Episode 6 is a discussion the three of us have all the time when looking at our skill sets and planning out our competitive racing calendar. Are you focusing on Spartan Race or are you focusing on obstacle course racing? We talk about why this question even exists and what it means for your training.  We also come up with an amazing way to understand our strengths and weaknesses and how they suit different courses. 
Published 07/15/23
In Episode 5 of Accountability Corner, we try our best to explain why penalties exist in obstacle course racing, what they are, how they differ for each race, and how we can make them fair. We also delve into how you can react when given a penalty and if there is a place to train for them so you're 100% ready for everything an obstacle course race will throw at you 
Published 07/01/23
Episode 4 of Accountability Corner is all about those post-race blues. Listen to how we feel after a big weekend of racing and how our opinions and perceptions have changed from part 1. We get into the detail of how we continue to stay consistent while also giving ourselves a little slack. 
Published 06/17/23
Episode 3 is a two-part episode series where we discuss managing and preparing for those inevitable post-race blues. Have a listen to how we prepare ourselves to reach our goals and how we then continue to stay on track mentally and physically when that goal is complete. 
Published 06/07/23
Welcome to our second episode of Accountability Corner.  In today's episode, we talk about Open, Age Groups or Elite, what they mean, how we perceive them, and how they differ by race and country. 
Published 06/03/23
Welcome to our first episode of accountability corner, this podcast was created to give a forum for three part-time aspiring athletes in the sport of obstacle course racing to talk about everything we go through from the lows and highs of training, eating, making time for friends and generally staying mentally balanced in life. 
Published 05/27/23