published 05/27/22
Making decisions aren’t so easy. There are lots of thoughts and responsibilities involved. It can be scary because you have probably never done it before. But will you let it just be a dream or make the move? 決断をするのは怖いし、簡単なことではないと思います。色々考えるだろうし、たくさん責任を伴う事だからこそ決定の意思が遅れる…でも何もやらないで考えてるだけだったら、ただの夢で終わってしまうから。怖くてもやらないと😶
Published 04/20/22
Having a self moment makes you realize that you need to change the way you live? Yes - Too much self time feels lonely but sometime it does good effect on you. 自分時間って1人で寂しいけど、1人でいるから気がつくこともあると思います。今だから出来ること、出来ないこと色々あると思うけど…時々自分時間を持つのも大切と思います🤔
Published 04/06/22
I CANNOT BELIEVE IT’S BEEN TWO YEARS🤯 Today, March 16 is my startup’s 2nd anniversary! I just wanted to thank to everyone who supported me from here to there. THANK YOU THANK YOU AND THANK YOU🥲❤️ なんと!!今日で私の共同創業者務めるスタートアップが創業2年を迎えました!すっかり忘れていたけど😂あっという間です。周りの方に感謝しか無いです。いつもありがとうございます、これからも頑張ります!!!
Published 03/16/22
Let me talk about my startup team. My founder and I are SO DIFFERENT but it is working 100%. I’ve learned so much from him and as a team we have been growing, even thought we face so many difficulty and challenges almost everyday. I wanted to share my team story how exactly we are different. このエピソードでは私のスタートアップのチームについて話したいと思います。共同創業者であり代表の彼と私の考え方は、ひと言で言うと「真逆」です。でも違うからこそ会社をこれまで成長させることが出来て、今日まで来れたと思っています。まだまだこれからだけど…。何がそんなに違うのか、スタートアップの日常について知りたい方はどうぞ💭
Published 02/17/22
People go in and out of lives, but real friends stay. I am thankful to have those friends and how they inspire me always. It is crazy to see how they started to get married, pregnant, or becoming a mom…but we still have each other’s back and keep growing❤️ 生きていく上で色んな人に出会うけど、最終的にずっとそばに居てくれる人たちは本当の友達だと思います。友達ってほんとに素敵だなぁ!って思うし、そう呼べる子たちが周りにいることに感謝です。結婚や妊娠、親になったり…昔から知ってるからこそ凄く感銘を受けるけど、いつも一緒に高め合っていけてゲラゲラ笑っていられる友達の存在って何より大切だなと、最近より深く感じます❤️
Published 02/12/22
Learning about yourself to know who you are is not so easy, but it is VERY IMPORTANT. I recommend take a test of “16 Personality Test” to understand your personality trail and overcome your weakness. *it’s not fortuneteller lol 自分の事を理解する事は時間がかかるし簡単に出来ることではありません。でもめちゃくちゃ大切!!!自分を知る事は本当に大切。今回は私がどうやって自分のことを理解して、それに対してアクションを起こしているかについて話します。「16の性格診断」テストがおすすめです!※心理テストではない笑
Published 01/29/22
I went snowboarding and got injury…the physical limit and psychological limit is two different thing!! I have high tolerance and it is positive mindset I have for the most, but not when you get injure💀 心理的リミットと肉体的リミットは全く別物!!!どんなに忍耐力がある人でも怪我をした時は素直に諦める必要がある。と今回スノボで怪我して学びました🥲🚑
Published 01/11/22
Happy new year everyone! I’m going to share the 6things that I’ve learned in 2021. Not just as an entrepreneur, but as an individual self! If you are struggling of what to do, how to live happier…hope this episode helps;) 本ポッドキャストは2021年に私が学んだ6つのまとめについて話します。起業家としてだけではなくて、ひとりの人間として大切な事を沢山学びました…私の経験話が少しでも誰かの役に立てばと思います!何をすればいいのか分からない、モヤモヤしてる、ハッピーになりたい…そんな人に聞いて欲しいです😊❤️✌🏼
Published 01/03/22
Losing something you thought you could win will make you realize “there’s something off”. WHY?? I had this realization yesterday after losing the pitch competition that I thought I could win. 勝てると思ってたのに負けた時…何かがおかしいと気がつく。なんでなのか?昨日ピッチ対戦で負けて思ったことを話してます✋🏼
Published 12/03/21
I use audio books to learn new ideas. Listening audio books could make you smarter while you are just walking or driving. I find it very convenient! And made me realized how important to keep learning new thing at any age in our life. 学ぶことって大切だなぁ。とつくづく思います。新しいことを学ぶことでできる幅も広がるし知識も増える!良いことしかない、そんなことならずっとやっていた方が幸せになれる可能性も高くなりそう。最近そう思います!詳しくはエピソード内で🪴[My recommended books: Breath (by James Nestor), The Power of Habit (by Charles Duhigg), How to Fall in Love with Anyone (by Mandy Len Carton), The...
