This blog by Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, provides insight into what AI company leaders are saying and thinking about their reasons for pursuing advanced AI. It lays out how Altman thinks the world will change because of AI and what policy changes he believes we will need to make. As you’re reading, consider Altman’s position and how it might affect the way he discusses this technology or his policy recommendations. Original text: https://moores.samaltman.com Author: Sam Altman A podcast...
Published 04/16/24
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a potent general purpose technology. Future progress could be rapid, and experts expect that superhuman capabilities in strategic domains will be achieved in the coming decades. The opportunities are tremendous, including advances in medicine and health, transportation, energy, education, science, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. The risks, however, are also substantial and plausibly pose extreme governance challenges. These include labor...
Published 06/27/23
Aim: to give a basic overview of what is going on in longtermist AI governance. Audience: people who have limited familiarity with longtermist AI governance and want to understand it better. I don’t expect this to be helpful for those who already have familiarity with the field. ETA: Some people who were already quite familiar with the field have found this helpful. This post outlines the different kinds of work happening in longtermist AI governance. For each kind of work, I’ll explain it,...
Published 05/13/23
The field of AI has undergone a revolution over the last decade, driven by the success of deep learning techniques. This post aims to convey three ideas using a series of illustrative examples: There have been huge jumps in the capabilities of AIs over the last decade, to the point where it’s becoming hard to specify tasks that AIs can’t do.This progress has been primarily driven by scaling up a handful of relatively simple algorithms (rather than by developing a more principled or scientific...
Published 05/13/23
A single sentence can summarize the complexities of modern artificial intelligence: Machine learning systems use computing power to execute algorithms that learn from data. Everything that national security policymakers truly need to know about a technology that seems simultaneously trendy, powerful, and mysterious is captured in those 13 words. They specify a paradigm for modern AI—machine learning—in which machines draw their own insights from data, unlike the human-driven expert systems of...
Published 05/13/23
Despite the current popularity of machine learning, I haven’t found any short introductions to it which quite match the way I prefer to introduce people to the field. So here’s my own. Compared with other introductions, I’ve focused less on explaining each concept in detail, and more on explaining how they relate to other important concepts in AI, especially in diagram form. If you're new to machine learning, you shouldn't expect to fully understand most of the concepts explained here just...
Published 05/13/23
Specification gaming is a behaviour that satisfies the literal specification of an objective without achieving the intended outcome. We have all had experiences with specification gaming, even if not by this name. Readers may have heard the myth of King Midas and the golden touch, in which the king asks that anything he touches be turned to gold - but soon finds that even food and drink turn to metal in his hands. In the real world, when rewarded for doing well on a homework assignment, a...
Published 05/13/23
If you thought the pace of AI development had sped up since the release of ChatGPT last November, well, buckle up. Thanks to the rise of autonomous AI agents like Auto-GPT, BabyAGI and AgentGPT over the past few weeks, the race to get ahead in AI is just getting faster. And, many experts say, more concerning. Source: https://venturebeat.com/ai/as-ai-agents-like-auto-gpt-speed-up-generative-ai-race-we-all-need-to-buckle-up-the-ai-beat/ Narrated for AI Safety Fundamentals by TYPE III AUDIO. ---
Published 05/13/23
This page gives an overview of the alignment problem. It describes our motivation for running courses about technical AI alignment. The terminology should be relatively broadly accessible (not assuming any previous knowledge of AI alignment or much knowledge of AI/computer science). This piece describes the basic case for AI alignment research, which is research that aims to ensure that advanced AI systems can be controlled or guided towards the intended goals of their designers. Without...
Published 05/13/23
Developments in AI could exacerbate long-running catastrophic risks, including bioterrorism, disinformation and resulting institutional dysfunction, misuse of concentrated power, nuclear and conventional war, other coordination failures, and unknown risks. This document compiles research on how AI might raise these risks. (Other material in this course discusses more novel risks from AI.) We draw heavily from previous overviews by academics, particularly Dafoe (2020) and Hendrycks et al....
Published 05/13/23
Observing from afar, it’s easy to think there’s an abundance of people working on AGI safety. Everyone on your timeline is fretting about AI risk, and it seems like there is a well-funded EA-industrial-complex that has elevated this to their main issue. Maybe you’ve even developed a slight distaste for it all—it reminds you a bit too much of the woke and FDA bureaucrats, and Eliezer seems pretty crazy to you. That’s what I used to think too, a couple of years ago. Then I got to see things...
Published 05/13/23
I’ve previously argued that machine learning systems often exhibit emergent capabilities, and that these capabilities could lead to unintended negative consequences. But how can we reason concretely about these consequences? There’s two principles I find useful for reasoning about future emergent capabilities: If a capability would help get lower training loss, it will likely emerge in the future, even if we don’t observe much of it now.As ML models get larger and are trained on more and...
