Unemployment hit 6.6% Is the Canadian Economy headed for the dreaded “R” Word? Shhhhhh…. Nah I will say it: RECESSION. One Employment Report does not mean Recession but a constant trend, and we’re 4 in a row is a bad trend & if it keeps heading past 7% then 8% is next in line. Ron breaks down the crucial indicators that point toward more job losses. Rates keep coming down, is there a new Rate Strategy for renewing mortgages & prospective House Buyers? And what happens to the Real Esta...
Published 09/10/24
The Bank of Canada Meeting is Sept 4th & the Rate Cuts will keep on coming: how many should we expect? There is a lot of reporting “Noise” about the Canadian economy, what’s important, what’s not & how to tell the difference. The kids are back in school the Summer is almost over: The Fall Real Estate Market is about to start….. Or is it? Let’s discuss. RBC CEO Dave McKay declares a Mortgage Rate War! Is that true? Maybe it is. Viewer Mail & WTAF is going on with Government telling...
Published 09/03/24
Published 09/03/24
Huge Shift In Thinking From Central Bankers. Last week many of the worlds Central Bankers met at their Annual Conference in Jackson Hole Wyoming & the ending speech by Fed Chairman Jerome Powell signaled a complete change: inflation is no longer an issue, now it’s the speed of cuts to save economies. Time to think of Variable Mortgages again? We break it down. Are some Home Buyers in 2020 – 2022 stuck in their houses? What the heck with $3B in US Government fines at TD? And WTAF: More she...
Published 08/27/24
Another Government Scandal? Has The Temporary Foreign Workers Program which has been great for years been hijacked into a kind of modern servitude? Has our Government actually engineered Wage Suppression to keep Canadians poor? Has this previously great program has turned into cheap workers for Fast Food restaurant owners? Jann is under the weather so Ghaith from our Sales Group fills in this week. More Mortgage Rate strategies. Viewer Mail. Housing Start info & WTAF!!
Published 08/20/24
What happens next as rates fall, will RE prices take off? What is the right mortgage product to choose today? Still 3 – YR? What about 1 – YR? Variable harmed many Mortgage Holders but is it time to reconsider? New Home Construction collapses in Ontario, what’s the reason? Is there a Solution? CMHC’s Multifamily Rental Program was doing some good so naturally it was changed for the worse. The soaring Rental Cost Virus goes from BC & Ontario to other provinces. Ron’s Rant: WTAF is with Pro...
Published 08/13/24
Are NEW 30 Year Amortization Changes Really Good For Anyone? We have our doubts! 4M New Homes says Finance Minister Chrystia Freedland, please Minister Freedland don’t say this lie anymore. RATES GO DOWN! Ron talks about developments in the USA that impact Canadian Mortgage Rates. Did the Supreme Court Of Canada just publish a decision that HELPS White Collar Crime? Ron thinks they did. BIG RANT: Private Mortgage Rip Offs that will make you sick.
Published 08/06/24
Condo Madness continues, will it get so bad that Government would consider a Bail-Out, Ron’s simple answer: HELL NO, how bad will things get? Will the Ontario Economy gone past the Crapper Stage. Just how sure is it there will be a much lower Bank of Canada Rate next year? Pretty Damn Sure. Perilous times for the Construction Industry. And Ron’s Rant: Toronto wants to TAX PAVEMENT?
Published 07/30/24
Honestly there we many years that the mortgage business was pretty quiet & boring, 2010 – 2019 there were policy changes but nothing too crazy BOOM Covid happened & since then Real Estate & Mortgage World is something new every week.Canadian Retail Sales Report all bad news: Is the Economy sliding into the CRAPPER. Bank of Canada Announcement Tomorrow: do we already know what is going to happen? More Condo Craziness & will it spread to Single Family? Will Banks change their ap...
Published 07/23/24
If interest / mortgage rates are going to this year & next year won’t Real Estate Heat up again? Will it be time to buy soon? Actually….. Maybe Not. We break it down. Should anyone pay $270K to GET OUT OF a Pre-Construction Condo Purchase? Looks like that’s a definite possibility: find out why. Mortgage Fraud Update: please let it end. Viewer Mail & WTAF: Why do we have Booze Communism in Ontario.
Published 07/16/24
Unemployment not good, Fixed Mortgage Rates edge up, we’re not sure we get another Rate Cut from the Bank of Canada in 2 weeks & Home Sales hit a 28 year low in Toronto. Hey Ron any good news: sure there is, its July & the weather is good. Stick around till then end for an EPIC rant about the 4M new homes that are an utter lie.
Published 07/09/24
We cover Rate Movements, the next Bank of Canada Rate Move: What to expect & Why. Hey! If its another edition of Angry Mortgage there has to be some more Mortgage Fraud to cover. What’s up with Vacation Homes & Cottages? New trends & what to make of the bump in Cottage Real Estate. CMLS & Nesto, what just happened & what to expect. Viewer Mail An WTAF: Jann joins in on the absolute insanity going on in Toronto
Published 07/07/24
Too much many incidents, too much tragedy, too much money lost, why is it happening? Why are we hearing about so much of it now? How can borrowers & investors protect themselves? Ron breaks it down. Rate World: will Variable become an option? Maybe not yet but when? CBC Program on Condo Sales Problems: Ron was in on that show. Viewer mail bag: questions get answered. WTAF: we need to wake up and see recent immigrants the right way.
