Sifu Jensen talks about amazing stories of his Ba Gua Zhang teacher, Zhang Hwa Shen, and how some of the Ba Gua Zhang foundation drills were created. This famous classical martial art's training method is also used by Taoists as a Qi Gong and Meditation practice. Ba Gua Zhang is healing and strengthening. Sifu Jensen is offering this class online so that people can practice while space is limited during the quarantine..
Published 04/16/20
I never had Sylvester Stallone's problem. I have always loved working out. I woke up filled with excitement about all the amazing things my teachers had shared with me and gratitude, and wonder, that I had been able to learn them. Learn how to use Discipline, Motivation, and Inspiration to keep progressing towards your goals no matter what challenges the world decides to test you with. In this episode we talk about how to keep training and progressing despite being stuck in a small space....
Published 04/08/20
Move For Your Mind - The Most Important Part of Your Immune System Humans need to move. Movement affects our minds and emotions. Movement is also crucial to circulate two vital fluids within the body. These are cerebral spinal fluid and the synovial fluid. learn more about the ways your practice of Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Northern Shaolin, Xing Yi Quan or other classical martial arts helps you move in the ways that build your health in subtle but profound ways.
Published 04/01/20
In this podcast I describe how vital movement is to proper function of our immune system. Qigong provides gentle safe and effective movements to strengthen your immune system and build your health. In this episode I discuss the circulation of blood in the veins and arteries, lymph in the lymphatic system, and the digestive and elimination system. I also describe how stretching, relaxing, and opening the movement of the rib cage helps you to breath deeper. In addition, we dive into the...
Published 03/26/20
In this episode I discuss how to respond to the COVID-19 crisis today and give ideas from our arts and traditional Chinese medicine to help you! Sign up for Free Immune Booster Live Webinar.
Published 03/18/20
In this podcast I continue describing the art of Xing Yi Quan which I began learning in 1979. Xing Yi Quan means "Form and Will" or "Form and Intention" Boxing. This is a famous style of classical combat oriented martial arts with a deep connection to traditional Chinese medicine. In this second episode I discuss the training methods of Xing Yi Quan and more about its special qualities and concepts. In following a following I will discuss my path learning the Xing Yi Quan and my extraordinary...
Published 03/11/20
In this podcast I describe the art of Xing Yi Quan which I began learning in 1979. Xing Yi Quan means "Form and Will" or "Form and Intention" Boxing. This is a famous style of classical combat oriented martial art with a deep connection to traditional Chinese medicine. In this first episode I discuss the history and origins of Xing Yi Quan and its unique qualities including the "Three Treasure Stance" and "Following Step". In following episode(s) I will discuss the other components of the art...
Published 03/04/20
Part 2: In this episode, I continue discussing Tui Na, the therapeutic massage techniques commonly practiced by classical Chinese martial arts masters. I learned Tui Na from my Xing Yi Quan and Ba Gua Zhang instructors and it has proven to be valuable in assisting many of my students, friends, and family. Tui Na has it own unique qualities and I discuss those in this episode. In this episode I tell a story about my grand teacher in Tui Na the famous Taiwanese Xing Yi Quan teacher, Hsi Hong...
Published 02/26/20
In this episode, I discuss Tui Na the therapeutic massage techniques commonly practiced by classical Chinese martial arts masters. I learned Tui Na from my Xing Yi Quan and Ba Gua Zhang instructors and it has proven to be valuable in assisting many of my students, friends, and family. Tui Na has it own unique qualities and I discuss those in this episode.
Published 02/19/20
#19 Being Centered, A Way of Being - Lessons from Classical Martial Arts on facing the Challenges of Modern Life
Published 02/12/20
The Northern Shaolin style of classical Chinese martial arts is my favorite martial art. I have learned quite a few styles of Kung Fu over the years and seen many more. But Northern Shaolin and my teacher Grandmaster Wong Jackman have always had a special place in my heart. Listen to this podcast and find out why I and so many others love this rare style.
Published 02/05/20
In this episode I continue to talk about the essence of true Kung Fu and how to get it. In addition, following this theme I also answer more questions from Sean Lim. Sean Lim is a student of the Yijinjing Qigong and the art of Northern Shaolin. His questions dive right into the heart of these topics and origins of Kung Fu itself.
Published 01/30/20
The term "Kung Fu" has become a popular term that denotes classical combat oriented Kung Fu. However, there is a depth to its meaning that goes far further. In this episode I describe I and my peers with decades of experience refer to when we say "Kung Fu". In part two of this discussion I address unlocking your genius and the greatest challenge to building your own Kung Fu.
