In this mini episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, the Courtney delves into the benefits of using beef tallow as a cooking fat. Exploring its resurgence in popularity and dispelling myths about animal-based fats, the episode highlights the differences between tallow and lard and discusses when to use each in cooking. Listeners are encouraged to consider incorporating beef tallow into their kitchen for its health benefits, challenging misconceptions about fats and their role in a healthy...
Published 03/08/24
This mini-episode explores the topic of ADD and ADHD, discussing the prevalence, diagnosis, and comorbidities of these conditions. The conversation highlights the role of environmental toxins in the increase of ADD and ADHD cases, as well as the impact of toxic exposures in utero and early childhood. The importance of testing for nutrient deficiencies and addressing genetic factors is also emphasized. The episode concludes by providing resources for support and solutions. Takeaways ADD and...
Published 03/08/24
Today on the Ancient Health Podcast, we delved into the crucial topic of mold with expert Brian Karr. Discover the importance of moisture in mold growth, how mold can persist even after drying, and the potential health implications of mold exposure. Gain insights on testing your home, recognizing symptoms of mold-related illnesses, and understanding the impact of mold on chronic diseases. Tune in for valuable tips and information to safeguard your health and well-being. 00:02:01 - Mold: The...
Published 03/05/24
In this episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, Dr. Motley delves into the topics of Alzheimer's and dementia, discussing the impact on the body and sharing remedies that have shown positive results. He emphasizes the importance of addressing emotional factors that may contribute to these conditions and highlights the challenges faced by individuals and families dealing with Alzheimer's and dementia. Dr. Motley's compassionate approach offers insights into supporting the healing process of the...
Published 03/01/24
On this episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, Dr. Chris Motley welcomes special guest Dr. Chloe Weber, a highly accomplished individual with a background in Chinese medicine and a passion for health and wellness. Dr. Weber's journey from a high school diagnosis to studying ecology and evolutionary biology, and eventually earning a Master's of Oriental Medicine, is truly inspirational. She co-founded a non-profit Chinese herb clinic, Herb and Herbs, to combine her love for herbs with...
Published 02/27/24
On this mini episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, Courtney and Dr. Motley dive into the world of biohacking, exploring how the approach may differ for men and women. They discuss the importance of considering individual differences and goals when utilizing biohacking tools, emphasizing the need to tailor techniques based on factors such as age and gender. Tune in to gain insights on optimizing biohacking practices for your specific needs and desired outcomes. 00:51 Biohacking differences...
Published 02/23/24
On this episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, host Courtney introduces guest Jay Campbell, a five-time international bestselling author and speaker known for his work in health optimization, hormone optimization, and human consciousness. Jay discusses the importance of hormonally optimizing the body before using peptides for healing, emphasizing the role of lifestyle factors like resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, and insulin control. Tune in for valuable insights on achieving...
Published 02/20/24
In this episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, Dr. Motley explores the topic of birth trauma. He defines birth trauma as the biochemical, physical, and emotional changes that occur during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Dr. Motley discusses common symptoms such as postpartum depression and anxiety, as well as hormonal fluctuations. He offers holistic solutions and natural remedies for overcoming birth trauma and promoting overall well-being. Tune in to learn more about this important...
Published 02/16/24
Mark Sisson inspires listeners with his holistic approach to health, emphasizing the importance of foot health through barefoot walking and innovative footwear that connects us with the earth. He shares his journey from a strict paleo diet to adopting a flexible, keto-ish lifestyle, focusing on protein and intuitive eating for metabolic flexibility. Mark advocates for eliminating harmful processed foods while embracing whole, real foods and sustainable animal proteins. His message is clear:...
Published 02/12/24
In this episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, Courtney discusses the importance of the sun in our lives. Courtney shares her personal love for the sun and how it affects her mood. The hosts dive into the benefits of sunlight, including its role in vitamin D production and mood regulation. They also introduce the BonCharge brand and highlight one of their favorite products, the Infrared Sauna Blanket, which offers numerous health benefits like calorie burning and detoxification. If you're...
Published 02/09/24
In this episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, host Courtney and Dr. Motley are joined by guest Misha Hyman, founder, and CEO of the Health Warrior Project. Misha is an advocate for urban farming and has started a project called Bio House. He is a professional chef and former athlete and is on a mission to inspire and equip others with tools for a healthier lifestyle. The conversation covers topics such as biohacking and the intersection of food and health. Tune in for an organic and...
Published 02/06/24
In this episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, Dr. Motley explores the connection between trapped emotions and problems with intimacy. Drawing from Chinese medicine, Dr. Motley explains how our emotional state can impact our physiological functions and ultimately affect our ability to be intimate with our partners. He discusses the role of different organs, such as the liver, gallbladder, and lung, in specific emotions like frustration, anger, and grief. Dr. Motley provides practical tips and...
Published 02/02/24
In this episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, Courtney and Dr. Motley engage in a deep and informative conversation with Bethany Cameron. Bethany shares her personal journey through severe health challenges, emphasizing gut health and holistic recovery. Key topics include the impact of diet on health, emotional connections to eating, and practical tips for overcoming digestive issues. Topics Discussed: 05:00-06:00: Bethany discusses her initial health struggles. 10:00-11:00: Conversation...
