Aimée was name-dropped in a new Taylor Swift song, but that isn’t actually what the episode is about. What it is about is thinking (quickly! This is our shortest episode that isn’t just me addressing you and wishing you a sappy new year!) about the difference between reading a book, taking hand-written notes, and what we can learn about materiality and embodiment even though we don’t actually say those two words. Shortest episode, longest sentence? Maybe! Transcript!
Published 04/19/24
Published 04/19/24
I swear, it’s only been a few days, and I completely forgot what we talked about for this episode. Finally, Otter.ai Insights proved useful to remind me what happened. We’ve talked about Spring Fever before, almost exactly two years ago. What’s changed? Well, we’re actually a little but better-adjusted and more attuned to how the changing of the seasons impacts us, but also what our potholes towards the road to…not driving ourselves insane are. Following? This is also where we recommend...
Published 03/12/24
Second verse, same as the first, a little bit louder and a little bit worse! Look, it’s Friday afternoon, GarageBand was being weird, I’ve done nothing but tedious tasks today, and it’s been a stressful week for me, personally. (Everyone is fine, it’s all fine, we’re all fine.) And I have a bad case of the Jebruaries. Anyway, I have clearly gone on four new side-quests, but this is the second part of our conversation, and I even tease a new topic that I am dying to talk about at the...
Published 02/23/24
The title is a mouthful. The podcast actually has some structure, with a build in cut point for part two that doesn’t involve me going incoherent. We have talked a great length about how advice meant for neurotypical people just doesn’t work for us, but how do you go about figuring out what DOES work for you and then making note of it so that you can have your own, personal self-help guide to share with yourself and even others? Oh, and here is the article that inspired Aimée in all...
Published 02/16/24
This was supposed to be what the last episode was about, but we took WAY too long to get here (and I am desperately trying to find where Aimée finally says it in the episode, but then gave up and just said it in the intro I recorded). Crip knowledge. Learn from it! Transcript (where it is called crib knowledge!).
Published 01/26/24
Well, this episode went so far off the rails that it had to be two episodes. Aimée tells the MOST AIMÉE STORY EVER, and we think about how all the things that we were told that were wrong with us maybe weren’t so wrong after all? And, again, sorry if we ignored you on Instagram. Transcript, which AI has yet to be able to figure out really what we’re saying.
Published 01/19/24
Ahem. We’re back! We rested. And our rest doesn’t look like other people’s rest, but ALSO, we’re finding ourselves resting for VERY different reasons than other people seem to rest, and how we used to rest, which wasn’t very restful at all at all. I realize now that the title might be misleading, that we want you not to rest because while you rest others are stealing your thunder, but almost the opposite? Rest, and then use that energy in ways YOU want to, not the ways that our society...
Published 01/09/24
Aimée is in a MOOD. We have less time to do the things we are good at because we are being required to do more and more things that we, as neurodivergent people, are terrible at. This may be controversial, but why should have have to do things that we never had to before, were never expected to do, AND are and will continue to be bad at? While we’re focusing on higher ed, I think you will be able to think about this issue within the context of your own profession or job. Also, links! – Who...
Published 11/06/23
Sue, this one is for you. I still didn’t look up what ADHD is in French. Which, MIRACLE. But also we’ve been busy. We talk in this episode about BIG FEELINGS. BIIIIIIIIIGGGGGG FEEEEEEEEEEEELINGS. We have them, you have them, we talk about them. We make no promises about when E4 will drop, but trust us, we’ll be back, and we try really hard to get these out in some sort of timely way. Transcript!
Published 10/23/23
Since this is our 6th season and 85th episode, Aimée and I decided it was time to reconnect with our past selves as expressed by past episodes, and where we hope we (and you) dear listeners go in the future. We’ve even set an intention already for another episode next week! Also, we need a German word. And, sorry-not sorry there isn’t any musical intro/outro to the podcast, as I now realize how jarring me just popping into your earbuds or car speakers may be, but I still am not doing in...
Published 09/01/23
…or WE ARE BACK EVERYONE! Because time is a construct and so too are seasons of any given podcast (or tv show) this seemed like a good moment to start Season 6. Aimée shares what she did over the summer, and more importantly, what she discovered about herself and writing. Spoiler alert:…NAH, I won’t spoil it! We kept saying “we’ll put that in the show notes” and I only have a vague recollection of what we meant to put here, but links! * Aimée’s article she kept referring to (PDF) *...
