In this episode we talk about the life changing work of @DrLisaGould whose research is about improving outcomes for patients with dementia when in hospital @imperialcollege 
Published 07/26/22
Published 07/26/22
In this episode we chat with Professor Bryony Dean Franklin, who is carrying out research on medication safety @School_Pharmacy.  We talk about what might go wrong and why and how it can be prevented from happening. Is barcoding the future of patient safety? @UCL #podcast #research  
Published 07/12/22
We spoke to Dr Lena Ciric and Dr Tse-Hui Teh about their research and the vacuum toilet!  Using waste as compost, how it works and where the toilet is now @UCL
Published 06/28/22
Professor Catherine Tuleu, from UCL School of Pharmacy talks about devising medicine delivery for children.  The difficulties of the balance of making medicine easy to take for children, but not too attractive. How much work goes into the process, the tools they use and making the experience a positive one for the patient. First point of contact in treatment is so important. 
Published 06/14/22
We chatted to Rebecca Powell from UCL School of Pharmacy about artificial nerve regeneration, and how they hope to do it!
Published 05/24/22
Dr Katelyn Smalley is a health policy researcher with a background in Political Economy. She recently completed her PhD in Health Services Research at Imperial College London, and currently works as a Research Fellow in Person-Centred Care at the University of Plymouth. Her research focuses on improving access and quality of healthcare services in the NHS.
Published 05/03/22
Dr Ruth Brauer, is a lecturer in Pharmacoepidemiology, at UCL.  Her main research focus is assessing the risks and benefits of drug use in vulnerable patient populations. On this podcast we discussed the importance of collecting data on a wide scale and where data is collected from.  We also chatted about the importance of collaboration and who is using this data to inform their research.
Published 04/05/22
Dr Tim Beasley-Murray is a researcher at UCL. We talked about his research and the book he is currently writing.  We discussed playing the game of Academia and what do those rules look like?  Rules we have to follow, and how do they influence us in different situations.  Reality vs Games. Playful vs the serious.
Published 02/22/22
Andrew Cartmel is a playwright and author of the Vinyl Detective novels.  We spoke about how he tackles research for his books and plays.  We discussed the balance between too much/too little research, getting facts right,  different types of research and using real life experience.   The new Vinyl Detective book and his new play ‘Glacier Lake’ is coming out in May. 
Published 02/08/22
Dr Sara Garfield talks to us about her research into patient engagement and factors influencing patients' decisions about treatment and shared decision making   
Published 01/18/22
Professor Sam Rayner talks to us about her research into Publishing, book shops and book selling.  What makes us read the books we do? We also mention Una Dillon the Bookseller and Georgette Heyer!  
Published 01/11/22
Dr Matt Winning @UCL chats to us about his new book, Hot Mess: What on earth can we do about climate change?  The book is out now
Published 12/15/21
Dr Emma Norris @EJ_Norris at Brunel University discusses her research on making sense of behaviour change interventions using Artificial Intelligence. She is a Researcher on the Human Behaviour-Change Project https://www.humanbehaviourchange.org/
Published 12/15/20
Dr Victoria Garfield is a genetic epidemiologist working at University College London (UCL), she talks to us about her research and how she uses large scale genomic and population health data to investigate complex disease relationships
Published 11/17/20
PhD student Hannah Taylor gives us some insight into her research at UCL focused on the hearts of young people and how they develop into adulthood.
Published 11/03/20
Geriatrician Dr Sam Searle explains his current research about patients with multiple conditions who end up in hospital and how this should affect their treatment
Published 10/27/20
Dr Chloe Park is a physiologist carrying out research on the mechanisms of the cardiovascular system with an additional study on the ethnic differences in heart disease.
Published 10/20/20
Nathan Woodling tells us about his work on understanding Alzheimers and the discoveries around glial cells (the non-neuronal cells of the nervous system) rather than neuron cells that change the most as we age.  His team are going through a list of hundreds of genes aiming to pinpoint the exact genes that change and cause Alzheimers.
Published 04/15/20
Dr Andrew Morley shares with Em and Pixie his research into a critical history of anaesthesia, where he’s looking at previous and current incidents, how they were dealt with and what was learnt or changed. Andy’s primary source of research is an incident book discovered at Guys Hospital and he has been interviewing the staff involved with the events recorded in there between 1955 and 1974.
Published 04/01/20
Prof Chloe Marshall, Prof of Psychology, Language and Education at UCL talks about her research into how children learn language and how to read and write.  Her work is around those who are learning in challenging circumstances. Her first career was as a Montessori nursery teacher and teacher-trainer, where she became fascinated by young children's language and early literacy development, and by how language and literacy set the foundation for academic learning.
Published 03/18/20
John Ward, Professor of Synthetic Biology for Bioprocessing at UCL speaks to Pixie and Em about his work using and experimenting with enzymes to make very specific changes in small molecules, doing with biology what organic chemists do with chemistry, but making much less waste and shortening the number of steps for each change process. 
Published 03/04/20
Professor Alan Penn of UCL takes us through a brief history of his research in Architecture and Urban Computing, from looking at the pitfalls of post war social housing, and its effect on social breakdown in London, to new research questions about the effects of digital space on real world spaces and communities. We also hear about his new role as Chief Scientific Advisor at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
Published 02/19/20
Dr Matthew Winning Research Associate UCL Energy Institute, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources. Dr Winning is an environmental economist and his research is looking at how you can apply economics to make the planet better! Listen to Dr Winning discuss his research. What impact changes will have on the planet and people. He is also a stand up comedian and he has an upcoming tour starting in London, 21-23 Feb 2020.
Published 02/05/20
Sudax Murdan Associate Professor of Pharmacy, carries out innovative research into how we can better and more conveniently administer vaccines and medicines. In this episode she discusses her ideas for vaccine designs that would protect new babies from the common Strep-B infection as they are born, specifically relevant in remote regions where the normal westernised medical procedure of giving antibiotics to the mother during birth, cannot happen, usually because no medical professional is...
Published 01/22/20