Professor Angie Hobbs describes The Moving Rows paradox with the aid of some on screen graphics.
Published 01/27/17
After considering all of the concepts in Zeno's paradoxes, Professor Angie Hobbs looks at them as a broader body of work and explores some key themes.
Published 01/27/17
Professor Angie Hobbs moves on to describe The Arrow paradox, which is perhaps the most challenging of all Zeno's paradoxes.
Published 01/27/17
In this video, Professor Angie Hobbs introduces Zeno of Elea, another of the Pre-Socratic philosophers. Zeno is most famous for his paradoxes, which we will explore in later episodes.
Published 01/27/17
Join Professor Angie Hobbs as we begin to explore Zeno's paradoxes - perhaps the writings that Zeno is best known for. We start with The Stadium paradox, which is sometimes called the Dichotomy paradox. We then move on to look at Achilles and the tortoise.
Published 01/27/17
Although Zeno is now considered one of the key pre - Socratic philosophers, little is known about his life. None of his works survive intact, and so we must rely on the writings of his contemporaries to help understand Zeno's arguments and paradoxes. Professor Angie Hobbs draws on what we know about Plato and Aristotle to help us find out more about Zeno.
Published 01/27/17
Professor Angie Hobbs examines the relevance and legacy of Parmenides to the study of philosophy today.
Published 05/08/15
In this final Pre-Socratic video, Professor Angie Hobbs examines some of the similarities and differences between the two great Presocratics; Heraclitus and Parmenides.
Published 05/08/15
In this video, Professor Angie Hobbs discusses some novel interpretations of Parmenides argument for 'The Way of Seeming' (Part 2).
Published 05/08/15
In this video, Professor Angie Hobbs discusses some novel interpretations of Parmenides argument for 'The Way of Seeming'.
Published 05/08/15
Pre-Socratic philosophy is the study of Ancient Greek philosophy before the life of Socrates, the classical philosopher. In this video, Professor Angie Hobbs introduces Parmenides, one of the most eminent Pre-Socratic philosophers.
Published 05/08/15
In this video, Professor Angie Hobbs discusses some novel interpretations of Parmenides argument for 'The Way of Truth'.
Published 05/08/15
In this video, Professor Angie Hobbs discusses Parmenides argument for 'The Way of Truth' (Part 1).
Published 05/08/15
In this video, Professor Angie Hobbs discusses Parmenides argument for 'The Way of Truth' (Part 2).
Published 05/08/15
Pre-Socratic philosophy is the study of Ancient Greek philosophy before the life of Socrates, the classical philosopher. In this video, Professor Angie Hobbs discusses the importance of paradoxes in Heraclitus' works; one of the most eminent Pre-Socratic philosophers.
Published 05/08/15
Pre-Socratic philosophy is the study of Ancient Greek philosophy before the life of Socrates, the classical philosopher. In this video, Professor Angie Hobbs discusses the theme of flux in Heraclitus' works, one of the most eminent Pre-Socratic philosophers.
Published 04/08/14
Pre-Socratic philosophy is the study of Ancient Greek philosophy before the life of Socrates, the classical philosopher. In this video, Professor Angie Hobbs discusses the theme of fire in Heraclitus' works, one of the most eminent Pre-Socratic philosophers.
Published 04/08/14
Pre-Socratic philosophy is the study of Ancient Greek philosophy before the life of Socrates, the classical philosopher. In this video, Professor Angie Hobbs introduces Heraclitus, one of the most eminent Pre-Socratic philosophers.
Published 04/08/14
Pre-Socratic philosophy is the study of Ancient Greek philosophy before the life of Socrates, the classical philosopher. In this video, Professor Angie Hobbs discusses the theme of language in Heraclitus' works, one of the most eminent Pre-Socratic philosophers.
Published 04/08/14
Pre-Socratic philosophy is the study of Ancient Greek philosophy before the life of Socrates, the classical philosopher. In this video, Professor Angie Hobbs discusses the theme of relativism in Heraclitus' works, one of the most eminent Pre-Socratic philosophers.
Published 04/08/14
Pre-Socratic philosophy is the study of Ancient Greek philosophy before the life of Socrates, the classical philosopher. In this video, Professor Angie Hobbs examines how the Pre-Socratics should be examined and interpreted.
Published 04/08/14
Pre-Socratic philosophy is the study of Ancient Greek philosophy before the life of Socrates, the classical philosopher. In this video, Professor Angie Hobbs introduces the Pre-Socratics.
Published 04/08/14
Pre-Socratic philosophy is the study of Ancient Greek philosophy before the life of Socrates, the classical philosopher. In this video, Professor Angie Hobbs will examine the relevance of the Pre-Socratics to the contemporary study of philosophy.
Published 04/08/14