Published 08/25/23
LOOK! Images! Show notes! Aimée and I talk about divergent thinking and how it is both great and awful, like most things when you’re neurodivergent. S4 E19: Spring Fever, ADHD-Style SIR Ken Robinson and Divergent Thinking. Wait, what else was I supposed to share in the show notes? Thirsty Traveler? Apparently it aired on Food Network here in the States? I guess? Transcript!
Published 05/16/23
Come to learn the origin of jazz hands. Stay for a useful metaphor for neurodivergence. Also, hear about my bad day. And why Aimée is wearing a baseball cap. Transcript!
Published 04/21/23
Hey, we’re back! For now! And we talk about how important it is that our brains get “f**k around time.” And how work doesn’t often look like work when you are neurodivergent. Seriously, though, what do you do to rest one part of your brain so you can be “productive”? Transcript!
Published 04/10/23
LOL, I was supposed to have this out last Friday and I am barely going to get it out before this Friday. A listener asked us to do an episode about how to survive college as someone who is neurodivergent. So we did that. I have nothing clever to add. Transcript!
Published 03/02/23
Hey everyone, your friendly neighborhood neurodivergent podcasters here. It’s been a while, and while we didn’t make any promises as to when we were coming back after the holidays, we never intended it to be THIS long between episodes. Like we every do, but that’s life AMIRIGHT? In this episode, Aimée and I (and while we didn’t introduce ourselves at the beginning of the episode, rest assured, it’s indeed us) talk about how we’re learning to slow down, make space, and maybe not be so...
Published 02/10/23
Hey everyone, it’s been a year for your favorite neurodivergent academic podcasters. Aimée and I did manage to get together and record one last episode for 2022. It’s about all the things we are grateful for, and we decided to release it on the longest night of the year (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere), for some light and levity on a dark day after said dark year. I realized when I was editing the episode (ok, running it through GarageBand without really listening to it) that we...
Published 12/21/22
Ahem. We’re back. It’s been…all entirely too much. We talk about how we are trying to reframe everything that has been happening to us and how we are reacting to it. But 2022 can still suck it. Seriously. F**k this year. We appreciate you all for sticking with us. 3 Transcript.
Published 12/02/22
In this episode, both Aimée and I share our breakdowns. There are too many things. We’ve lost many (most? all?) of our spoons. My internet even had had enough while we were recording, so apologies if Aimée is garbled at times. As I said in the show, you’re lucky you’re getting this episode at all; editing the thing is one of the too many things right now. While we’re not going to be able to record for another week, so their will be another break, I can give an update that both of us are...
Published 10/28/22
So, it’s Friday and Monday was a holiday so I lost track of what day it was and never edited and uploaded the episode. I spent all my time working on that segue (and I literally had to google how to spell that word and not at all what I was expecting) that I didn’t do my homework for the show. This is very much a “Lee is thinking out loud to Aimée about a topic she hasn’t really formed an informed view on yet, but wants to talk about it anyway and for some reasons record it and share...
Published 10/14/22
Welcome back after a three-week hiatus! We sure put the amateur in amateur podcasters! This week, it’s about sleep and how neurodivergent people tend to put off going to sleep even when we’re exhausted as some kind of revenge. The technical term has “revenge” and “bedtime” and “procrastination” in it, maybe in that order, but maybe not because I’ve already forgotten the order and I’m already in WP and I don’t want to google it. Also, we’re averaging over 1k listens per episode, and I...
Published 10/07/22
We’re back for Season Five! How did our Summer of Self-Acceptance go? Both really well and HORRIBLY. We have regrets. But at least we can laugh about it. And remember, it’s not catastrophizing if it’s actually a catastrophe! Transcript where we swear less than usual. Shockingly.
Published 09/16/22
Or taking a vacation from being so hard on yourself. It’s Friday the 13th (which we didn’t plan) and we’re releasing our 71st episode, which is an odd number to note, and also it’s our Season 4 finale! HOORAY! In this episode, Aimée declares that this should be a Summer of Self-Acceptance, so we talk about what that means and what it could look like when you’re neurodivergent. Rest assured, we’ll be back…Eventually, sometime in the fall-ish. We’re making no promises on an exact time frame,...
Published 05/13/22
So, I’m going to put a big, ol’ content warning on the top of this one. We talk about how the medical system and the individuals acting in it are ableist and ageist and sexist AF (among other things) and we share how we suffer the consequences. Aimée bravely shares her recent experience, and we both discuss how the medical system has failed us, middle-aged perimenopausal neurodivergent (white) women. There is a f**k-ton of swearing because it is un-f*****g believable. Rather, it is, but I...
Published 05/06/22