Published 05/13/23
Much has been written framing and articulating the AI governance problem from a catastrophic risks lens, but these writings have been scattered. This page aims to provide a synthesized introduction to some of these already prominent framings. This is just one attempt at suggesting an overall frame for thinking about some AI governance problems; it may miss important things. Some researchers think that unsafe development or misuse of AI could cause massive harms. A key contributor to some of...
Published 05/13/23
In previous pieces, I argued that there’s a real and large risk of AI systems’ developing dangerous goals of their own and defeating all of humanity - at least in the absence of specific efforts to prevent this from happening. A young, growing field of AI safety research tries to reduce this risk, by finding ways to ensure that AI systems behave as intended (rather than forming ambitious aims of their own and deceiving and manipulating humans as needed to accomplish them). Maybe we’ll...
Published 05/13/23
You may have seen arguments (such as these) for why people might create and deploy advanced AI that is both power-seeking and misaligned with human interests. This may leave you thinking, “OK, but would such AI systems really pose catastrophic threats?” This document compiles arguments for the claim that misaligned, power-seeking, advanced AI would pose catastrophic risks. We’ll see arguments for the following claims, which are mostly separate/independent reasons for concern: Humanity’s...
Published 05/13/23
The Need For Work On Technical AI Alignment Daniel Eth, 2023 This page gives an overview of the alignment problem. It describes our motivation for running courses about technical AI alignment. The terminology should be relatively broadly accessible (not assuming any previous knowledge of AI alignment or much knowledge of AI/computer science). This piece describes the basic case for AI alignment research, which is research that aims to ensure that advanced AI systems can be controlled...
Published 05/13/23
Developments in AI could exacerbate long-running catastrophic risks, including bioterrorism, disinformation and resulting institutional dysfunction, misuse of concentrated power , nuclear and conventional war , other coordination failures , and unknown risks.--- Source: https://aisafetyfundamentals.com/governance-blog/overview-of-ai-risk-exacerbation --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO. Share feedback on this narration.
Published 05/13/23
This primer introduces various aspects of safety standards and regulations for industrial-scale AI development: what they are, their potential and limitations, some proposals for their substance, and recent policy developments. Key points are: Standards are formal specifications of best practices, which can influence regulations. Regulations are requirements established by governments.Cutting-edge AI development is being done with individual companies spending over $100 million dollars. This...
Published 05/13/23
Current approaches to building general-purpose AI systems tend to produce systems with both beneficial and harmful capabilities. Further progress in AI development could lead to capabilities that pose extreme risks, such as offensive cyber capabilities or strong manipulation skills. We explain why model evaluation is critical for addressing extreme risks. Developers must be able to identify dangerous capabilities (through “dangerous capability evaluations”) and the propensity of models to...
Published 05/13/23
Advanced AI models hold the promise of tremendous benefits for humanity, but society needs to proactively manage the accompanying risks. In this paper, we focus on what we term “frontier AI” models — highly capable foundation models that could possess dangerous capabilities sufficient to pose severe risks to public safety. Frontier AI models pose a distinct regulatory challenge: dangerous capabilities can arise unexpectedly; it is difficult to robustly prevent a deployed model from being...
Published 05/13/23
[Note: this post was drafted before Sydney (the Bing chatbot) was released, but Sydney demonstrates some particularly good examples of some of the is…--- First published: February 20th, 2023 Source: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/aEjckcqHZZny9L2zy/emergent-deception-and-emergent-optimization --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO. Share feedback on this narration.
Published 05/13/23
You may have seen arguments (such as these) for why people might create and deploy advanced AI that is both power-seeking and misaligned with human i…--- First published: August 2nd, 2023 Source: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/sK7bsaNrghfEjttRs/compilation-why-might-misaligned-advanced-ai-cause --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO. Share feedback on this narration.
Published 05/13/23
Some are concerned that regulating AI progress in one country will slow that country down, putting it at a disadvantage in a global AI arms race. Many proponents of AI regulation disagree; they have pushed back on the overall framework, pointed out serious drawbacks and limitations of racing, and argued that regulations do not have to slow progress down.  Another disagreement is about whether countries are in fact in a neck and neck arms race; some believe that the United States and its...
Published 05/13/23
If governments could regulate the large-scale use of “AI chips,” that would likely enable governments to govern frontier AI development—to decide who does it and under what rules. In this article, we will use the term “AI chips” to refer to cutting-edge, AI-specialized computer chips (such as NVIDIA’s A100 and H100 or Google’s TPUv4). Frontier AI models like GPT-4 are already trained using tens of thousands of AI chips, and trends suggest that more advanced AI will require even more computing...
Published 05/13/23
Some are concerned that regulating AI progress in one country will slow that country down, putting it at a disadvantage in a global AI arms race. Many proponents of AI regulation disagree; they have pushed back on the overall framework, pointed out serious drawbacks and limitations of racing, and argued that regulations do not have to slow progress down.  Another disagreement is about whether countries are in fact in a neck and neck arms race; some believe that the United States and its...
Published 05/13/23