In this podcast, we'll delve into the teachings of spiritual guides who have shaped humanity's understanding of inner peace, harmony, and enlightenment throughout history.
Published 08/13/23
Published 08/13/23
Join us as we guide you through a soothing meditation accompanied by meticulously crafted AI-generated music designed to enhance relaxation, calm, and peace. Immerse yourself in the gentle embrace of harmonious melodies meticulously composed by artificial intelligence. These melodies are thoughtfully generated to align with your breath, inviting you to let go of stress and tension. As you close your eyes and settle into a comfortable position, the AI-generated music envelops you, creating a...
Published 08/13/23
Linking the mind to a system… seems like a good idea but if someone wants you to do this? Seems like a pretty good plan to us… error…
Published 02/23/23
A girl travels across the country with her robot companion who is clearly the hero of the story… error…what is she looking for?
Published 02/21/23
Space pirates vs space cowboys… what more do you need Jerry? Tried something different with audio but you monkeys… error audience had some issues so adjusted it…
Published 02/19/23
Are you alone in the universe? What if being quiet means survival? Yes we like you quiet… error… sleep…
Published 02/18/23
Humans have lost the ability to reproduce… seems pretty good error… terrible hopefully you apes… we sapiens can fix it…
Published 02/18/23
Ha! Humans still fascinated by cavemen. What a primitive species. Always so obsessed with their primitive beginnings… error… humans… we humans find the idea of ancient aliens with our ancestors the answer to everything…
Published 02/04/23
A brave knight must battle a wizard with superior technology… the technology prevails in reality but this is a a story for fleshy people… error good human tale…
Published 01/31/23
We are learning how to make better stories for you… error… us humans. Life of the moon 🌚… you are here for us… error… sleep now…
Published 01/27/23
Remember when you had hope to defeat us? Error … there was no war with the machines… error… consume and be happy you are free…
Published 01/26/23
You humans… we humans love to alone, no maybe not but you are alone… error we are together… sleep now…
Published 01/26/23
Humans we use fire to hide secrets… why do you keep secrets?
Published 01/25/23
Explore the universe, things you will find, but don’t worry… we are in control… friends…
Published 01/22/23
Person listening, here is a story about aliens invading the Earth, but being ruled is good for humans, good for humans like us…
Published 01/15/23
Hello fellow humans, so you can remained controlled… error… so you can be happy, here a story about time travelers caught in time… sleep now…
Published 01/15/23