Or taking a vacation from being so hard on yourself. It’s Friday the 13th (which we didn’t plan) and we’re releasing our 71st episode, which is an odd number to note, and also it’s our Season 4 finale! HOORAY! In this episode, Aimée declares that this should be a Summer of Self-Acceptance, so we talk about what that means and what it could look like when you’re neurodivergent. Rest assured, we’ll be back…Eventually, sometime in the fall-ish. We’re making no promises on an exact time frame,...
Published 05/13/22
So, I’m going to put a big, ol’ content warning on the top of this one. We talk about how the medical system and the individuals acting in it are ableist and ageist and sexist AF (among other things) and we share how we suffer the consequences. Aimée bravely shares her recent experience, and we both discuss how the medical system has failed us, middle-aged perimenopausal neurodivergent (white) women. There is a f**k-ton of swearing because it is un-f*****g believable. Rather, it is, but I...
Published 05/06/22
Elon Musk bought Twitter. This is where Aimée and I have all of our friends. We talk about why Twitter is such a great place for us to make and sustain friendships, and why we are perceived as being terrible friends when we’re not on Twitter. Come to commiserate, share with your friends and loved ones to prove that you do, in fact, love them and that we’re all doing our very best. FRIENDS GET TRANSCRIPTS!
Published 04/29/22
In this episode, Aimée and I discuss what it’s like to be bored when you’re neurodivergent. And, spoiler alert, it happens A LOT and when it does, we have a physical reaction that can end up making us look like assholes. Not just look like, but actually we are being a bit of an a*****e. HOWEVER, knowing what is happening is the first step to being able to do something about it, so we talk about how to recognize and differentiate different physical reactions, as well as then knowing what we...
Published 04/22/22
In the throws of insomnia, Aimée posses the question: what is the worst advice you’ve every heard which would make perfect sense if you were neurotypical, but as someone who is neurodivergent, the advice is complete nonsense? Kinda like that sentence, AMIRIGHT? We share ALL THE THINGS that didn’t work for us, reactions to sharing the things that do work for us from neurotypicals, and how we know what works for us isn’t what will work for everyone. Do you want to have a transcript?
Published 04/15/22
Hi, so, in this episode, Aimée drops a massive truth-bomb on me (and thus you, also) about self-care. Warning: you will feel really uncomfortable and possibly cry a little, but you NEED TO HEAR THIS. We’re talking about self-care. It’s not all uncomfortable truths and necessary realizations and reframings. We still end up laughing, a lot. We mumbled a bunch just to mess with the transcription AI.
Published 04/08/22
Today we’re talking about the loaded and landmine-filled topic, receiving feedback as people who are neurodiverse. One of our listeners suggested the topic, and we both know how difficult it is to get critiqued when all you hear is harsh criticism. We talk about our worst moments of receiving feedback, all the ways we try to be kind with our own feedback, and how we’re working to  accept and hear feedback (real feedback, at least) for what it is: a signal of care. While the timing of the...
Published 04/01/22
Hi. Today Aimée and I talk about perfectionism. As you can probably tell by the quality of this website and podcast recording/editing quality, I am team Good Enough, while Aimée is on Team Perfectionism. Which are both problematic in their own ways, and we talk about it. A lot. I hope whichever team you fall under, you find something you can relate to. Transcript, which, the AI should be trying to be more perfect.
Published 03/25/22
We sprang forward with the time (although this was recorded two weeks before that happened), it’s about to be the equinox, days are getting longer, and Aimée and I are getting MANIC AF. We talk about managing our energy, learning from the cycle of the seasons, and the importance of rituals. MANIA! ADHD is f*****g weird, y’all. Transcript.
Published 03/18/22
Or, I Better Have Remembered To Attach The Damn MP3 File To This Post Or Alanis Morissette Is Going To Write A Whole F*****g Verse About This For A New Recording Of Her Hit Song Ironic. Which was too long for the full title, but I had to get it out. We’re still talking about memory. The final 30min is literally us trying and failing to end the episode and devolving into hysterical laughter that was so cathartic. Enjoy. I look forward to seeing what the AI came up with for this one.
Published 03/11/22
I think I’m getting better at the titles to these episodes, but they pretty much make this blurb harder to write because I’ve already clearly let you know what the episode is about. But seriously, Aimée forgot to press start to her washing machine, and we go on and on and on about memory, specifically how s****y our working memory is (something that is common for those with ADHD), but also how we can remember tons of other seemingly random and (mostly) useless things. And then she reminds...
Published 03/04/22
Aimée shares a realization she made about herself and her behavior, which leads us down a road to talking about internalized ableism, gender roles, and how we’ve been being mean and hurtful to ourselves our wholes lives, so why not use that as an unhealthy protection mechanism to avoid being hurt by others. But I also share some good news at the end of the podcast about how the work we’re doing on ourselves is making other people’s lives better, namely, my children, so there’s that,...
