Now this? This is what we're talking about. This? This is the good stuff. And DADDY? He is officially home. (No, not Joss. Eww.) So join your "intriguingly unstable" hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) one last time as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode (and series finale) "Not Fade Away," a banger of a series finale and the perfect example of how you stick the damn landing.
Published 09/22/23
Now this? This is what we're talking about. This? This is the good stuff. And DADDY? He is officially home. (No, not Joss. Eww.) So join your "intriguingly unstable" hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) one last time as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode (and series finale) "Not Fade Away," a banger of a series finale and the perfect example of how you stick the damn landing. LOCATE YOUR HOSTS ON THE...
Published 09/22/23
Published 09/22/23
On a FRESH Angel on Top... For seasons, we've all heard tales of Drogyn, the Keeper of the Deeper Well. He's basically all that anyone ever talks about on this show. And this week—in the second to last episode of Angel ever—Drogyn RETURNS. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "Power Play," an episode that really gets just how important Drogyn...
Published 09/06/23
Drumroll, please! Because the gang is back together, Scoobies. No, we're not talking about Angel Investigations. They're all still complete strangers to each other. We're talking Team Angel on Top, as Producer Kristin is back on the mic, and it's for more than just a single Korner. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "The Girl in Question,"...
Published 08/24/23
Bad news, Scoobies: Khaki Connor is NOT in this episode of Angel. Instead, we're left with a few beta males and a ticking time bomb (hey, that's the title!). But don't worry: We still find a way to talk about our favorite boy. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "Time Bomb," ANOTHER non-Groundhog Day Whedonverse time loop episode.
Published 07/28/23
Memories are a tricky thing, Scoobies. For example, you all might remember Connor Angel as being anything but a beloved character for your friends here at Angel on Top character. But that can't be true. We've always been fans of Connor Angel. Big fans. ALWAYS. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "Origin," featuring the return of their...
Published 07/12/23
Scoobies (or should we say "Angel's Avengers?"), what exactly is the difference between a cellar and a basement? Because while we might not quite figure it out during this week's podcast episode, we do know one thing: Whatever the official terminology, that's definitely a sex dungeon. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "Underneath," a very...
Published 06/28/23
Give me a head with shells / Long, beautiful shells. Translation: Unfortunately, Scoobies, we must continue to say goodbye to Winifred "Fred" Burkle. But fortunately, we get to say hello to one hell of an Amy Acker performance. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "Shells," the end of Fred's story and official beginning of Illyria's.
Published 06/14/23
Today is a difficult day, Scoobies: for real this time. So let's just get right down to it. Join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) and special guest Taylor Brogan (writer, AMC's Lucky Hank) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "A Hole in the World," an episode you've probably all been dreading for one reason or another.
Published 05/31/23
Today is a difficult day, Scoobies, as we must accept the new normal: Angel the vampire has puppet cancer. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) and special guest Joe Henderson (co-showrunner of a little show known as Lucifer) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "Smile Time," an episode about self-esteem, signals, and of course, puppet cancer.
Published 05/17/23
Oh yes: It's a D-Day episode for your V-Day episode. (This statement only really makes sense if you know when this Angel episode aired. And if you listen to this podcast episode. Then this joke absolutely kills. You'll get it.) And if you are a fan of the ensemble of this particular series... this is NOT the episode for you. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the...
Published 05/03/23
Scoobies, wipe your tears away. Now is not the time to cry. We have work to do. (Okay, maybe you can do a little crying. It's only natural. But there's still work to be done.) There's really no reason to beat around the bush: You all know what episode we're doing. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "You're Welcome,"  the 100th episode of the...
Published 04/19/23
This week we're mad. Enjoy! Or don't!
Published 04/05/23
Once upon a time, there was a critically-acclaimed episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer titled "Restless." (Season 4, Episode 22, of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, in case any of you Scoobies forgot.) And now, there is... also an episode of Angel. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "Soul Purpose," an episode that's one-part bad dreams and little...
Published 03/08/23
Oh, the difficulties of being an undead gal in the big city. Harmony Kendall knows all of them quite well. Rude neighbors, backstabbing colleagues, head-chopping bosses—and on top of it all, she's single?!? Rough stuff. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "Harm's Way," an episode all about little old Harmony. Bless her heart.
Published 02/22/23
Ah, remember a simpler time, Scoobies? A time when men were men and Angelus and Spike (AK William Bloody) could truly be themselves (GAY). Well, you will remember it. That's what this episode is all about, kids. (See, "kids" sounds a lot cooler when *we* say it.) So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "Destiny," an episode that corporealizes a...
Published 02/01/23
Scoobies, we've heard of being a father of a daughter, but being a father of a SON? Now we've heard everything! Which is why we needed to have a real-life father of a son, writer Bill Hanstock, on as guest to help us unpack all the episode. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "Lineage," an episode that leaves us with so many more questions...
Published 01/18/23
Scoobies, it looks like we've got ourselves a wrestling episode. Cue LaToya adjusting her glasses to prepare to give you fair listeners... an education. And while it may be a new year for all of us, back in the world of 2003 The WB—god, we have to go back—we're celebrating Día de los Muertos and the beginning of November sweeps. (Yes, this episode of Angel kicked off its November sweeps episodes. We discuss this in the podcast.) So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA...
Published 01/04/23
When you're a vampire with a soul, you learn to live with the idea of people wanting you dead. ... Work long enough and the line to kill you gets pretty long." That's right, Scoobies—Angel the vampire DOES have a lot in common with burned spy Michael Westen. (Not to be confused with actor Michael Weston, real-life son of our dearly departed Linwood Murrow.) But this episode is not so much about the titular vampire; it's about Lorne! (Cue "Viva Lorne Vegas.") Since starting work at Wolfram...
Published 12/14/22
Who says spooky season is behind us, Scoobies? Definitely not this episode of Angel, that's for sure. Yes, once again, Angel the series is going deep down—but not to the bottom of the ocean and not with the vampire with a soul you'd expect. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "Hell Bound," an episode in which the Spike we know is finally back...
Published 11/30/22
Ah, finally, we can "awoo" again. But only in secret, away from our blonde family. That's just life as an American werewolf in Los Feliz. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "Unleashed," an episode that introduces a "Tina" named Nina, continues the established pattern of characters seeing something but refusing to say something, and proves...
Published 11/16/22
Scoobies, he's here. Spike ("AK William Bloody") is here. And now Angel the series is not just a legal drama—it's a buddy cop comedy! You know, two genres Angel the series has always needed to be. That means petty Angel and jealous (?) Spike all night long.So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson (high on pain pills) and Morgan Lutich (high on life) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "Just Rewards," the episode that taught up all the word "corporeal" and gave us a solid head...
Published 11/02/22
Scoobies, a new era has arrived. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is dead. Long live Buffy the Vampire Slayer! And with its ending, so endeth the Buffering the Vampire Slayer/Angel on Top FEUD. But the show must go on, as there is still one more season of Angel left. Which means Angel on Top just has to provide a corker of a return episode. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 premiere "Conviction," a re-pilot of sorts.
Published 10/19/22
Alright, Scoobies. We have officially reached the end of the road. Not just for Angel Season 4 but for a couple of other big Angel the series features. But let's not cry because it's over; let's smile because it happened. (Except for the thing that is all Joss Whedon pettiness. We can riot in the streets for that part.) So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson* and Morgan Lutich (AKA the Cordelia and Fred of the Bufferingverse, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the...
Published 09/22/22