Published 05/26/23
Have you ever achieved something and felt like it was all by luck? Or felt like you aren’t good enough to be as successful as you are? That may be imposter syndrome and in this episode I talk about my own experiences with imposter syndrome in the past year.
Published 05/26/23
Everyone at some point in their life has been burnt out. When you sit at your desk multiple days in a row and just can’t study, can’t focus in class and have zero motivation for everything and anything. In this episode I talk about my own burnout and how I think it could be solved.
Published 03/31/23
In this episode I revisit the episode I made last year about breakups and how I feel a year later. After one year, you could feel totally different and this hopefully gives insight and hope to anyone going through a breakup right now.
Published 02/24/23
Sometimes being a good person doesn't feel rewarding or fulfilling, quite the opposite really so is being a good person worth it? If trying to do the right thing doesn't feel beneficial should you still do it? In today's episode I tackle the notion of being a good person and why that isn't the approach we should take. 
Published 02/17/23
I'm 19 this year! My last official year as a teenager which is quite scary to think about but I'd love to continue this trend every year to reflect back on all the things I learnt and my growth as a person each year. In this episode I talk about the life lessons I learnt in my very few 19 years on this earth. This is not by any means an exhaustive list but the ones that were most prominent as I was planning this episode. I still have a lot to learn and a lot more growing to do but I tackle a...
Published 02/10/23
In this episode I talk about a topic that has been pressing me for a very long time as I scroll on the internet everyday I see more and more outrageous, deeply disturbing and overly explicit posts about people's lives. Gen Z has forgotten about digital footprints and how whatever we post, stays online forever. I talk about why it is important to put a whole lot more thought into what you post and that we should know a whole lot less about each other. 
Published 01/27/23
A lot more people in Botswana are gravitating towards the entertainment industry but is it worth it? In this episode I discuss the challenges and benefits of being in the creative industry in Botswana with my dear friend and author and singer of her latest single Dead 2 Me, Kayso. We also discuss her career and future projects.
Published 01/21/23
Welcome to 2023 and season 2 of All Things Considered, this year we're asking difficult questions, having discussions and today we're talking about if gen z in Botswana is going to maintain the culture in Botswana as we are the most westernised generation yet. We dive into speaking the language, learning the songs and even the dating and marriage scene of the culture in Botswana. I also have my first guest, my best friend and brother from another mother Bogosi join in on the discussion. 
Published 01/13/23
In today's world being conventionally attractive is everything. It could give you a career and even shockingly enough save you on some jail time. In today's episode I talk about the effects of pretty privilege in our society and whether it's fair or not. Tune in and let's have a discussion, tweet or insta dm and tell me what you think.
Published 11/20/22
Have you ever had one of those days when you're unexplainably happy? When you're unmotivated, sad and anxious but you can't really put your finger on what the reason could be. This episode is about one of those days. Just a calming voice to let you know that its okay, it's normal, you're not alone and it'll get better. I recorded this episode on one of those days so you can really hear the emotion in my voice, hopefully. 
Published 11/06/22
I feel like these days the true meaning of loved has been blurred by social media. Materialistic things have become the determining factor of finding love and I think we're deviating from what love really is about. Loyalty, mutual understanding, common interests, respect, all things that are equally or even more important than money and ones that will actually make a long lasting relationship. In this impromptu episode, I talk about my thoughts and opinions on 21st century love from the...
Published 10/25/22
Cancel culture has been a huge thing in the past couple of years with it being over big issues like when R-kelly did some heinous acts on minors to inconsequential ones like when Jenna Marbles used the wrong fish bowl. In this episode I go over the premise of cancel culture, its pros and its cons and discuss whether it actually is helping the community or doing more harm than good. If you enjoy social media scandals as much as I do, this is the episode for you. 
Published 10/16/22
In today's society entertainment, media, literature and art is mostly centred around the male gaze. This then puts a lot of pressure on young girls and women to constantly look put together and attractive even when its an unrealistic standard. In this episode I tackle the idea of the male gaze and ways in which I feel we can move forward as society to make women more comfortable in their bodies and appearance even when they don't look or feel put together.
Published 10/06/22
This is a bit of a delayed episode. I talk in quite depth about my mental health, eating disorders, depressive episodes, suicidal thoughts and the like throughout the years and I'm a bit more vulnerable than I've ever been on the podcast. I hope this episode helps at least one person.
Published 09/18/22
There are so many fears that we encounter in life. Fear of rejection, people not liking us, failure, disappointment, just to name a few and in this episode I talk about the fears that I have and possible ways to overcome them. 
Published 09/04/22
I've struggled with overthinking for as long as I can remember. I overthink about anything and everything almost constantly and sometimes its frustrating navigating the world when you're always overthinking so much so this episode is a rant. An ode to the overthinker. This episode is about the earliest memories of my overthinking and how I've dealt with it throughout my life and come to terms with it. 
Published 08/27/22
Romantic relationships are pushed so much in the media these days, especially for teen girls. It's seen as something to be sad about, something to be fixed. Yet there is so much power in learning to be content by yourself before you add someone else into your life. This episode I talk about how being alone can sometimes breed feelings of loneliness and undesirability, though its important to go through these stages and acceptance so you can only let the most amazing people into your life.
Published 08/20/22
In the age of grinding hard and super productivity sometimes you need to slow down a bit, take a break and start up a hobby. In this episode I talk about the importance of hobbies and some examples of affordable hobbies to get into. I realised that my episodes have been super deep and very introspective so I wanted to lay back a bit and talk about something light hearted.
Published 08/06/22
I have been a social media user since I was around 10 years old and throughout those years I have noticed a lot of pros and cons about social media. Mostly the cons and in todays episode we discuss the ups and downs of social media from being able to make a living and change your life to chronic addiction that affects your mental health and self confidence. 
Published 07/30/22
Friendships are not always easy to navigate and sometimes it is difficult to tell if you have a good friend. In this episode I talk about what makes a good and a bad friend. I also dive into my own experiences with friendships throughout my life. 
Published 07/22/22
We live in a society where women have unattainable beauty standards. Being a woman in the 21st century in a world of social media causes rise to a lot of insecurities. In this episode I share my own struggles with body image growing up and how you can change your mindset to hopeful help you be less self conscious. 
Published 07/15/22
Breakups are never easy, especially as a teenager trying to navigate life with raging hormones. In this episode I talk about my own experience of going through a breakup for the first time and I try and give advice on how to get through one.
Published 07/08/22
High school can be a very daunting time in your life, you're probably in a new environment, your body is changing and your emotions are all over the place. In this episode I share my own experiences in high school and I try and give advice on how to navigate it. 
Published 07/01/22
This is a bit of a controversial topic but Roe Vs Wade was overturned in America recently which means all abortions are criminalised, even non-viable ones, ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages, stillbirths, chemical pregnancies, neonatal pregnancies or any other life threatening pregnancies. Women in America are going to suffer due to a man's decision and this makes me scared for other countries that could follow suit after America like our very own Botswana. Listen to this episode with an open...
Published 06/29/22