Scoobies, we've all heard of full of grace but full of HATE? Wild. (Yes, this is a bit that mostly works if you've already listened to the episode, but just go with us.) Jasmine is back and bigger than ever, and while you would think that Connor would absolutely love that, it seems the boy has finally heard the tinkle tinkle. And he reacts to that fact in the totally normal way he reacts to everything. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the...
Published 09/14/22
As the Conheads have risen, Team Angel has fallen... all the way down to the dang sewers. Scoobies, do you hear the tinkle tinkle? Because it is back and more beautiful than ever. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the Bufferingverse, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss Angel Season 4's "Sacrifice," Ben Edlund's first Angel episode and one that stretches the believability of that whole "only folks in LA know about...
Published 08/31/22
Conheads, rise up—for it is finally your moment. Yes, we have possibly reached a point of no return for Team Angel... but we have also absolutely reached the peak for TEEN Angel. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the Bufferingverse, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss Angel Season 4's "The Magic Bullet," an episode that continues to give them everything they want, including sexpionage and even more character actors.
Published 08/17/22
Scoobies, have you heard the good news? Our friends are finally back in a good place, all thanks to Jasmine (aka Gina Torres). After a long, long fourth season, finally, Angel the series gives us everything we've been asking for. And not a tinkle tinkle in earshot. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the Bufferingverse, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss Angel Season 4's "Shiny Happy People," an episode that...
Published 08/03/22
The time has come, Scoobies: SHE'S HERE. But more on that whole thing next episode. For this particular episode, we're talking the tinkle tinkle of "Cordelia's" evil piano music as the series FINALLY explains what the heck has been going on with our girl. (Short version: Joss fuckery. Long version: Free will possibly doesn't exist? We'll get into it) So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the Bufferingverse, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more)...
Published 07/20/22
Scoobies, this one is truly for the Gunn Squad! Bang motherfricken Bang. If you're part of the Squad and want to see our boy get some much-needed love, then at least half of this is the episode of Angel for you. And if you like bad renditions of Michelle Branch's music and somewhat poignant discussions of Blackness on The WB (post-its era as "a Black network," of course), then this is also the podcast episode for you. Two things! So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the...
Published 07/06/22
Scoobies, it's funny how these things go. In any other instance, realizing that there's an episode of Angel where Cordelia Chase descends a staircase and delivers dramatic news could truly be one of the greatest things ever. But in this case, it is merely the culmination of Connor Angel not realizing that if you see something, you should say something. (Really, he doesn't seem to realize much of anything at all.) So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred...
Published 06/22/22
Scoobies, good news: Faith is still here! And Angelus wears reading glasses! And... Gunn! Bad news? Cordelia and Connor's thing is still... a thing. (Now with more blankets, for some bizarre reason. Yes, that's the bizarre part of all of this.) So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the Bufferingverse, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss Angel Season 4's "Release," an episode that possibly ruins the word "daddy," makes...
Published 06/08/22
Let's get right down to it, Scoobies: SHE'S HERE. ("Sharp Dressed Man" intensifies, we all lower our sunglasses to get a better look, etc.) Because Faith the Vampire Slayer is back, baby! Like we always say: We've never said a bad word about Angel Season 4 and are having the time of our lives here on Angel on Top. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the Bufferingverse, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more)—as well as their sort of guest Kristin...
Published 05/25/22
Scoobies, do you like wordplay? No matter your answer, this week's Angel episode title might be a tad bit confusing to you. You see, it's "Calvary," not "Cavalry"... but if you didn't realize that, don't worry: They want you to be confused! Who is "they?" Possibly one of the episode's three writers but also most likely Joss Whedon, a man who—for some reason—keeps coming up in this episode discussion.So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the...
Published 05/11/22
Scoobies, do you know what happens to a nerd when they have no leverage? The same thing that happens to everything else: Angelus, baby! That's right, after Angel Investigations' genius plan to put Angel's soul into a jar and pump Angelus for information, HE'S HERE. And he'd love that this description just brought up "pumping." So join your cultured hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the Bufferingverse, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they...
Published 04/27/22
Crack open a nice, warm bottle of dream milk, Scoobies—we're going into Angel's subconscious, baby. Much like us, Angel misses all of his friends—though he STILL doesn't know Fred and Gunn are an item—and he's got the dream Indiana Jones adventure to prove it. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the Bufferingverse, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss Angel Season 4's "Awakening," an episode where everything makes up...
Published 04/13/22
Scoobies, our favorite freak (sorry to use that word) is back! That's right, Gwen Raiden is back, baby, and she is here... to join our friends in failing at stopping the Beast from blacking out the sun. Whoops. From freak to failure, baby girl. (It could be worse though. She could hook up with Connor because he's jUsT LiKe hIs DaD.) So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the Bufferingverse, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they...
