In the wake of World War II, as President Truman fights to establish a new peace, Republican Governor Thomas Dewey gears up for a second run at the White House. As Truman strives to fulfill Franklin D. Roosevelt’s progressive legacy with his “Fair Deal” for America, Dewey tries to capitalize on a growing anti-Truman sentiment brewing all across the nation. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at IntoHistory.com, a channel of history...
Published 06/25/24
Published 06/25/24
As World War II rages on, FDR is in the political fight of his life against a young political newcomer, Republican Thomas Dewey. Riding the wave of Republican gains in the 1942 midterms, the youthful, fresh-faced Dewey attacks the tired old man in the White House by promising to bring about a swift end to the war. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at IntoHistory.com, a channel of history podcasts made just for history lovers like...
Published 06/18/24
Against the backdrop of World War II, FDR’s position of neutrality is threatened as he seeks to become the first president to serve three terms in office. To win the White House in the 1940 contest, FDR must get the best of business tycoon Wendell Willkie, a former Democrat and an affable political outsider with an axe to grind. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at IntoHistory.com, a channel of history podcasts made just for history...
Published 06/11/24
As FDR pushes his progressive agenda, Republicans turn to a progressive candidate of their own: Kansas Governor Al Landon. Landon and the Republicans fight to make the election a referendum on fiscal responsibility, while FDR defends his New Deal against a slew of opponents, including the infamous media mogul and scandal machine, William Randolph Hearst. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at IntoHistory.com, a channel of history...
Published 06/04/24
As President Hoover and the Republicans scramble to rescue the country from the Great Depression, Democratic nominee Franklin Delano Roosevelt strives to take the country in a bold new direction on the promise of a New Deal for America. But to win his party’s nomination, FDR will have to go toe to toe with one of the most powerful Democrats in the country: former New York Governor Al Smith. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at...
Published 05/28/24
In the wake of an unprecedented natural disaster, Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover lives up to his reputation as a Master of Emergencies and solidifies his status as the presumptive Republican nominee. To beat him, Democratic Governor Al Smith of New York will have to face off against the Republicans and the forces of opposition in the South. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at IntoHistory.com, a channel of history podcasts made...
Published 05/21/24
After the death of Warren G Harding, Vice President Calvin Coolidge inherits a booming economy, but he also inherits one of the biggest political scandals in American history. To win his party’s nomination and overcome the Teapot Dome scandal, Calvin Coolidge must live up to his nickname: Silent Cal. To beat Coolidge, Democratic nominee John W. Davis must overcome a bitterly divided Democratic party and a third party challenger, the Progressive Party’s Robert M LaFollette. *** To listen to...
Published 05/14/24
In the aftermath of a bloody world war and a catastrophic global pandemic, the Democrats shun President Woodrow Wilson and dash his hopes to be the first American president to serve three terms. While the Democrats go to war over the future of their party, Republican nominee Warren G. Harding seeks to give the American people something they truly crave: normalcy. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at IntoHistory.com, a channel of...
Published 05/07/24
As war brews overseas in Europe, Democratic President Woodrow Wilson strives to keep America out of the war and to keep his prospects for a second term alive. To keep the White House, Wilson goes toe to toe with Republican Supreme Court Justice Charles Evans Hughes in a contest that is defined by domestic turmoil, international strife and personal animus. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at IntoHistory.com, a channel of history...
Published 04/30/24
Teddy Roosevelt comes out of retirement and returns to the political fold to unseat his longtime political friend and ally, President William Howard Taft. As both parties struggle to hold their progressive and conservative factions together, Democrat Woodrow Wilson seeks to ride the wave of progressivism, capitalize on a divided Republican party, and win first place in a heated three way race. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at...
Published 04/23/24
Teddy Roosevelt’s hand-picked successor, Republican William Howard Taft, faces off against Democrat William Jennings Bryan. In his third and final presidential campaign, Bryan preaches the gospel of populism. In the end, his progressive ideas are no match for Roosevelt’s legacy, but Bryan’s failed campaign pushes the Democrat party out of the past and into the 20th Century. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at IntoHistory.com, a...
Published 04/16/24
In the aftermath of President McKinley’s assassination at the hands of an anarchist, Vice President Teddy Roosevelt, a man known for his physical and mental strength, rises to power and to the occasion. In the 1904 contest, the Democrats, and their candidate Judge Alton B Parker, learn a hard lesson about Teddy Roosevelt: anyone standing in his way is bound to suffer a beating. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at IntoHistory.com, a...