Published 01/23/20
In this episode, I describe the history of the Chin Woo association that preserved and modernized many classical martial arts and its founder Huo Yuan Jia. My teacher Wong Jackman ran the San Francisco Chin Woo where he taught in tune with the philosophy of the Chin Woo association. This is the official Chin Woo website: http://chinwoo.com/
Published 01/15/20
In this episode I answer questions regarding protecting your Qi while practicing classical Gong Fu like Northern Shaolin, Lan Shou Quan or Pao Chui. I also discuss healing emotional traumas and mental heath with Tai Chi and Qi Gong based on my decades of teaching.
Published 01/08/20
In this episode I tell two stories, discuss our goals to help you, our students and friends, look a little at the Tai Chi philosophy of Yin and Yang, and we have a special surprise for a our local students at the very end! We wish you Happy New Year of 2020 filled with great moments and love with your family and friends, good health, and success!
Published 01/01/20
In this episode I share a gift with you for the Holidays. This "Secret" gift is the verbal instructions on Post Standing Qigong, a wonderful, healing, breathing exercise and meditation, I frequently practice and teach. I use these instructions to lead this exercise in class, and teach my students to perform at home. No you can tune in this podcast and practice along when you have a good place and a free moment. This exercise is perfect for total beginners. It is also a great place to begin if...
Published 12/25/19
In this episode we look at the meaning and nature of Tai Chi Chuan in relationship to Qigong and classical combat oriented Gung Fu like Northern Shaolin, Lan Shou Quan, Ba Gua Zhang, and Hung Gar.I also discuss the reality of learning Tai Chi Chuan as a martial art and what it takes to become skillful in the martial side of Tai Chi, in addition to the healing meditative side of Tai Chi. In today's world many people are asking questions regarding the validity of Tai Chi as a martial art and...
Published 12/18/19
In many ways Qigong is the safest possible method of exercise. However, like anything it is still possible to make mistakes or create problems. In this podcast I share the tips and advice I received from master Qie Pei Qi. Xie was the one of the top doctors in Beijing and an expert in both classical gong fu and healing arts. Xie was considered to be one the few experts in the world capable of treating conditions caused by the incorrect practice of Qigong. His explanation of these important...
Published 12/11/19
In this episode I discuss how to find a Qigong class, how to identify a qualified teacher, and what types of Qigong are the most suitable for beginners and why. In the following episode I will share important tips to guide your Qigong practice from 8 Diagrams Palm Grandmaster Dr. Xie Pei Qi who was considered to be one of the top 4 doctors in Beijing and expert in treating Qigong practice caused injuries or illnesses. Doctor Xie's advice is essential for all qigong practitioners.
Published 12/04/19
In this episode, I discuss "What is Qigong?". Qigong is a braod subject in China with hundreds of different methods and practices. Here, I share my experience gained over 35 + of practice of a variety of methods. Qigong practice has been incredibly beneficial for my personal healing after breaking my pelvis in five places and suffering a severe whiplash. Qigong is also an important part of almost every system of classical Chinese martial arts. Here I provide a map to sort through the...
Published 11/27/19
The Three Treasures are Jing, Qi, and Shen, or Essence, Energy, and Spirit. The Three treasures are an important concept in martial arts, medicine and Philosophy. In this podcast I explain what they are and different meanings they have in martial arts and society. We also look at the differences between the internal martial arts of china, Tai Chi, Xing Yi, and Ba Gua and the external styles like Shaolin, Hung Gar and some of the mixed internal external schools like Lan Shou and Three Kingdoms...
Published 11/20/19
In this episode we discuss the profound relationship between Qi and Blood. "The Qi is the Commander of the Blood and The Blood is the Mother of the Qi". Learn how building your blood with smooth harmonious movement enhances your energy levels and why.
Published 11/13/19
In this episode I discuss different types of Qi within the medical context focusing on how Qi is generated in the body as a result of eating, drinking, and breathing. We'll also look at the vital role of the lungs in pushing the Qi through the channels and how we can heal ourselves using our breathing in Tai Chi and Qigong. To conclude we use an example of Qi from folklore, history and common religion "The Zheng Qi of Guan Gong" - "The Righteous and Just Qi of the God of War"
Published 11/06/19
In this podcast episode I explain what Qi or Chi is. Qi is an exceptionally difficult term to translate and when you finish listening to this episode you will understand why. In this first part I approach Qi more from a philosophical point of view and then in part two I will discuss the medical uses of the term Qi in more detail and tie all of this into practical advice for cultivating your Qi.
Published 11/02/19