a16z's Guido Appenzeller and Matt Bornstein discuss the state of the generative AI market, about 18 months after it really kicked into high gear with the release of ChatGPT — everything from the emergence of powerful open source LLMs to the excitement around AI-generated music.
Published 05/17/24
Published 05/17/24
Founders Dean De Beer (Command Zero), Kevin Tian (Doppel), and Travis McPeak (Resourcely) share their thoughts on generative AI, as well as their experiences building with LLMs and dealing with LLM-based threats.
Published 05/15/24
a16z's Zane Lackey and Joel de la Garza discuss the state of the cybersecurity market vis a vis generative AI, foundation models, and large language models — and explain why 2024 could be a watershed year for security teams.
Published 05/10/24
Socket's Feross Aboukhadijeh joins a16z's Joel de la Garza to discuss the state of security for the open-source software supply chain, including how large language models can help both developers and security teams identify issues.
Published 05/03/24
In this bonus episode from the a16z Podcast archives, set your wayback machine to the seemingly long ago summer of 2020, and enjoy a16z’s Sonal Chokshi and Frank Chen discussing GPT-3 and the advent of commercially available LLMs.
Published 05/01/24
Pinecone Founder and CEO Edo Liberty discusses the promises, challenges, and opportunities for vector databases and retrieval augmented generation (RAG). He also shares insights and highlights from his decades-long career in machine learning.
Published 04/26/24
a16z General Partner Anjney Midha shares his perspective on how hardware for artificial intelligence will improve —especially at the inference layer — and what that means for how we'll build, train, and interact with AI models.
Published 04/19/24
a16z General Partner Anjney Midha leads an insightful panel discussion about what the AI community can learn from past open source efforts. Panelists include Jim Zemlin (Linux Foundation), Mitchell Baker (Mozilla), and Percy Liang (Stanford / Together AI).
Published 04/12/24
Naveen Rao of Databricks — and former founder of Nervana Systems and MosaicML — shares his thoughts on the state of large language models (LLMs), how they'll evolve, and how enterprises will adopt them.
Published 04/12/24
The AI + a16z podcast captures our thinking on AI across a broad swath of areas, from the infrastructure that powers today’s foundation models to how specific tools, like LLMs, are reshaping the hiring process. Looking forward, you can expect to hear about a list of topics that includes the latest advances in generative AI, cybersecurity, and the emerging stack of tools for building and running LLMs.
Published 04/08/24