After 10 years of Ron beating the Drum in Mainstream & Social Media, 2 sets of Ron’s Testimony before Parliamentary Committees last Friday the Housing Minister Sean Fraser announced the Federal Government will commence consultation to allow Financial Institutions to verify Borrower Income through CRA : What a Breakthrough, thank you Minister. More Housing & Mortgage News on 30 CMHC Amortization and mortgage extensions for Financial Hardship. Mortgage Rates Update. WTAF can we please...
Published 04/16/24
Government keeps throwing  money all over the place but so much of it is aimed at what is destroying the Federal Government in the polls: Housing & affordability. Another $15 BILLION rolled out for rental apartment loans: when will something happen that helps people who want to BUY a home? Rate Movements this week! more bumps in Mortgage Rates. Is it going to get harder for Canadians to even get a mortgage?  Facts & Fiction And What’s with the Eclipse? Is this the first frigging one...
Published 04/09/24
What a Week! The Federal Liberal Government ran out the completely fake Renter Bill of Rights: We break down that Tissue of Lies OSFI the Bank Regulator laid plans to make just a little harder for Canadians to get mortgages in 2025. Blind Trust Insanity: CRA created a massive paper jungle for anyone who wanted to co-sign on their kids house. And when the Competition Bureau told the OSFI boss Peter Routledge he needed to change the Stress Test on straight renewals Peter told them to Eff...
Published 04/02/24
Crazy Canadian House Prices make it so hard to qualify for the huge mortgages needed to buy homes in Canada, let’s break down why housing is so screwed up. Rate Update. Viewer Mail. Why the heck are we stress testing Renewals? The Competition Tribunal Agrees with me that it makes no sense. WTAF sense is there in defunding roads but spending $40B on EV battery plants.
Published 03/26/24
Understand this: when CMHC says Housing Starts are up, when the Federal Government says $Billions$ are being spent through the Housing Accelerator Fund, when Provincial Spending $Millions$ to improve Housing Starts: its NOT many Houses to buy: its mostly rentals. Don’t be fooled 2024 will create far FEWER houses to buy than in the last decade: the TRUTH about housing in CANADA.
Published 03/19/24
Mortgage Rates are changing, housing trends are changing & we are coming into the key Real Estate Selling Period of the Year. What’s going to happen? Jobs Report: True or False? Random BS or Facts? Ron Analyses it Some interesting questions from Viewers. WTAF: A return to a horrific Government Scandal with an epic rant.
Published 03/12/24
How can Young People In Canada afford their first homes: THEY CAN’T Not in the regions of Canada where most people live The result is unless Parents give MASSIVE help they can’t buy. What’s up with Rates? Promissory Note Scandal Update. Viewer Questions WTAF with Arrive-Scam? Did those Crooks steal $400M of Taxpayer Money?
Published 03/05/24
And they’re wasting our Tax Dollars at an incredible pace: Bureaucrats are destroying Canada’s hope of lower prices for New Homes: we list some crazy examples and some Provincial Government Organizations are acting in ways NO ONE can understand. Updates on Mortgage Rates. More news on the Promissory Notes fiasco. Does BC care about home owners a hell of a lot more than the Ontario Government? WTAF, what’s stopping us from fixing Mortgage Document Fraud?   
Published 02/27/24
The ongoing heart wrenching story of Promissory Notes gone bad. Hamilton Mortgage Broker Claire Drage has promoted millions of dollars of Promissory Notes to Investors who got an email last week that the payments have STOPPED. Ron explains what happened and how to recognize these scams. Latest Mortgage Rate Trends. More Mortgage questions answered, what’s up with Home Sales. WTAF is now used in Canada’s Parliament?
Published 02/20/24
Angry Mortgage covers Government policy mistakes, taxation stupidity & why government conferences NEVER produce solutions. An update of massive Private Mortgage & Promissory Note Mismanagement & Lies: Investor Losses increase daily. Viewer Mail: questions get answered. Latest Mortgage Rate Movement.
Published 02/13/24
A feature on some of the oddest stories coming out of Private Mortgage World? Will things get even stranger as the year goes on? Mortgage Rate Action for this week. US Job News, Canadian GDP And Ron’s rant on Immigration Minister’s Marc Miller’s recent interview.
