SMS vs Email Marketing for Amazon Sellers: Which is Right for You?
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In the cutthroat world of e-commerce, maximizing customer engagement is paramount. Yet, with a plethora of marketing channels available, choosing the right one can be daunting. This guide delves into the powerhouses of email and SMS marketing, specifically for Amazon sellers on a budget, helping you decide which weapon best suits your brand's arsenal. [00:00:00] - You Can Set Up Future Sends for Most Impact[00:00:26] - Introducing the 10K Collective Uber Mastermind[00:00:49] - Discussing Email Marketing Segmentation and Flows[00:01:22] - Importance of Email Marketing for Sales[00:02:18] - Dos and Don'ts for Email Design and Content[00:04:20] - Best Times to Send Email Campaigns[00:05:20] - Weekday vs Weekend Email Sending[00:06:39] - Using SMS Marketing in Addition to Email[00:09:00] - Revenue Impact of SMS Marketing Campaigns[00:10:30] - SMS Marketing Cost Considerations[00:11:36] - Shelf Life of SMS Numbers for Marketing[00:13:35] - Re-Engaging Neglected Email Lists[00:15:16] - Setting Up Email and SMS Marketing Structure[00:17:03] - Avoiding Overattribution with Multiple Platforms[00:18:03] - Integrating SMS Marketing Setup Process[00:19:03] - Services Offered by Aspect Agency[00:20:28] - Getting a Free Email Marketing Audit[00:21:26] - Any Questions for the Email Marketing Expert[00:22:00] - Introducing the 10K Collective Uber Mastermind[00:23:49] - Closing Thoughts Email Marketing: A Powerful Foundation Email marketing remains a cornerstone of e-commerce success. Here's why: * Cost-Effective: Reaching thousands of customers with a single email is incredibly affordable. * Scalability: Your email list can grow exponentially, allowing for broader reach. * Content Versatility: Tailor emails with captivating visuals, informative content, and personalized offers. * Automation Magic: Set up automated email sequences to nurture leads and drive sales efficiently. Avoiding Common Email Marketing Blunders Even the most potent tool can backfire if used incorrectly. Here are some email marketing pitfalls to avoid: * Buried Lead Syndrome: Don't hide crucial information below the fold. * Image Overload: While visuals are valuable, prioritize clear communication over aesthetics. * MIA Information: Clearly state the email's purpose, be it a product launch, promotion, or valuable resource. * Link Overload: Excessive links can trigger spam filters. Keep it concise and focused. * Image Size Issues: Use tools like TinyPNG to optimize image size for faster loading times. Optimizing Your Email Send Times Timing is crucial for email marketing success. Unfortunately, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't exist. Consider A/B testing on platforms like Klaviyo to determine the best send times for your audience. Here are some general best practices: * Pre-Work Hours: 7-8 AM often catches people checking emails before starting their day. * Lunchtime Lull: 11 AM-1 PM can be a good time for browsing promotions. * Post-Work Window: 6-8 PM caters to those catching up after work. * Weekend Strategy: While weekends can be hit-or-miss, Saturday mornings might work for specific sales or promotions. Sundays are generally best avoided. SMS Marketing: The Powerhouse of Personalization SMS marketing boasts unique advantages: * High Open Rates: SMS messages often boast open rates exceeding 90%,
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