🚀 Dive into 'Getting Shit Done' with hosts Addy & Ben on this week's episode! Together, they navigate the roller coaster of ADHD, sharing tools, laughs, and those 'oh-so-relatable' moments. From supercharged strengths to mischievous misfires, tune in and master the art of accomplishing, well, anything. Because with ADHD, it's not about the detour, it's about the journey! 🌪️💡 #ADHDLife For this episode we have to give credit to @Adhdmusicproduction! He's helped make this productivity...
Published 08/19/23
Ben & Addy discuss their experiences with therapy and why it's beneficial. References mentioned: Somatic Therapy. Peter Levine: Waking the Tiger, Gabor Mate: Scattered Minds, The Myth of Normal https://adhdoers.com/
Published 08/12/23
Newly diagnosed or just want the ADHD secrets right now? In this episode, we go through the main aspects of managing ADHD. An overview of the things that make the most difference! Getting emotions on your side, Self Care, Exercise benefits, Meds, How to use your interest based nervous system to be productive and Time management. This one is stuffed full of top tips and understanding. Adhdoers is run and made by ADHDers to help people who want to make the most of life with ADHD. Looking for...
Published 06/11/23
Is your body fighting your brain? We spent 6 months doing a deep dive on emotional regulation for ADHDers! It's possible to learn to train your nervous system to regulate yourself through different states. We share the secrets! Great books referenced and learned from (They're audiobooks too!) The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate, The Open Focus Brain by Les Fehmi, Waking the Tiger by Peter Levine and Andrew Huberman Podcast The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of...
Published 05/26/23
In this episode we explore being an ADHD'er with Jazie (@Jazzenzi ), she's an ADHDer who channels her magic by doing multiple huge projects including creating an app for ADHD'ers that helps us improve our mindfullness (@thezensory) as well as being a musician and podcast host (@playpositivity) (@healthtechhive) She's an ADHD'er who's worked out how to use her brain in an effective way so we sat her down to learn her secrets. If you want an aid to get into breathing and mindfullness with a...
Published 11/12/22
The ultimate refresher! These are the best tips we've learned over 3 years of knowing about our ADHD! Adhdoers is a team of 3 Adhders who wanna kick ass in life! Amine, Addy and Ben. We make this stuff so it can help people like us and because there was hardly any content for adult adhders online. We make really helpful colourful help books on our website: Adhdoers.com TT/ IG: @adhdoers Meet the team! Addy: @addyhdoer Benno: @BennoHudson Amine: @just.fiinch
Published 10/02/22
This episode is STUFFED full of ADHD friendly ways to be productive. We had a great chat with Maria the @Joyfullifecoach It's been amazing to learn from an ADHDer who has worked out the secrets of working WITH the kind of mind we have. Great to be sponsored for the first time by ourselves! We've partnered with one of the best CBD labs in the USA to bring our own CBD to market! Check it out at: cbd.adhdoers.com For a bunch more productivity with ADHD check out Maria's Productivity course...
Published 08/23/22
Bee is a yogi and parent from Canada who has had a journey insightful lessons. ☝🏻 Here we discuss what to do when a child kicks off and triggers strong emotion with you. She shares breathing excersises and lessons learned from parenting from a yogic perspective! ✨💕 Get 10% OFF of all our store using the code : EXPLORERS or by clicking this Link : https://bit.ly/3hVhA6x
Published 07/08/22
Here we explore the life and lessons learned from Maria, a fellow Adhder who at the age of 19 went to prison for 23 months after falling into the wrong crowd, who were like family to her, but that came with a price. 😪  She's now an ADHD coach who's passionate about helping people on their path. 💪🏻❤  The lessons learned on her fascinating journey are all shared with us here today. Let's jump in! 💕  Get 10% OFF of all our store using the code : EXPLORERS or by clicking this Link :...