Published 06/25/24
The concerning direction of rental Condos in Toronto: should we be worried? Let’s break it down: BIG Mortgage Rate News: we have been waiting for the Fixed Rate Mortgage cuts, looks like they finally showed up: maybe a 50 bps cut, we analyze next week in RatesMortgage Fraud Update: Who’s suing who? And a wild WTAF: Can’t we actually fix ANYTHING.
Published 06/18/24
Our Special Guest Vince Gaetano reveals the sad truth behind the City of Toronto’s hellacious Permitting system, the utter insanity of building anything inside the City, the endless Neighbor Complaints, the bizarre process of managing the City InspectionsOh, and the very worst thing about this mess: the Builder is providing EXACTLY the kind of increased density housing the City is BEGGING for. And wait till you hear about the City’s fees & levies
Published 06/13/24
Aftermath of the Bank of Canada Rate Cut. Rate trends can be based on analysis but the Housing Market gives way to Prediction. The growing scarcity in Low Rise New Construction. Condo Market in for a Kicking in Toronto. Mortgage Fraud Update: Greg Martel, Claire Drage and some rumblings about “who cares about fines” Viewer Mail: when do payments drop? An Australian Bank is going ban CASH. And WTAF is going on in Ottawa: Treason?
Published 06/11/24
Rate Cuts in Canada become Destiny whether it’s June 5th or July they’re coming: the GDP Report drives it home. Bank Financial Results put a stake through Canadian Credit with growing Loan Loss Provisions. With BoC cuts what is the new Mortgage Rate Strategy? How will Investment Property Buyers react: it ain’t looking good. The Ontario Mortgage Broker Regulator sets the Industry straight: no tolerance for any Bad Actors. Viewer Mail. And WTAF: Time to get Serious.
Published 06/04/24
3 Big Mortgage Brokerage Scandals rock Ontario: With Special Guest Frances Hinojosa2024 has been the year Ontario Mortgage Brokerage Regulator FSRA has proven they are on job & very serious about investigation2 Notice of Proposals for License Suspensions & one Mortgage Brokerage Owner who handed in her license. Ron & Frances review the files .
Published 05/30/24
Real Estate Sales in Ontario seems to have shut down: some answers & some suspicions. How bad will things get on the Office Side office side of Commercial Real Estate? What should we think of Variable Mortgage Rates Now, Time to Re-evaluate? Something is up with Foreign money coming into Canadian RE? Looks like it VIEWER MAIL, & a Special for Toronto’s Road Work.
Published 05/28/24
Announcements! $10K Challenge! OSFI Cracks Down!Doom Scrolling & Rage Farming. Will overseas money transfers screw up house purchase mortgages? The Big TD Bank News trickles down. What happened to the Spring Real Estate Market? Rate Action & a heartfelt WTAF
Published 05/21/24
Huge News: An In-Depth review on one of the highest level Mortgage Fraud Charges in Ontario history.Props to Ontario's Mortgage Broker Regulator FSRA: after a comprehensive 2 year review a Notice Of Proposal was brought against William Handsaeme the Principal Broker of the huge London Ontario Brokerage Forrest City Funding Ron will run down the details, the fines, the license suspensions & how the hell it all works. + Mortgage Rate News. Worrying trends in New Construction Starts in ...
Published 05/14/24
Big Rate News on Variable Mortgages. The message out of the USA on the future of Canadian interest rates. What’s happening in Real Estate Sales Across Canada The breakdown of Rental Condos versus Low- Rise Homes WTAF is really up, why do many Canadians feel things are just not working out the way they should
Published 05/07/24
Summing up the huge number of Government initiatives to do with solving Canada's Housing Crisis. What works? What won't work? What's just BS? More Mortgage Rate News: It ain't pretty. When will the BoC drop rates? And a big WTAF Rant.
Published 04/30/24
Capital Gains Tax Increase & Property Sales: it ain’t pretty. Should Canada Ban Huge Corps buying up individual houses, Hell Yes!! Calgary Mayor says all young people want to Rent & never buy a house: it’s a Freedom Thing…… Say WHAT! How small are some of these new Government subsidized units going to get? Does a 330 sqft unit seem a bit small? Bank of Canada has a big dilemma. Viewer Mail! WTAF happened with the GOLD HEIST
Published 04/23/24
After 10 years of Ron beating the Drum in Mainstream & Social Media, 2 sets of Ron’s Testimony before Parliamentary Committees last Friday the Housing Minister Sean Fraser announced the Federal Government will commence consultation to allow Financial Institutions to verify Borrower Income through CRA : What a Breakthrough, thank you Minister. More Housing & Mortgage News on 30 CMHC Amortization and mortgage extensions for Financial Hardship. Mortgage Rates Update. WTAF can we please...
Published 04/16/24