Published 02/06/24
Real Estate is so expensive people quit having kids. What happening with Rates? Will the Ontario RE market pick up? Does that mean higher prices? How to we FIX Housing : people are tired of us complaining about RE Prices how do we fix it? WTAF is the Government doing about Car Theft: Ron’s Angry!
Published 01/30/24
Ann is one of the consummate professionals in the Mortgage Brokerage Business, she relates how massive technical stills in mortgage underwriting can bring powerful benefits to Borrowers, how current Brokerage trends may be discouraging this skill set & how the mismanagement of the City of Toronto is forcing her to change cities.
Published 01/25/24
Why does it all levels of Government so LONG to recognize: problems, mistakes, clear misses & needed changes, the public has talked about needed changes for months or YEARS before Government even seems to know something is even happening. There HAS to be shorter Reaction Time. Ron Surveys sudden Rate movements. Angey Mortgage makes the Bank of Canada Rate Decision BEFORE the Bank does. The impact of endless renewal rate increases Viewer Questions Answered AND MORE.
Published 01/23/24
Huge Property Tax increases across Canada record setting jumps, Power of Sales & Foreclosures taking off: one Lender files 27 foreclosures in 7 Days WTH? Why? How bad will it get. Latest Rate News: coming down!  Pre-Construction Mess: things aren’t going in the right direction, more problems everyday. WTAF Rant: Are Canadians getting poorer individually because that’s what Per Capita GDP is telling us!
Published 01/16/24
Are young people giving up on Canada because home ownership is hopeless and rents are too high? Just how much have condos gone up in Ontario? Too high to work for investors anymore? Have 905 & Fraser Valley homes taken a hit? Why are there no 30 Year Mortgages like they have in the US in Canada? WTAF: is up with CEBA loans?
Published 01/09/24
Ron breaks down the latest Debtonation Video from Pierre Poilievre: What are the facts? New Construction Appraisal Disasters: Growing consistently Fixed Rates keep dropping, how far, how fast? WTAF is going on with Tik Tok Real Estate Agents & Mortgage Brokers
Published 01/02/24
Rob is the first 2 time Special Guest and we hit all the 2024 predictions: Mortgage Rates! House Prices! Elections! Long frigging list.
Published 12/26/23
US Federal Reserve shocks Mortgage World, Canadian Bond Yields fall off a cliff, will lower mortgage rates create a Real Estate Bounce in the Spring? Or will Recession & Rates in the high 4% Range do too much damage. Ron lights up the Landlord & Tenant Board.
Published 12/19/23
Unpacking the Bank of Canada announcement, Fixed Rates Fall: 4.89% SHOWED UP. What’s it mean for Home Prices, also what an economic downturn means for house prices. And another Epic Ron Rant!
Published 12/12/23
Bank Loan Loss Provisions, GDP Reports, the Race Between Mortgage Rate Cuts & Recession & Ron looks like he may pop a vessel in his Toronto Rant.
Published 12/05/23
Airbnb BIG News, The Finance Minister Introduces the Canadian Mortgage Charter: is it utter BS? NEW Inflation Print is in. Has Tiff Macklem run up the White Flag on Rate Hikes? And More Mortgage News.
Published 11/28/23
The Mortgage Landscape in Canada is changing fast, everyone hated Variable Rates for the last 20 months now the number of people CHOOSING Variable Rate has increased 550% in just 6 weeks. RE Sales Volume continues to grind down everywhere but Calgary. Is the Recession here? And a real rant on WTAF.
Published 11/21/23
Big Show: Ron Goes To Parliament! Wild they would let him in! Ron testified before the Finance Committee on several topics: Mortgage Income Document Fraud comes under the microscope, Short Term Rentals need to be banned, House Prices in Canada MUST come down: Fairness for the Next Generation is sorely needed. WTAF! Just under 10K New Canadians arrive every WEEK in Canada & TODAY there are FEWER Homes being built. URGENCY in solving this disaster is becoming overwhelming.
Published 11/14/23
Albert Collu is the President & CEO of Marathon Mortgage Corp and has been a high level executive at both Lenders and Brokerage Networks for over 20 years. Albert brings us insights into how a Mortgage Finance Company actually works and shares his knowledge on what’s facing the Canadian Mortgage Space. It’s exciting to host a mortgage industry leader like Albert 
Published 11/09/23