Published 04/09/24
In a tumultuous period defined by change, innovation, expansion and war, the stage is set for a rematch between incumbent Republican William McKinley and Democrat William Jennings Bryan. After McKinley’s Vice President dies in office, a new star rises to power in the Republican Party. Teddy Roosevelt comes to Washington and on the heels of a new age in American politics: the Progressive Era. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at...
Published 04/02/24
In the wake of the greatest economic depression in the country’s history so far, the Democrats battle it out over the future of monetary policy. In the midst of the debate, former Nebraska congressman William Jennings Bryan emerges as the Democrat Candidate. To win the election, Bryan will have to get the best of an affable Governor from Ohio with a message of hope for a suffering nation: William McKinley. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a...
Published 03/26/24
Benjamin Harrison, the Centennial President, survives a deadly strike, an international conflict, and the massacre at Wounded Knee. On the campaign trail, Harrison fights to overcome these obstacles and get the best of not one, but two challengers: former Democrat President Grover Cleveland and James Weaver of the Populist Party. During his campaign for re-election, Harrison’s prospects are further threatened by the death of a loved one. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59...
Published 03/19/24
Social unrest rocks the nation as labor riots, economic anxiety and widespread racial violence threaten Grover Cleveland’s chances for a second term. In the midst of the turmoil, President Cleveland faces off against the grandson of a former president, a deft campaigner, and a rising star in the Republican Party: Benjamin Harrison. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at IntoHistory.com, a channel of history podcasts made just for...
Published 03/12/24
In an era known for corruption in politics, two presidential candidates strive for honesty and transparency: Republican James Blaine and Democrat Grover Cleveland. But as Cleveland and Blaine each advocate for their version of change, the forces of resistance to change circle the wagons around the decades old Washington tradition of federal patronage, also known as “the Spoils System.” *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at...
Published 03/05/24
After Rutherford B Hayes steps aside, James Garfield rises to become the Republican nominee. To win the White House, Garfield fights to unite his party at the Republican Convention and get the best of a war hero Democrat. Hancock and Garfield battle it out for the presidency against the backdrop of the Gilded Age; an era infamous for greed, graft and corruption. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at IntoHistory.com, a channel of...
Published 02/27/24
Fed up with the scandals of the Grant Administration, Republicans find a new leader in Rutherford B Hayes. To keep the White House Republican, Hayes will have to get the best of a do-gooder Democrat from New York with a reputation for uncompromising honesty: Samuel J Tilden. With the election too close to call, and the country in chaos, Republicans and Democrats in Congress strike a back room bargain that has disastrous consequences for the millions of newly freed Black Americans in the...
Published 02/20/24
As President Grant seeks to protect the rights of the Freedmen, the forces of opposition inside the Democratic party zero in on his administration. In the run up to the 1872 election Grant battles his personal demons, a never ending list of political scandals, and the enemies of progress. To make good on his promise to the Freedmen, Grant goes to war with violent forces inside the Democratic party hell bent on turning back the clock on progress, and keeping the Freedmen away from the...
Published 02/13/24
The death of Abraham Lincoln sets the stage for one of the greatest political showdowns in American history. On one side stands President Andrew Johnson, a notorious drunk and bigot who was sympathetic to the South. On the other side, Edwin M Stanton and the Radical Republicans in Congress, who want to secure Abraham Lincoln’s legacy and protect the 4 million Freed Slaves in the South. The Reconstruction era brings with it a series of firsts: the end of the Civil War, the first president...
Published 02/06/24
While President Lincoln battles the Confederacy down South, he fights to keep the White House from the clutches of the Democratic Party. In the midst of the Civil War, Lincoln faces off against a disgruntled General, a divided constituency and broken country. To win, Lincoln takes the first step towards finally confronting America’s original sin and makes the war, and the election of 1864, a referendum on a divisive political and moral issue: emancipation. *** To listen to the entire...
Published 01/30/24
With the nation on the brink of disunion, two Illinois politicians battle it out for the soul of the country: Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln and Democrat candidate Stephen Douglass. Lincoln’s decisive victory is bittersweet. His ascension to the White House brings with it secession, assassination plots, the formation of the Confederacy and in the end: all out Civil War. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at IntoHistory.com, a...
Published 01/23/24
The issue of slavery takes a bloody turn as sectional tensions turn violent in the West. “Bloody Kansas” deprives President Pierce of his party’s nomination and leaves the door open for Democrat Candidate James Buchanan to take the reigns. With the Whig party in tatters, Buchanan faces off against two new political factions: a third party called the Know Nothings, and a brand new faction that is now known as The Republican Party. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now...
Published 01/16/24