Published 01/30/24
In this mini episode, Courtney delves into the topic of food regulations and specifically compares the differences between food labeling regulations in the United States and Europe. The episode explores how the ingredients listed on food labels can vary between countries, even if the product is manufactured by the same company. The host highlights the shorter ingredient lists commonly found in European food products compared to their American counterparts. The focus is on educating listeners...
Published 01/26/24
In this episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, host interviews Dr. Sonia Chopra, an expert in oral health and an endodontist. They discuss the importance of oral health and how everyone can become their own healer. Dr. Chopra explains her specialty as an endodontist, which involves saving diseased teeth rather than extracting them. They also touch on topics such as root canals and advocating for your health. Dr. Chopra's extensive knowledge and experience in the field make this episode a...
Published 01/23/24
In this episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, Dr. Motley discusses the connection between our emotions and physical pain. He explains how our thoughts and beliefs can manifest as physical sensations in our bodies. Drawing from Chinese medicine, he explores the concept of meridian pathways and their role in transmitting electrical signals throughout the body. Dr. Motley suggests that pain can be an expression of our thoughts and emotions, highlighting the importance of understanding the...
Published 01/19/24
In this episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, our guest Dr. Seth Gerlach, a functional medicine doctor and health freedom warrior, joins the conversation. Dr. Gerlach shares his expertise in helping people transform their health and provides solutions for taking control of one's own health. Hosts discuss controversial topics and the importance of not just scaring people, but offering practical solutions. Tune in for an insightful and empowering discussion on taking charge of your health and...
Published 01/16/24
Our host, Courtney, explores the often overlooked vitamin A and its importance for overall health. The host discusses the difference between fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins, the potential toxicity of vitamin A, and the role of natural versus synthetic forms of the vitamin.  Courtney emphasizes the critical role of vitamin A in eye health, immune function, mucous membranes, fertility, and skin health. They also highlight the different forms of vitamin A, including preformed vitamin A...
Published 01/12/24
In this episode, we hosted Kelly LeVeque, a holistic nutritionist and author of "Body Love." She shares insights on balancing blood sugar for health and weight management, and her "Fab Four" formula (protein, fat, fiber, greens) for meal creation. Emphasizing protein's role in satiety and postpartum recovery, Kelly also discusses introducing diverse foods to children and the benefits of involving them in meal prep. Her practical, scientifically-backed approach to nutrition caters to family...
Published 01/09/24
In this episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, Dr. Motley discusses the connection between acne and internal health. He explains that while topical cleansing is important for treating acne, there is also an internal aspect to consider. Dr. Motley discusses the patterns of acne and how they can indicate issues with specific organs in the body. He explores the pathways of meridians and how blockages can lead to acne breakouts along those pathways. Dr. Motley also delves into the emotional...
Published 01/05/24
In this conversation, Dr. Josh Axe interviews Dave Asprey, the father of biohacking, about longevity and biohacking tips. They discuss the importance of minerals and electrolytes, the role of politics in health, and the need for personalization in diet and health practices. Dave shares his experiences with testing different therapies on himself and the game-changing results he has seen. They also touch on the gap in access to health and longevity and the importance of taking control of one's...
Published 01/02/24
In this mini-episode, Courtney discusses the "Cold and Flu Starter Pack" for parents and caregivers. She emphasizes the importance of being prepared for cold and flu season, even for adults who don't have kids. Courtney shares practical tips and strategies to support the body's immune system and heal faster when dealing with colds and illnesses. She reassures listeners that getting sick doesn't mean failure and offers tools to prevent symptoms from lingering for weeks. This episode provides...
Published 12/29/23
In this episode of the "Ancient Health Podcast," host Dr. Chris Motley welcomes Brian Johnson, a renowned philosopher, CEO, and the author of 'Arete: Activate Your Heroic Potential.' The discussion promises to be an enlightening journey into self-discovery and empowerment, exploring the convergence of ancient wisdom and modern science. Listeners can look forward to an inspiring and transformative conversation about unlocking one's fullest potential. 03:29 Connecting through homeschooling and...
Published 12/26/23
In this episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, Dr. Motley explores the topic of recessive genes and why they can express themselves, even when individuals are doing all the right things for their health. Using his own experience with Lyme disease, Dr. Motley discusses how certain symptoms, such as brain fog and migraines, may persist despite other improvements in overall health. If you've hit a wall in your health journey and are experiencing symptoms like gut issues, skin issues, or chronic...
Published 12/22/23
In this episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, the hosts welcome Dr. Caroline Leaf, a renowned expert on the mind-brain connection. Dr. Leaf discusses her latest book, "How to Help Your Child Clean Up Their Mental Mess," and the importance of understanding the power of the mind in shaping our behaviors and mental well-being. Whether you're a parent or not, this conversation offers valuable insights into the complexity of the brain and how it impacts our lives. Tune in to gain practical tips...
Published 12/19/23