WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING ?????? Important Episode Please Listen, This Might Solve many Problems in your Life. What does a wolf in a sheep clothing mean? Figuratively, anyone who disguises a ruthless nature through an outward show of innocence. A wolf in sheep's clothing is an idiom of Biblical origin used to describe those playing a role contrary to their real character with whom contact is dangerous, particularly false PEOPLE. How can you tell if someone is a wolf in sheep's...
Published 09/08/22
GOOD INTENTIONS JUST SIT-AND GOOD ACTIONS PRODUCE RESULTS.  What does it mean to have good intentions? intentions, purpose or attitude toward the effect of one's actions or conduct: a bungler with good intentions. purpose or attitude with respect to marriage: Our friends are beginning to ask what our intentions are. Good intentions with right efforts at the right time will always yield good results. There is no doubt about it. Only good intention is not enough, .. IMPORTANT MESSAGE TODAY...
Published 08/17/22
CHASING TIME AND MONEY.Time and money are inversely proportional . The more you have of one, the less you have of the other. If you have too much money you might not have time to spend it. 1. They can both be spent, they both offer value, and they can both be lost. The comparison list could go on, but one issue is that, in our opinion, money can be recovered, but time can't. 2. Which is more important money or time? In fact, time is much more valuable than money because you can use your...
Published 08/09/22
What is meant by emotional well-being? Emotional well-being is the ability to produce positive emotions, moods, thoughts, and feelings, and adapt when confronted with adversity and stressful situations. One of its foundations is resilience, which allows you to navigate challenging life events. Think of resilience like a muscle --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/shaukat-ali4/support
Published 07/29/22
PAY NOW OR PAY LATER. There is always a PRICE for your GOOD or BAD Actions.  --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/shaukat-ali4/support
Published 07/20/22
DUSTY AND RUSTY BRAIN????????? It’s the middle of a long workday and your brain is feeling fuzzy. You’re unmotivated, it’s difficult to remember important information, and your mind is taking every opportunity to drift.  You might be experiencing brain fog, a term used to describe a set of symptoms that impact your ability to think. “’Brain fog’ isn’t a scientific term itself, but rather a mild cognitive dysfunction that may be caused by many different conditions HERE are a Few ways to...
Published 07/18/22
IF YOU EAT FIRE YOU WILL BE SHOOTING FLAMES.  What happens if you eat a fire IN RAEL TIME? Even if you aren't burned badly, you'll still be poisoned a bit from the fuel. It's harmful or fatal if swallowed—it says that right on the can that's currently way far away from you. You'll have a headache and your mouth will taste awful. You'll have tastes, burps and smells you've never experienced before. THIS Episode is not about eating FIRE, I am using the analogy to make a real life...
Published 07/12/22
SLEEPING WITH HELL CATS.  WHAT ARE HELL CATS? HOW HELL CATS DESTROY YOUR LIFE? WHERE DO THE HELL CATS COME FROM? FIND OUT IN THIS EPISOD. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/shaukat-ali4/support
Published 07/07/22
STOP TO UNDERSTAND. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/shaukat-ali4/support
Published 07/06/22
AGING AROUND STUPID PEOPLE ?A stupid person doesn't have much intelligence or imagination, and they go through life making decisions that seem to lack all common sense. WHAT IS A STUPID PERSON LIKE? The modern English word "stupid" has a broad range of application, from being slow of mind (indicating a lack of intelligence, care or reason), dullness of feeling or sensation (torpidity, senseless, insensitivity), or lacking interest or point What is an example of stupid? An example of...
Published 07/05/22
VOICE OF NATURE . NATURE IS ALWAYS TRYING TO TELL YOU SOME THING, BUT YOU ARE TOO BUSY WITH YOUR CONSCIOUS WORLD. THATS WHERE YOU HAVE A LISTENING GAP THAT IS ALWAYS GETTING BIGGER AND BIGGER. 1. For your personal growth and Consciousness, you need that Communication in this time and age more than ever in the History of Mankind . 2. You have to know what is your being ness about, why are you here, what is your natural purpose, and how can you gain the access to your natural powers with in...
Published 06/19/22
END THE COMPETITION OF LIFE ? Life is Not a Competition, But You Can Still Win At It.  Whoever says "everything isn't a competition" is wrong. Life is a great big tumultuous fiasco of a competition filled with numerous other competitions that face us humans every single day. Competition is not just a term reserved for athletes, mathletes, cook-offs, or reality shows. Getting a job is a competition. Applying to college is a competition. Finding a soulmate or even a one-night stand is a...