Published 06/10/22
Is cooking a challenge for you too?  In this episode we explore how to overcome the challenges involved with cooking as an Adhder and helpful tips from our community! 💕🥑 Get 10% OFF of all our store using the code : EXPLORERS or by clicking this Link : https://bit.ly/3hVhA6x
Published 05/09/22
Do you know how to set boundaries as an ADHDer?! In this espisode we asked our community for their insights about boundaries and how to avoid people pleasing. We discuss what has helped us the most.💞 Get 10% OFF of all our store using the code : EXPLORERS or by clicking this Link : https://bit.ly/3hVhA6x
Published 04/15/22
What do you do when life is overwhelming?! In this espisode we asked our community for their top tips about how to manage anxiety and overwhelm. We discuss what has helped us the most.💞 Get 10% OFF of all our store using the code : EXPLORERS or by clicking this Link : https://bit.ly/3hVhA6x
Published 04/05/22
How do you tell people about your ADHD? What would you like people to know about Adhd? In this episode explore the different ways to share your Adhd with people. We also asked the community to share their thoughts and insights! 💕 Get 10% OFF of all our store using the code : EXPLORERS or by clicking this Link : https://bit.ly/3hVhA6x
Published 03/23/22
We thought we'd make a mega bundle of MEGA TIPS! We asked the community: "What do you wish you knew earlier?!" (About ADHD) And the community shared all their tips. Everything from productivity, meds, focus and working with emotions! We discuss what has helped us the most. Code: EXPLORERS Link: https://bit.ly/3hVhA6x
Published 03/04/22
Neha Siddiqui is a Doctor with ADHD, she has a unique perspective of having experience medical field while also having first hand experience of what it's like living with ADHD. Managing her ADHD has become a science for Neha and we explore all the ways in which she has found to make her life easier while studying for a medical degree while having her unique brain! She has collected her ten top tips for managing study which can also apply to any time ADHDers need to focus (like deep work, or...
Published 02/25/22
Exercise seems like a drug for ADHDers! We explore the benefits of a fitness routine, how to implement one and we explore a bunch of fun ideas from the community to make fitness interesting and fun so we keep coming back.  ADHDoers is a group of ADHDers creating resources for people with ADHD. Having a different kind of brain requires a skillset that we are just not taught growing up. We try and find the ways successful people with ADHD operate and emulate what has worked for them. If you...
Published 02/18/22
Mikey Peres has had a long history of taking his unique ADHD mind and using it to his advantage in life. He runs 6 successful companies from wherever he is in the world while somehow finding the time to write multiple books too. He has built his world around principles he has identified to work and get results. A hugely inspirational episode. Learn more about Mikey: https://www.instagram.com/mikeyperes https://twitter.com/MikeyPeres Forbes...
Published 02/11/22
An Adhdoer whos done it! It's not easy to become a world champion eight times but Liam Harrison did it. He's tuned his unique mind to make incredible results and an amazing drive. We explore topics like motivation, drive and how to conquer self-doubt and more amazing insights he's learned over his time on earth being a certified badass. Learn more about Liam Harrison at his website :https://liamharrisontraining.com/ or this youtube video about him:...
Published 02/04/22
In this episode we talk through some of the best advice for managing ADHD that there is. It all comes down to habits. We explore how to erase bad habits and nourish good habits. To grow them like trees. Improving just a little every day.  We explore topics covered in these books: -Atomic Habits by James Clear -Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg -The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Each of them is amazing in their own way and written by academics experts in the science of behaviour change.  Who are...
Published 01/28/22
Why do so many Adhders journal!? Why should you? We do a deep dive on the benefits and effects of a good dose of this therapy!
Published 01/22/22
Sometimes the floor just disappears and there's a lot to crystallize at once. It can be overwhelming. We ask our 190,000 followers what their top tips are when the world is too much at once.
Published 01/15/22
How do you splish your splash!? What gets you in the groove!? We explore the best ways to ride the hyperfocus to creative BLISS.
Published 01/08/22
Do you find it hard to sleep at night? Why do we as Adhders prefer the night? We discuss all topics related to sleeping with an Adhd brain in this episode!
Published 12/29/21
The eternal enigma! What is time?! Nevermind time management! We asked our community to give us their best tips when it comes to managing their time and we discuss what it's like having to navigate our lives with this funny concept of "time" that people keep talking about lol.
Published 12/18/21
Do you ever just DGAF with work?! How do you stay motivated? We asked our community for their answers and tips for how to find a way to get by that suits them.
Published 12/10/21