Rachel is Sober in Central Park, literally! Rachel is here to share her journey of sobriety and her story will melt your heart. Rachel explains how simple structured tasks throughout her day made it easier to change her relationship with alcohol. We are excited to welcome Rachel as a new addition to our coaching team, she can be found every Wednesday at 2 pm PST in the Sober Girl Social Club.
Published 12/22/23
The coaches from our Sober Girls Social Club are here with some practical tips and tricks to keep you sober this holiday season. Each coach has a different and unique approach to dealing with the stress and overwhelm from the holidays. From setting boundaries to overcoming FOMO, our sober girls guide coaches have you covered.
Published 12/15/23
Jessica answers your questions about how you know you should change your relationship with alcohol, how to reevaluate your friendships, and how to feel fulfilled and find deeper connections. Head to www.asobergirlsguide.com/podcast to submit your questions. 
Published 12/08/23
The queen of screams and mocktails, Kate Siegel is here to talk all her sobriety. We talk about feelings, emotions, and relationships and how to deal with and navigate through them. Kate gives some hot tips for socializing over the holidays.
Published 12/01/23
The stress and excitement of family members and holiday events are a major trigger and that's why I made a list of my tips and tools to help you navigate through the holiday season successfully and sober! 
Published 11/23/23
Heidi Clements is the unofficial badass big sister of Instagram, she gives you fashion and sound advice because she’s gone through it! She moves through life's ups and downs with grace and when everyone is running from their troubles, Heidi is blowing the lid off them and embracing them.
Published 11/17/23
Brooklyn thought that leaving this world was the only option to alleviate her pain. Growing up in a chaotic environment, Brooklyn shares her experiences and what led to her sobriety. She touches on the pivotal moments and supportive people who played a crucial role in helping her see beyond the darkness.  
Published 11/10/23
Grace is sober and she sure as heck is not boring. As a 26-year-old fresh out of university and living in New York City, Grace shares how she got and continues to stay sober and inspires women around the world to question their relationship with alcohol and if it is really bringing out the best in them.
Published 11/03/23
From the outside, Erin had it all figured out. A successful actress, in LA and living the dream. Erin walks us through her relationship with alcohol and how it needed to change. We talk about the fear of being alone and using alcohol to fill those voids and numb those uncomfortable feelings.
Published 10/27/23
Alcohol can severely disrupt our gut and our hormones, Have no fear Samantha is here to help us rebuild our gut and balance our hormones. She turns us on to sneaky little everyday things in our homes that could be impacting our health. Listen to part one of Samantha's personal journey and she changed her relationship with alcohol.
Published 10/20/23
This is a very special episode. This is the recording from our live podcast event in Los Angeles on October 8th. The panelists were on point and were raw and candid with our live audience. The non-alcoholic drinks were flowing and the Sober Girls were mixing and mingling. It was so great to meet everyone. This conversation with our panel of sober girls was so epic no one wanted it to end! Let’s get into it.
Published 10/13/23
Kristin Balter is here to show us how and why everyone should find the magik of you. As a friend IRL, I was blown away by Kristin's experiences and knowledge. I love that Kristin showcases both the science and woo-woo parts of spirituality. In this episode, she breaks it down for us so we can access our own majik.
Published 10/06/23
Join me for our Live Podcast Event in LA on October 8th. Get your tickets here What happens when you take alcohol out of the party girl equation? Trina from the Retired Party Girl is here to share her journey through breaking through to sobriety and coming home to herself. She tells us how spending time and getting to know herself is the first step to changing your relationship with alcohol.
Published 09/29/23
Join me for our Live Podcast Event in LA on October 8th. Get your tickets here Is the fear of being boring or the thought of boredom keeping you from changing your relationship with alcohol once and for all? I give you the tips and tricks to uncover what it means and how to banish boredom. 
Published 09/22/23
Join me for our Live Podcast Event in LA on October 8th. Get your tickets here I give you the must-have tips and tricks to be social without alcohol and actually enjoy yourself. 
Published 09/15/23
Join me for our Live Podcast Event in LA on October 8th. Get your tickets here   Is drinking keeping you from realizing your full potential? Amanda is here to share how she changed her relationship with alcohol and opened the floodgates for success. In her new book Unbottled Potential, she explains how our relationship with alcohol is affecting every aspect of our lives and keeping us from playing big and reaching our full potential.
Published 09/08/23
Join me for our Live Podcast Event in LA on October 8th. Get your tickets here Stephanie explains how for her, booze was the real killjoy. When Stephanie first started her booze-free journey she fell in love with non-alcoholic alternatives and wanted to share the love. She opened Kill Joy a booze-free bottle shop located in Nashville which is infamously known for its country music party scene. Stephanie is here to shake that up and provide a space for community and delicious alternatives.
Published 09/01/23
Join me for our Live Podcast Event in LA on October 8th. Get your tickets here In this episode I answer this month's most popular "ask me anything" questions. How to deal with unsupportive people to attending events sober.  Join us in LA for our Live Podcast Event. Get tickets now
Published 08/25/23
Join me for our Live Podcast Event in LA on October 8th. Get your tickets here K Flay, Kristine is a badass rocker chick. She explains how her sobriety is the backbone of how she has achieved success and stability in her career, relationships, and beyond. Chatting with people like Kristine is expansive for the mind and nourishing to the soul.
Published 08/16/23
This episode is not what I expected. Samantha shares her journey to becoming a Sober Girl and it is completely fascinating. This is a wild ride, so buckle up!
Published 08/11/23
Celeste knows that drinking is not about the wine, it’s about the feeling. The feeling that no one understood, being a mom you can’t complain or express your feelings because you would be labeled as ungrateful or worse, a bad mom. Her new book “It’s Not About the Wine” deals with mommy wine culture and how she used wine to numb out all of these feelings of never being good enough.
Published 08/04/23
Tawny Lara the sober sexpert is giving a new meaning to dry humping she is giving you all the tips and tricks to dating, relating, and hooking up without the booze with her new book Dry Humping. On this episode, we dive into those tips and tricks and the role alcohol plays in our relationships and how to do those relationships booze-free and be successful right now.
Published 07/28/23
"Selfish" for a lot of us feels like a bad word. Jessica Dennehy demonstrates how being selfish is a position of power that enables you to fearlessly pursue your happiness, create a dynamic brand, and live the life of your dreams.
Published 07/21/23
Growing up with an alcoholic father, Lily walks us through the trials and tribulations of her experience and how that affected her relationship with alcohol. At 26 years old, Lily created Figlia a non-alcoholic aperitif to help others feel included when not drinking. 
Published 07/14/23
Get the must-have tips and tricks for your best Sober Girl Summer yet! I answer the most asked questions about how to stay sober over the summer without feeling any FOMO or regret.   
Published 07/07/23