In this enlightening transmission, Zack explores the crucial steps toward self-transformation. First, he delves into the power of acceptance: understanding the importance of accepting what needs to be changed without resistance. Next, he discusses the significance of awareness, guiding you to become aware of what you want to change and what you aspire to become. Finally, he touches on the essential act of forgiveness, helping you to forgive yourself for not always listening to your heart and ...
Published 06/17/24
Published 06/17/24
In this episode, Zack opens up about his personal journey of living his authentic truth while navigating the perceived restraints of the marketing industry. He delves into the collective changes we are all experiencing and reflects on the tension between desiring more and struggling to feel grateful for what he already has. Join us as Zack shares his insights and struggles, offering a candid look at the challenges of balancing authenticity with ambition.LIBERATED 2-Day Transformation Experien...
Published 06/11/24
In this transmission, Zack explores the concept of karma as the neutral inertia of energetic and emotional patterns of experience. He discusses how true forgiveness involves a conscious choice to release unresolved energies stored in the body, differentiating between "letting go" with the mind and "releasing" with the body. Learn why forgiveness often fails when we address the story (effect) without tackling the underlying emotions (cause), and discover how to effectively forgive by targeting...
Published 06/04/24
In this transmission, Sean and Zack delve into the transformative journey towards a sustainable future. We explore the 6 stages of integration for sustainable transformation, a powerful framework designed to guide individuals and communities through meaningful change. Join us as we unpack each of these stages, offering practical insights and real-life examples to inspire your journey towards sustainable transformation. Tune in and become a part of the movement for positive change.CLICK THE LI...
Published 05/28/24
In this episode, Sean and Zack journey inward to explore the continuous path of spiritual growth. We emphasize that ascension is a personal, inward process, free from hierarchies or comparisons. We'll discuss how this evolution is an ongoing, ever-present journey, marked by inner shifts in awareness and consciousness. Join us as we uncover how to embrace this process with grace and authenticity, recognizing the unique and perpetual nature of our spiritual ascent.CLICK THE LINKS BELOW TO CONNE...
Published 05/21/24
In this enlightening episode, Zack delves into the ten transformative levels of consciousness that guide us from the entanglements of the ego to the profound clarity of the all-encompassing mind. He starts by exploring how the ego fosters a mysterious fear of the unknown, progresses through states of thinking, belief, and action, and culminates in the emotional battleground of feeling. The journey doesn’t stop there; he transitions into the observer's mind, where witnessing reality leads to r...
Published 05/14/24
In this episode, Zack dives into the three primary sources of pain that we encounter in our lives. From the chasm between desire and experience, where our expectations clash with reality, to the space between experience and judgment, where we grapple with interpreting our encounters, and finally, to the realm between judgment and authenticity, where we confront the challenge of aligning our actions with our true selves. Join Zack as he explores the complexities of navigating these inherent te...
Published 05/06/24
In this enlightening episode, Zack delves into two profound truths that shape our perceptions and experiences. First, he explores how conditioning infiltrates every aspect of our lives, from politics and religion to culture and money, leading us to believe in a false sense of separation. We uncover how ego pride perpetuates this conditioning, trapping us in dualistic thinking of right versus wrong and good versus evil.Next, we confront the neutrality of all experiences and desires, highlighti...
Published 04/29/24
In this episode, we delve into the intricate dynamics of mastering the human experience. Join us as we explore the multifaceted journey of understanding and optimizing the mind, body, and spirit. From unraveling the complexities of mental resilience to unlocking the potential of physical vitality and nurturing the soul's growth, we navigate the terrain of self-discovery. Tune in as we uncover practical insights and transformative strategies for operating your human vessel to its fullest capac...
Published 04/22/24
Tune in to explore the profound question: Where does choice come from? Delve into the concept of God-given choice and the notion of free will, examining how pre-incarnation choices and energy dynamics influence our decisions. Discover the interplay between reacting and creating choices, and the importance of taking responsibility for their consequences. Learn how to utilize the conscious mind to reprogram old choices, empowering yourself to shape your destiny with intention and awareness....
Published 04/16/24
In this episode, we embark on a journey to understand the significance of the solar eclipse beyond its stunning visuals. Exploring the intricate relationship between intention and manifestation, we discuss how the alignment of these cosmic forces can amplify our intentions. Through our insightful discussion, we uncover the power of intentionality in shaping our reality, especially during celestial events like a solar eclipse. Join us as we delve into the mystique of the solar eclipse and...
Published 04/08/24
In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the age-old question: What is the Meaning of Human Existence? Join us as we explore diverse perspectives on this profound inquiry. From contemplating the balance of darkness and light within us, to understanding ourselves through our unique life experiences, we ponder the intricate tapestry of human existence. Through our dialogue, we aim to uncover insights into the complex journey of self-discovery and the interconnectedness of humanity with...
Published 04/02/24
In this episode, we delve into the journey of self-conditioning and breaking through religious beliefs, navigating the fear of judgment and rejection. We explore the delicate balance between unity and spiritual ego, uncovering how creating a false reality can leave us ungrounded. As we expand awareness through the awakening process and face the Dark Night of the Soul, we confront dissatisfaction with the current state of the world and our desire to escape. Along the way, we grapple with...
Published 03/26/24
In this episode, we delve into the profound concept that the death of the ego paves the path for the expansion of the soul. Exploring the notion of constant rebirth within our lifetimes, we uncover how each cycle allows us to embody more of our authentic selves. Through insightful discussions, we provide strategies on navigating the grieving process as we shed old identities and embrace the transformative journey towards self-realization. Join us as we explore the intricate dance between ego...
Published 03/19/24
In this episode, we'll delve into the journey of environment conditioning and the quest for self-discovery. From grappling with infobesity and confusion to seeking finality and struggling with emotional processing, we explore the next steps in the awakening process. As dissatisfaction with external answers grows, we examine the persistence of unwanted patterns and the detachment from old social groups. Transitioning to new environments aligned with evolving beliefs, we embark on the...
Published 03/12/24
In this enlightening episode, we delve into the journey of self-awareness and the role of environment conditioning in shaping our belief systems of right and wrong, good and bad. We explore the first steps in the awakening process, highlighting how most individuals learn through pain rather than pleasure and the significance of emotional pain in this transformative journey. Join us as we navigate the mental plane of still curiosity and the physical plane of active seeking, examining the gaps...
Published 03/05/24
Dive into the transformative world of Zack Blakeney and Sean Clayton in our podcast debut. They'll share their unique journeys, offering a sneak peek into what listeners can expect - a mix of personal insights and enlightening conversations. From exploring the depths of Abundance to the mysteries of Alchemy, and the journey of Ascension, this episode sets the stage for a series dedicated to uncovering the art of personal and spiritual growth. Join us as we embark on this enlightening journey...
Published 02/26/24