Are you struggling to make your way into the property market and unsure if owning a home is possible for you? Is buying a home the be-all and end-all? What other favourable options are there if it isn't for you? Join Alex and Dave as they discuss the challenges of the current property market, pro’s and con’s of buying vs renting, possible alternate routes to get into the market, and factors that influence and impact an individual's decision to buy or rent long-term. As always, it is always...
Published 02/15/24
Do you know your rights and obligations under consumer law? As a business owner, it is important to know your obligations when selling goods and services.  Individuals should also be aware of their rights as consumers.  Join Alex and Dave they delve into consumer law, in particular what does/doesn’t fall under consumer law, examples of the warranties which apply, the obligations of business owners selling goods and services and the rights consumers have. #consumerlaw #WealthActivism #legal...
Published 02/01/24
Should I set up a self-managed super fund? The question is – what is the purpose? Why do you want to do it? Is it appropriate for your circumstances? Alex and Dave are back for 2024 and in this episode they discuss examples of when it is appropriate to set up a self-managed super fund, how self-managed super funds work and what is actually involved, and the obligations and potential implications that you should consider before taking the leap. #WealthActivism #legal #podcast #melbourne #smsf...
Published 01/18/24
There is a common misconception that financial advice is only for the ultra-wealthy, and often this comes from people not truly understanding the nature of financial advice and what it involves.   Lending, risk assessment, retirement planning, estate planning, investment advice, tax minimisation strategies…it’s a lot broader than most people think.  The value that individuals, couples, family groups and business owners receive comes in many forms, but ultimately it’s the opportunities it can...
Published 12/07/23
At what point does an incident at work require an investigation?  And as a business owner, what are your obligations? When a situation arises at work, whether it be in the physical working environment, online or even at a work related event, there needs to be a process so that all parties involved are treated fairly and that the resolution is appropriate and accepted by all. In this episode, Alex and Dave talk through the process of workplace investigations – who should conduct the...
Published 11/23/23
How does your business handle conflict? We are all wired differently, and therefore conflicts and disputes will inevitably arise.   Whether it’s between employees, business partners or with suppliers, knowing what to do when conflict arises is key in resolving the situation with an outcome that’s best for everyone. Join Alex and Dave in this latest episode as they discuss how your business can implement an effective dispute resolution process using documentation and policies that can be used...
Published 11/09/23
Are you a big picture person or someone who dwells on the detail?  An introvert or extrovert?  Process driven by what has worked in the past or an up and coming enthusiast ready to rock the boat?! Whether it’s choosing a business partner, employee or even a client, understanding different personality types is essential to the future success of that relationship.  By using and understanding the science and psychology that sits behind the modelling that has been done in this area, you can make...
Published 10/26/23
Love it or loathe it, working from home has been a hot topic since the pandemic hit, and it appears employers and employees alike are split on their preferences. Whilst it doesn’t affect all businesses, it can be quite challenging for business owners who were forced to conduct their businesses remotely during the pandemic and now want their employees back onsite.   So what’s the solution?  It often depends on the type of business and its ongoing operational requirements, as well as the needs...
Published 10/12/23
What do you do if you have an employee who’s not performing as well as they should be?  Or even worse still, an employee whose behaviour is affecting the culture of your business? In this episode, Alex and Dave talk about managing difficult employees.  As a business owner, what can you do and what laws are you restricted by?  Should you make the employee redundant or would going down that path be breaking the law? It’s a difficult position that many business owners find themselves in, and...
Published 09/28/23
As a business owner, how often do you take a break?  Taking time away from the day to day operations of your business can be difficult, so when you do take a break, how do you completely switch off?  Or are you guilty of checking emails and “just making a couple of calls” whilst you’re away? It’s a trap that many fall into, but the reality is unless you switch off completely, you’re not likely to be getting the full benefit of your break. In this episode, Alex and Dave talk through the...
Published 09/14/23
Picture this:  you send an invoice to your client for the goods/services your business has provided…and then nothing.  The due date for the invoice has passed, follow up emails or phone calls have been made, but still no payment. It’s a common scenario for many business owners – for one reason or another, customers are sometimes unable to pay their account.  It can be a difficult situation, especially if you’ve had a good relationship with them over the years.    So, what can you do? In this...
Published 08/31/23
We’ve all heard the terminology but what does going into liquidation, administration or being insolvent actually mean…and is it always a bad thing?  As a business owner, it’s essential to be aware of what each of these terms mean as they differ slightly from each other and allows you to then assess your options if your business is struggling.  Join Alex and Dave as they discuss Liquidation, Administration and Insolvency, the myth that it’s all doom and gloom and the risks that each process...