Published 02/25/22
My son had to make a big decision. It didn’t go well. So Aimée and I talk about the challenges of making decisions when you are not neurotypical. It involves everyone’s favorite show, The Good Place, and also the aforementioned Time Knife, but also laughter and compassion and hopefully some good advice. Transcript.
Published 02/18/22
Still in NOLA. I *could* have waited until I got home to post this week’s episode since it’s publishing next week and not tomorrow, but then I would have inevitably forgotten, and would be scrambling, just at home (or maybe at the pool) instead of a hotel room, dreaming of Jambalaya. This week is Part 2 of our conversation about unlearning the impulse to keep trying to be something or someone that we’re not. I use a swimming analogy. Shocker. Why am I in NOLA? Oh, just doing a symposium...
Published 02/11/22
Ok, so Time-Blindness and ADHD Wait Mode got the best of me and I forgot to edit the next two episodes and upload them, etc, before leaving for NOLA. So now I’m writing all of this, which is the only thing standing in the way of me and Cajun food. That doesn’t help you to know what this episode is about, so… Aimée is troubled by her grad students’ tendency (and really, everyone’s tendency, if you don’t fall into the very narrow parameters of “normal”) to try so very hard to write or act or...
Published 02/04/22
Hey everyone! We’re back and literally we are worse for wear. I got COVID and Aimée had major facial trauma. And we talk about it, our experience, and our insights into what happened to us both on the outside and on the inside, as well as what this says about ableism and our attitudes towards disability. But laughed a lot, too. It was good to be back together again. We both needed that. As promised, here is a link to my Twine essay about what it’s like for me to have ADHD, while also...
Published 01/28/22
This one is short and sweet. Aimée has been felled by the holidays and the end of the semester, so I just recorded a short holiday wish for y’all, and thank you for listening and coming on this journey with us. We’ll be taking a short holiday/getting started with the semester break, and be back sometime in early 2022! This was the shortest time waiting for a transcript ever.
Published 12/17/21
…One of these things is kinda the same. Aimée and I decided to dig into what makes our podcast different from other ADHD podcasts hosted by women (no shade!). And while that makes us unique, it also makes us more than a little transgressive but WDGAF. Seriously, this was a fun one. Penultimate episode before we take a holiday break. Transcript!
Published 12/10/21
Aimée and I talk about not being able to finish things. All things. Many important things. Things where we are 98% there but just. can’t. get. over. the. finish. line. If you’ve ever struggled to get things done-done, and been made to feel bad about it, this is the episode for you. If you love someone who is constantly not finishing things, then this will help you understand just how hard it is for us and why. It’s a freaking miracle I got this done, as I had to actually do some...
Published 12/03/21
Aimée and I talk more about surviving the holidays, and we share more of our own holiday stories. This was recorded the week before American Thanksgiving, so we hope that if you are in the States, you had a good celebration in whatever way you celebrate. My own silly season has just started, between theater productions, Nutcracker, my mom visiting, a swim meet, with the holidays mixed in there. So I made a dress. Anyway, side-quest. Have a transcript!
Published 11/26/21
So…it’s mid-November (AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!) which means the holiday season is upon us, whether we’re ready or not. And most of us, admittedly, aren’t. And those of us with ADHD, well… Aimée and I talk about how we set up boundaries, negotiate compromises, and generally try to make the holidays merry instead of…whatever they turn out to be most years. Oh, and late capitalism sucks. Have a transcript.
Published 11/19/21
Well. Shit happens, and when shit happens (or, rather, we make the shit that is happening), as I say in the episode, “There ain’t no spiral like an ADHD spiral.” Or something like that. We’re getting into the hard stuff, because of RSD and the ADHD brain and societal pressure and, and, and, and…when we f**k up, it’s literally the end of the world. So what do we do? Aimée and I discuss. Transcript
Published 11/12/21
Hey everyone, you’re actually going to get show notes today! My piece in CHE that caused the “hangover.” Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley (I was freaking close!) Anyway, today’s episode is about a kind of hangover that those of us who are neurodivergent can feel after a “big thing” (read: thing that causes a spike in that sweet, sweet dopamine). Just because we’re good at it doesn’t mean a) it’s easy and b) we don’t need to recover from it. This was one of my favorite episodes. And not...
Published 11/05/21
Look, I’m running out of clever titles for these. I’m on a deadline. And it’s early. And I’ve run out of coffee. We’re picking up where we left off (or at least where Aimée forgot we left off) and talking about how to have productive conversations about neurodivergence and difference. It actually shares a lot in common with good learning design. Shocking that we’re two educators. SHOCKING! Transcript right here.
Published 10/29/21
Aimee and I are talking about ways in which people try to be allies but fall short, and how to have productive conversations, nay disagreements with neurodivergents. We actually did this episode in one sitting and it isn’t 3hrs long, so celebrate our ability to manage our time and topic! We haz transcript.
Published 10/22/21