Published 03/23/22
You've heard of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but what about Angel... the Zombie Slayer? Sounds fake. But it's not! It's actually the case for Angel Season 4's "Habeas Corpses," in case you forgot. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the Bufferingverse, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the Beast vs. the (Lil') Panabaker, how Wes could go from the hottest anyone's ever been to Public Enemy #1, Angel's (correct) stance on...
Published 03/02/22
Scoobies, a wise man with cool hair once sang, "The sky's gonna open / People gonna pray and crawl / It's gonna rain down fire / It's gonna burn us all." And you know what? The gang over at Angel Investigations really should've listened to him! I hear he has cool hair these days! Maybe if they had listened to him, they would have seen Season 4's "Apocalypse Nowish" coming. Because we all wish we could have seen it coming. (Cordy did though, as she kept on saying "it's coming" in this...
Published 02/16/22
Scoobies, do you remember "Band Candy?" Do you remember "Tabula Rasa?" You know, both episodes of television that were once discussed on that other podcast, Buffering the Vampire Slayer. Well then Angel Season 4's "Spin the Bottle" may seem pretty, pretty familiar to you. (Unless you also have amnesia. Can't help you there then.) All the fun of those episodes... only less so... and with 100% more sneering Connor. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred...
Published 02/02/22
Scoobies, by now you probably know this: If there's one thing that us lovely ladies here at Angel on Top understand, it's physics. So you just know that none of the talk of supersymmetry (the titular concept) in this Season 4 episode (again, "Supersymmetry") went over our heads. Sorry, Gunn and Angel -- you have to get up pretty early to get one over on us. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the Bufferingverse, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much...
Published 01/19/22
Huh. Forgive us, Scoobies. We had something we wanted to say here, but for some reason... we just... can't seem to remember? If that sounds like an accurate portrayal of amnesia to you, then surely you know that this week, Angel on Top continues its spoiler-free dissection of all things exclusively Angel the series with Season 4, Episode 4, "Slouching Toward Bethlehem." Cordelia is finally back from a higher plane, she now has amnesia, and the gang at Angel Investigations apparently learned...
Published 12/22/21
We asked for it, Scoobies, and finally, it is here: Viva Lorne Vegas! ("Officially" known as Angel Season 4, Episode 3, "The House Always Wins." But we all know what it really is.) FINALLY, what's left of the team at Angel Investigations takes Gunn's brilliant advice and heads to Vegas... and would you look at that? Strange things are afoot at the Tropicana. And not just slander from the television series Angel. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred...
Published 12/08/21
Hey, Scoobies, quick question: Do *you* know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning? Well, we don't want to spoil it if you don't know, but we will say, there is an episode of Angel that just might have the answer to said question. That's right, Angel on Top continues its spoiler-free dissection of all things exclusively Angel the series with Season 4, Episode 2, "Ground State," the most X-Men episode of the entire series thus far. (You never know: Anna Paquin *could* show up...
Published 11/24/21
Scoobies, we are back... and better than ever? The latter can neither be confirmed nor denied, but the former is so, so true. (And in our own feed.) Angel on Top continues its spoiler-free dissection of all things exclusively Angel the series -- and rivalry with all things Buffering the Vampire Slayer -- with our coverage of Angel Season 4. And it all begins with the Season 4 premiere, the very appropriately titled "Deep Down." So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the...
Published 11/10/21
Published 09/14/21
Hello, Scoobies. Naturally, Angel Season 3 continues its focus on fathers and sons (sons and fathers) with "Benediction," an episode where our heroes really need a nice, hot shower. But you know what this episode also continues? The season's focus on its breakout character: JUSTINE. (Pause for applause.) So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the Bufferingverse, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) as they continue to talk good and/or bad...
Published 09/01/21
Slow motion. Questionable CGI. Whatever the plural of "chamois" (which is NOT spelled "shammy") is. Consider it what to expect when you're expecting "A New World." (That's the Angel episode title there, Scoobies.) Join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the Bufferingverse, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) as they attempt to talk good and/or bad parenting, Connor Angel Stephen Holtz's whole deal, and yes, how hot Wesley is in this episode.
Published 08/18/21
Now, we're not sure if you've heard, but there is always a price to using dark magics. That's a lesson our foes over on Buffering the Vampire Slayer learned earlier this season (with "After Life"), and it's a lesson we're all learning this week on Angel on Top (with "The Price"). So prepare to have an answer to the inevitable "Who Wore It Better?"-esque question when it comes to talk of all things thaumogenesis, Scoobies. And join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia...
Published 07/28/21