Published 06/05/22
FIGHTING THE SYSTEMS.  FIGHTING THE SYSTEMS IS A COMMON STRUGGLE. SOME OF USE LEARN THE LINGO, AND SOME OF US DROWN INTO THE SYSTEMS. PLEASE TAKE A LISTEN. 10 Things to Remember When You're Struggling in Life Life isn't always comprised of happiness. ... Struggles don't last forever. ... You're not alone in your struggles. ... Use your struggle as an opportunity. ... Struggle helps you become stronger. ... Don't run away from your feelings. ... Everything happens for a...
Published 05/24/22
SHARING AND TEARING ??? SHARING -have a portion of (something) with another or others. "he shared the pie with her"/ TEARING- violent; extreme. "he did seem to be in a tearing hurry" It Can Lead To Security Problems If someone really does want to stalk or target you in some way, they can learn about you by looking at your profile. The more info you share, the more they know. This can also put you at more of a risk for identity theft in some cases. Contents This applies to personal and...
Published 05/17/22
How to survive your self? Here are some pointers to help you embrace your newfound solitude and find fulfillment in living solo. Get to know yourself better. ... Strengthen your relationships. ... Identify when you feel most lonely. ... Consider a pet. ... Connect with your community. ... Add some structure. ... Try new things. ... Create your ideal space. 1. Get to know yourself better Living alone can help you find the time to work on your most important relationship — the...
Published 05/15/22
The image of the rolling stone derives from the old proverb "a rolling stone gathers no moss. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/shaukat-ali4/support
Published 05/12/22
If you desire something which is impossible, you are ensuring lifetime frustration for yourself. Let me give you some examples of such desires Want to be another person Want to have a different gender Want to be born from a different parents Want to be born in different country Want to be born in a different religion Want to be younger than what you are Instead, I would like to advise you to desire what is possible and then follow your desires with all your courage and...
Published 04/28/22
THIS OR THAT ?   1 Introduction to This and that A number of studies document “choice overload”, the phenomenon that leads individuals to delay decision-making, report lower choice satisfaction, and make poorer decisions when faced with a large number of choice options .  Not all studies, however, find evidence for the choice overload effect, and most recently, there has been a call to understand how strong and universal the effect is, as well as to identify some of the boundary conditions...
Published 04/18/22
SEEING THE WORLD THRU PERCEPTION AND BELIEF Perception and belief are two words that refer to mental states or conditions that influence the way in which we see things around us. Perception is the way in which you sensory information to notice something or the way in which you understand something. Belief is a strong conviction or acceptance about something. PERCEPTION: Perception is the sensory experience of the world. It involves both recognizing environmental stimuli and actions in...
Published 04/15/22
FORGET PERFECTION.  Forget about perfection: No such thing as perfect Think about it. If you take a quick look around you, how much perfections do you actually see? Your public transport system is likely far from perfect, the industry leaders are not infallible, Einstein had accurate and inaccurate theories, and by all means you’re likely to find all kinds of mistakes, typos and whatnot on this blog and blogpost. So isn’t it actually very silly to procrastinate and not finish something...
Published 03/22/22
BE THE MASTER OF "GIVE" AND "TAKE".mutual concessions and compromises. "there has to be give and take on both sides.willingness to accept suggestions from another person and give up some of your own: How to Balance the Give and Take in Your Relationships I’m Not Deserving You’ll know this is you if you tend to eagerly put aside your own needs to meet those of others. Underlying this martyrdom often is a feeling of not being a good person in some undefined way. When you feel stretched too...
Published 03/16/22
YOUR PAST IS EMPTY ?  I was looking for good pictures to go with this topic, and I was struck to what degree people think that what they have as their past is what happened in the past. 100% of what happened, what you say happened, what you remember happened, actually didn’t happen. You only remember what you said about it… the meanings, the interpretations. Not what happened in reality. Getting to see what is in reality, what was in reality, takes work, and a serious change in how you...
Published 03/15/22
YOUR WORST ENEMY? --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/shaukat-ali4/support
Published 02/27/22
22 DOORS AND ME. ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES . NEVER ENDING GROWTH AND HAPPINESS.  1. Are you sitting and Moping? 2. Are you Complaining about some thing that happened to you a long time ago? 3. Are you Feeling Enslaved in your current situation? 4. Are you Feeling No out is left for you? 5. Are you not allowing yourself to exit from your own Grip? And Many more questions like above. Then Listen to today's Message, and See if you can Grab the Concept. Thanks --- This episode is...
Published 02/24/22
RETURNING FAVORS.  Life is all about Returning Favors.  --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/shaukat-ali4/support
Published 02/23/22