Just to get a glimpse over two out of five factors that invalidate a consent under Indian Contract Act, 1872 namely Coercion and Undue Influence.
Published 04/05/22
Published 04/05/22
To get an overview of the Rule of Literal Construction.
Published 06/22/21
Tune in and enjoy the journey with us.
Published 06/20/21
Just some basic presentation tips that could help you to do better in your examinations.
Published 06/17/21
Just an overview of some of the basic concept in GST such as Output Tax Liability, Input Tax Credit and the computation of Net Payable.
Published 06/16/21
To get a general overview of Tax Evasion and Tax Planning. Tax Evasion is a criminal activity and those who are found evading taxes are liable to face criminal charges and fines. So don't evade tax. Plan your investments accordingly with your tax consultant to claim deductions thereby reducing the tax liability.
Published 06/15/21
To give an idea about the Indian Contract Act, 1872. By the way the dialogue reference was from a Malayalam movie Thattathin Marayathu.
Published 06/14/21
To get an overview of the Rule of Reasonable construction and the Rule of Literal construction.
Published 06/13/21
Eating a full meal at night before going to bed can be harmful as it may result in weight gain. However, going to bed hungry by skipping the dinner can also result in weight gain. Wanna know why? Check this out.
Published 07/14/20
Life is a process where we learn a lot in each and every minute we spend being alive and there was a little chapter that Chintu had to pass on so as to learn something that would change his perception of the affection that an animal would have over its master. Stay tuned. Next episode will show up on your notification very soon.
Published 07/07/20
The life journey of a little boy named Chintu.
Published 06/09/20
Top Smartphones under Rs. 30,000, Rs. 40,000, Rs. 50,000 and above. Please check the latest reviews of these smartphones by the Tech Reviewers on YouTube and the user reviews on the E-commerce platforms before you buy.
Published 06/05/20
Top Smartphones to watch out for under Rs. 10,000, Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 20,000. Please check the latest reviews of these smartphones by the tech reviewers on YouTube and the user reviews on the E-commerce platforms before you buy.
Published 06/05/20
Look for the good in people and not the flaws. Have an understanding, a forgiving and a caring heart. Don't put others down, lift them up. Because Humanity is the need of the hour.
Published 06/03/20
The life journey of a little boy named Chintu.
Published 06/02/20
Why do we misplace our things and how to find them or how to overcome the habit of misplacing them.
Published 06/01/20
A brief on the lockdown 5.0
Published 05/30/20
How to make Pani Puri?
Published 05/29/20
What came First? Orange - The colour or The Fruit?
Published 05/28/20
It's just a brief about the Doppler effect.
Published 05/27/20
Whether the word 'Computer' is actually an acronym or not.
Published 05/26/20
Hiccups and the science behind it.
Published 05/26/20
It's all about Biryani!
Published 05/25/20
How to make a Lemon Mojito?
Published 05/24/20