How to create rules to make your life better and easier
Published 06/19/19
Published 06/19/19
How can associations and communities make their networks 100X more effective? The answer - by making use of Collective Intelligence.
Published 06/18/19
Talk by Mark Turrell on Collective Intelligence applied to helping the food industry in Slovenia meet customer demand and help grow their businesses.
Published 06/14/19
Democracy. It's the foundation for governing people... and yet, let's be honest, Democracy is broken. This episode of An Interesting Podcast digs into the ways democracy is bust... but you'll have to wait for another episode to start digging into what could be done to improve things.
Published 12/21/18
An Interesting Podcast - #1 // Following, AI & Patterns, Changing how we learn, economic development & corporate democracy // recorded Sept 2018 Alexandria Egypt - Mark Turrell - www.markturrell.com
Published 12/12/18