Published 11/17/21
I recommend doing a share house if you are interested because it not something you can do all the time in your life…and why not! I’ve done several different type of share house and lived with different people so far. Here’s my experiences and why should you do a share house! 私は今まで色んな人と住んだ経験があり、ルームシェア、ホームステイ、シェアハウスなど学生の時からしています。現在、高校の時の親友達と一緒にシェアハウスをしていて、本当によかった!と思うので私の経験を踏まえて「何故シェアハウスをすべきか」について話したいと思います🏠
Published 11/04/21
I was feeling shit when everything in my life was going good. I didn’t know why but it’s okay to have those moment. Everyone has down time and it’s about how we get out from there! | 全てにおいてうまく行っているにもかかわらず、やる気が起きなくて…自分ってダメだな。と思う時だってあります。人間だもの!でもそこからどうやって抜け出すかが問題🤔
Published 10/22/21
In this episode, I had a special guest Kinota, the author of “Mio the beautiful”, also the father of two beautiful mixed daughters. His kids are Japanese/African-Canadian, and he was concerned about them getting any bullying at school...because they might look different than other kids in Japan. And what he was afraid happened which was Mio getting bullying at school. So he wrote a book about it to spread his daughter’s story that bully and racism should stop. *This episode is also available...
Published 09/07/21
August 9th was Memorial Day of Nagasaki Atomic Bomber. It's been 76 years since 1945 and that sounds like wasn't so long a time ago. I went to Nagasaki for the first time last summer and got me thinking...its important to talk about such topic “what is peace?” 先日、9月8日で長崎原爆から76年が経ったとニュースで見ました。全く想像できない恐怖だけど、そんなに昔に起きたことでもない…人間の力は恐ろしいと原爆資料館に去年初めて行った時に思いました。自分のインスタで「平和って何だと思う」と質問した所沢山のDMをもらいました。このエピソードでは「平和」についてお話ししようと思います🙏🏼
Published 08/10/21
I’ve been workation all around Japan…I’m currently in Iwaki but was in Miyako island before and many other places..! I wanted to update what I’ve been up to recently👩🏻‍💻 最近ワーケーションしながら日本の色んな場所に行っています!主に自然ばっかりだけど日本の自然は本当に素敵…そんなこんなで最近のアップデートです👌🏼
Published 07/31/21
As an entrepreneur, I’ve been participating in many pitch events. I've seen many other great founders talking about their startup, some of their technology/service is amazing...and makes me feel I can’t win but I won - Why? All this got me thinking...”What is a good entrepreneur?” I was so focused on myself but I've started to be able to watch other and think as one of the audience. Here’s what I think💭...
Published 05/28/21
I never thought of myself becoming an entrepreneur or wanted to start my own business. Many people asked me “why” and I’ll explain how I ended up where I am today. 学生の頃から起業をしたいとか、起業家になりたいと思った事は全くありませんでした。でも何故、今チームと共に会社を経営し起業する事になったのか?これまでの経験をお話しします👀
Published 05/18/21