Are you a high achieving woman who sometimes wonders if there is more to life than you're experiencing? Maybe you feel like you're living, but you're not really ALIVE? Do you experience burnout, overwhelm, regular low level anxiety? Sister, that's not 'normal' like we've been trained to believe. Today Emily was interviewed by her business bff Alexi Panos, on how she has navigated her pivot from being a hustling International entrepreneur, making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year,...
Published 07/08/20
You're a driven woman, I see you, kicking the goals, making the money, achieving, PROVING your value to the world. What could it, would it look like if you knew you already had permission (and the power) to do and be all of it , whoever you wanted, without trying to please or prove ever again? More money, less overwhelm. More alignment, less proving. More trust, less stress. More flow, less fear. Its all waiting for you sister, let's explore it.
Published 07/01/20
What a doozy... oh and it's only June! 2020 has already been a WILD start to a new decade.. and while it is easy to ask the question 'why is this happening TO us', and look at all the change, destruction and frustration this year has endured.. it is also setting out to be one of the most transformational years in many of our lifetimes... if we let it be. Find out more in today's solo episode with Emily.
Published 06/17/20
A conversation with Preston Smiles & Alexi Panos, regarding white supremacy, white privilege, being anti-racist, what that really means, and what we need to be speaking & learning about right now.
Published 06/10/20
Do you ever find yourself in relationship after relationship that feels like you're coming up against the same issues, just a different partner? Have you started to believe you're only worthy or capable of a relationship that doesn't really meet your needs? The majority of the issues we face in our intimate relationships, can be linked to one main cause. Until we uncover the underlying reasons why we keep attracting the same people into our lives (and tolerating the same behaviour), we will...
Published 05/27/20
Did you once dream of the big life, the money, the travel, the relationships, the passion, the alignment, the abundance.. and have you somewhere along the way forgotten that you're worthy of it all? Does having that abundant bank account, while feeling spiritually connected and turned on by life, feel like a dream that's just not possible for you? Well sister, today's episode with the multi-million dollar entrepreneur, author, speaker, and absolute Queen Gina DeVee will remind you that not...
Published 05/20/20
In the time of Covid, lockdowns, lines, social distancing, uncertainty, doubt and fear, it is more important than ever, that we move forward having as many tools to take care of out emotional and mental health, to manage the new world we find ourselves in. The reality is, our experience is always determined by what's happening inside our own minds and hearts, and that is always much more in our control, than what is happening without. So, if you've been experiencing overwhelm, anxiety, fear,...
Published 05/13/20
We've all heard a lot about finding your purpose, yet how many of us really feel like we are living it? Maybe you've been getting signs from life that you're not on track (hint, they can be things you're so used to you think they're normal, like anxiety, overwhelm, depression). Perhaps this time at home, has made you see you want to live your life with more freedom and alignment? Wherever you're at, there's no debating that all of us want to live a life on our terms, and get paid well for it....
Published 05/06/20
Want to find out the lessons from what it takes to build a 7 figure business, 25 million YouTube views, and over 550K Instagram followers? Is building a 7 figure business (or any business at all) on your list for 2020? Maybe you're looking to up your content creation game and blow up your social media? Maybe you've hit a wall in your business and want to know if there's a simpler more natural way for you to reach that next level that doesn't have you burning out or losing momentum? Join...
Published 04/29/20
If you're in business, you know you need to sell to make money. How do you feel about that? Your answer to that question, is very likely determining how much money you are making right now. Today on the episode we have Business mentor and sales ninja Gianna Contillo Badot as we disect how to Identify your money story, rewire your beliefs and how to up level and master your sales game.
Published 04/22/20
Are you wondering just HOW to best cope with the level of uncertainty we are facing as a global community? If you are experiencing any anxiety, fear, overwhelm and doubt in just what you should be doing right now, this episode is for you. This episode is also for you if you are looking for love but not quite sure where to find it? Maybe you're wondering if all the good guys (or women) are taken? Maybe you keep attracting the same type of people, over and over again, leaving you frustrated?...
Published 04/15/20
Times have changed. And the truth is, they're not going back. As entrepreneurs, we need to evolve ourselves, and our business into our next level. If you're in business, looking to get into business, or just really need to know what next step to take at this time in the economy, today's episode is for you. Join 7 figure business mentor Scott Oldford as he shares how to recession proof your business. Make sure you download your free guide in the show notes!
Published 04/08/20
Want to know how you can be using this lockdown time to be building the most juicy love life? Maybe that seems a bit ridiculous since we are all locked away inside? Turns out, there's plenty we can be doing, whether in a relationship, or dating, to be building our love life up, in this time. Find out with relationship and dating dynamics expert, Stefanos Sifandos.
Published 04/01/20
Are you struggling to feel grounded and safe at this time of global disruption? This is a powerful time to reflect, and realign in our lives. Join Emily & one of her best friends, spiritual business coach & mentor Amber Valdez, as they dive into tools you can use to navigate this uncertain time, and how to tune in to Answer the Call to find the magic in this pause.
Published 03/25/20
We are in a time like we have never seen in our lifetimes.
Published 03/18/20
Are you looking to launch or grow a business? Maybe you're in transition in your life right now and not sure what next steps to take. This episode is for you. Emily shares 6 steps you can take to navigate through the uncertainty and get clear on building your dream business.
Published 03/11/20
Join Emily Gallagher & Dr Jen Esquer as they dive into how to cultivate an optimal body, and how that supports you to build an optimal life!
Published 03/04/20
We all want love, right? However, whether you're single, or in a relationship, it can be a challenge to find the love we truly crave. Today on the podcast, Stefanos Sifandos shares all the ways we get in our own way when it comes to calling in true partnership. After working with thousands of men all over the world, Stef is an expert in masculine and feminine dynamics, relationship dynamics and so much more. We deep dive into how to call in the love you seek, and help you discover, what may...
Published 02/26/20
If there is ANY area of your life you're not seeing the results you're looking for, theres likely a fundamental piece out of place, and until that shifts, you're never going to create what you're seeking to create. I share the ONE key ingredient you need to shift, and 6 essential steps to do so, to start moving you closer to the results you are seeking.
Published 02/19/20
A MUST listen before you go setting your goals! We live in a world where we're constantly striving for more. But why are we not stopping to ask ourselves the CRITICAL question, " Am I even ready for what I say I want?!". Find out today how to get ready, and why you're already so much closer than you think!
Published 02/12/20
"We must walk only part way towards our goal, and then leap into the dark, to our success" - Henry David Thoreau What if the way you have been looking at uncertainty, has been leading you down the wrong path all along? Emily & Alexi share 3 steps you can take when feeling overwhelmed by uncertainty, to get back onto the path of creation and stepping towards your goals
Published 02/05/20
Emily wraps Season 1 of Answer the Call podcast with her thoughts on letting go, embracing change, and preparing for a new year, decade, and chapter of business and life.
Published 12/18/19
Feeling like you want to slow down, play more, pivot your business, or reclaim your life? This episode is all about how Emily did that, as she is interviewed by her friend and fellow entrepreneur Libby Crow.
Published 12/11/19
How is your relationship with food and your body? Have you been at war with them? This episode is a raw, intimate conversation with Emily's personal food and body image coach Isabel Foxen Duke about how to heal from the toxic beliefs that keep us at war with our bodies.
Published 12/04/19