Published 08/17/23
Succession planning in family business is a topic often avoided by business owners, especially if you are the founder or the generation that has been involved in creating significant growth.  It’s hard to imagine not being at the helm!  But the reality is that whilst you may love your job and the business you have created, the time will come where you need to step aside and let the next generation make their mark. And, it is incredibly important to be prepared. In this episode, Alex and Dave...
Published 08/03/23
IT is a crucial part of any business, both from an operational perspective and for long term success, but it’s often placed in the “too hard basket”…until something breaks. In this week’s episode, Alex and Dave are joined by tech expert Sebastian Maciejewski from SSDL who provide managed IT services, Cloud services and other IT support to businesses.  Sebastian talks through the need to be proactive with you technology…which can be difficult given how rapidly technology changes these...
Published 07/20/23
As a business owner with an operating business that generates a lot of cash, you might have considered property development.  It’s natural to do so as property has historically been a great investment option in Australia. In saying that, there are many factors that need to be considered before you dive in. In this episode, Alex and Dave are joined by property law specialist and Partner at Taurus Legal Management, Ian Bracken.  Ian has a vast experience in property law both in Australia and in...
Published 07/06/23
When you’re deep in the everyday grind of running your own business, it is often hard to find time for some long term planning…particularly succession planning.  For many business owners, it is something they put off because they cannot imagine life without the business they have  grown and found success in. But wouldn't you prefer to control the direction in which you and your business are heading, instead of finding yourself in a situation where the choice of when and how you step away is...
Published 06/22/23
You might have come across the term “B Corp” before, but many business owners don’t know exactly what it means or entails.  In this episode, Alex and Dave are joined by Fotini Kypraios, founder of Prisma Legal and inaugural Chair of the B Council, to discuss this internationally recognised accreditation.  An interesting discussion about the certification process and the areas of business that are reviewed, as well as the benefits and impact of being a B Corp organisation.  #business #legal...
Published 06/08/23
Negotiation is common practice for business owners and managers, but also for people in general.  Differences of opinion and misinterpretation are part of every day life.  So what makes a good negotiator?  For some people it’s natural, but others struggle to have these challenging conversations - being able to negotiate effectively is not always a skill taught at home or school, or through higher education.  In this episode, Alex and Dave are joined by award winning negotiation expert Nicole...
Published 05/25/23
Most people have heard of estate planning, but do you know the documents required for both individuals and business owners, as well as their purpose?  Wills, Powers of Attorney, Shareholder Agreements…it’s important to understand the distinction between the documents that look after your personal estate as opposed to those that deal with your business assets.  By having an estate plan that provides the right documentation, your personal circumstances and any complexities can be...
Published 05/11/23
“The Great Resignation” has been a hot topic over the last year, and many business owners are feeling the impact of a tight labour market.  So how do you protect your business when an employee resigns?  Especially if they move to a competitor.  The reality is that people leave businesses for various reasons – more money, better benefits, possibly a better geographical location – so it’s important to know you’re rights as an employer to protect your intellectual property, your client...
Published 04/27/23
It’s a topic that has had its fair share of headlines over the years, but did you know that employee fraud is the second biggest cause of financial loss for businesses?  That’s a lot more common than perhaps first thought!   In this episode, Alex and Dave talk through the various types of employee fraud, the traits of a fraudster and most importantly, what you can do to protect your business. #business #legal #WealthActivism #financialadvice #businesssuccess #podcast #melbourne   David...
Published 04/13/23
While we're not technically through the pandemic, most of us have moved on and are focused on other things. So can we use the lessons learned from the pandemic to build better businesses and strike a better work/life balance? Post-pandemic life has shown us that we don’t need to be slaves to our business. We don’t even need to go into it every day!  In this episode, Alex and Dave look at the key business lessons to arise from the pandemic. Importantly, they also explore the life lessons...
Published 03/30/23
It’s been one of the hottest topics in recent times, but what do you really know about Cryptocurrency?   There’s certainly been plenty of hype, excitement and a “get rich quick” attitude amongst investors…but is it really all its cracked up to be? In this episode, Alex and David discuss cryptocurrency – what it is, how it works between payer and payee, the view of the ATO, legal implications and the risks of using a volatile and unregulated currency.   David Murdoch is a Wealth Activist® at...
Published 03/16/23
After an extraordinary few years, what can business owners expect from 2023? While it may feel like the year is already dragging on, we're only in week 9 of 2023 – there's a lot of year left to navigate. The more you can prepare and plan, the better off you'll be. This episode, Alex and Dave gaze into their crystal balls to list what they believe is in store for business owners in 2023, including the major pitfalls to avoid and the actions that most businesses should be...
Published 03/01/23