In today's episode of Any Questions we're tackling a limiting belief many of us on TTC journeys have: We believe we can't get pregnant! Why do we have this belief and how is it serving us? Could positive thinking be the answer to all of our fertility problems? (Spoiler alert: no!) Plus I'm sharing six fertility and pregnancy mantras I use to try and trick myself into positive thinking, even though I'm not convinced mantras really work. PS: I get a little emotional in this episode, so...
Published 07/05/23
After almost 18 months of dealing with PCOS and being on this fertility journey on our own, we finally got in touch with a fertility clinic. Tune in to hear how our first appointment went and our new TTC plan! Are we dealing with male factor infertility, female factor infertility or both? Are we going to do an IUI or IVF? What are the first steps when working with a fertility clinic? Find out in today's episode! Want to share your pregnancy or TTC journey? Have feedback for the podcast?...
Published 06/21/23
If you've been trying to conceive, get pregnant or grow your family for a while, maybe it's time for a break. But how do you know when it's right to take a break from TTC (trying to conceive)? What are the pros and cons of taking a break? And what does a break really look like? (Don't ask Ross or Rachel!) Want to share your pregnancy or TTC journey? Have feedback for the podcast? Have an episode idea? Leave me a voice memo! Record yours here:...
Published 06/07/23
Let's all agree to STOP saying these 7 things to people who are trying to conceive (TTC) or grow their family. Plus, find out what you should be saying instead! And if you're trying to get pregnant, facing infertility or other challenges in growing your family, I hope you never have to hear these 7 things again! Want to share your pregnancy or TTC journey? Have feedback for the podcast? Have an episode idea? Leave me a voice memo! Record yours here:...
Published 05/24/23
Last episode I talked all about the things you can do to prepare for your TTC journey before you actually start trying. But how do you know when the right time is to start trying to conceive? Of course, there will never be a 100% perfect time to be pregnant and have a baby but I'm sharing some signs that you may want to look out for before you start. Plus, I'll share tips for what to do if you know logically it's not the right time for a baby, but your heart wants one anyway! Want to...
Published 05/10/23
If you're just starting your TTC journey or will be starting it soon and want to get ready, this is the episode for you! I go over the different ways you can prep and plan for conception, boost fertility and put yourself in a better mindset for pregnancy. Hint: It's not about dieting and reading all the baby books! Want to share your pregnancy or TTC journey? Have feedback for the podcast? Have an episode idea? Leave me a voice memo! Record yours here:...
Published 04/26/23
When is the best time to announce a pregnancy? Old logic says you have to wait until you're 12 weeks pregnant. But why? Or should you wait until you're out of the first trimester or until you're showing? Or why wait at all? Can't you just livestream taking your pregnancy test during the TWW? In this episode I go through the commons answers for when you should announce that you're expecting, the pros and cons of each, what we're planning to do, and why only you can decide on the right answer!...
Published 04/12/23
Sometimes the hardest part about TTC (trying to conceive) is figuring out when to do something. And the big when is when to stop trying to conceive naturally and seek medical support or look at another avenue for growing your family. For people who are trying, this limbo time of trying to decide not only when but also what the next step will be is stressful! Listen in as I discuss some factors that may contribute to when you want to take the next step and decide on the right timing for...
Published 03/29/23
Anyone who has been through a TWW (two week wait) in the throws of TTC (trying to conceive) knows how emotional and anxiety-inducing it is to take a pregnancy test. But why do we keep thinking they'll be negative if we want them to be positive? Why do we get our hopes up every time? How do we stop reading into every symptom? And what is actually the best way to take a pregnancy test and not feel crushed each time?  Want to share your pregnancy or TTC journey? Have feedback for the podcast?...
Published 03/15/23
When you're TTC or dealing with infertility, it can feel like everyone on social media is pregnant and everyone you see on the street has a baby. But when it's your best friend, it's a whole different ball game! What do you do when your closest friend or family member announces a pregnancy? How do you handle all the emotions, protect your peace and still be a supportive friend? Plus, an emotional intro on my challenges with the fertility testing system!  PS: We've made it to episode...
Published 03/01/23
This week we're tackling: How much does timing matter when you're trying to conceive? While most of us know there are only a few days each cycle when you can conceive, what happens if your days change each cycle or you don't know your days (thanks PCOS!)? What happens if you're not available or don't have the drive or desire during those days? And how do you get over the guilt and shame of missing the right time? Plus, when should you start trying for a baby and when is it time to get some...
Published 02/15/23
In today's episode we're talking all about prenatal vitamins! Do you need to take them and when should you start? What's the difference between folate and folic acid? Do you need iron or Omega 3s? And what difference do prenatals really make when it comes to conception and fertility? Let's dive...
Published 02/01/23
Worried about travelling when you're TTC (trying to conceive) or when pregnant? What risks do pregnant travellers need to know about? Is Zika a concern? Is it worth travelling if you might miss your ovulation window? I dive into all of these travel while pregnant and travel while TTC questions in this episode. Bottom line: Dive into the data, assess your own risk level, and make the best decision for you while remembering that you don't have to put your life on hold just because you're...
Published 01/18/23
Thinking about tracking for conception? When you're TTC (trying to conceive) it can be helpful to have all of the information and fertility trackers claim to give you all the info you need about ovulation - and then some! But are fertility trackers right for you? And if so, which one should you choose?  Want to share your pregnancy or TTC journey? Have feedback for the podcast? Have an episode idea? Leave me a voice memo! Record yours here:...
Published 01/04/23
And just like that, 2022 is over which means so is my first year of TTC (trying to conceive). If you had told me in Dec 2021 that by Dec 2022 I would still be trying to conceive and not have a baby - let alone not even be pregnant - I never would have believed you! But this past year has been a big process of learning what goes into fertility and conception, testing, getting diagnosed with PCOS and figuring out that TTC really might be a longer journey than we had hoped!  Tune in to listen...
Published 12/21/22
If you're just starting out on your TTC (trying to conceive) fertility journey, this episode is for you! (And even if you're not new to TTC, you should still give this one a listen!) In today's episode, I'm sharing 9 pieces of advice I wish someone had told me when I first started our conception journey. I had to learn these the hard way, but you don't have to!  Want to share your pregnancy or TTC journey? Have feedback for the podcast? Have an episode idea? Leave me a voice memo! Record...
Published 12/07/22
Welcome back to another episode of Any Questions - it's my Thanksgiving special! In honour of the American holiday (even though I'm Canadian), I'm looking back on all of the parts of TTC (trying to conceive) that I am grateful for. While I'm disappointed to not be pregnant yet, turns out there's actually a lot about my TTC and infertility journey that I appreciate!  PLUS: Sharing listener feedback and a special announcement about my upcoming podcast schedule!  Want to share your pregnancy...
Published 11/24/22
Planning for the future is always difficult but it's almost impossible when you're in the middle of the TWW (two week wait) and could potentially have a baby 9 months from now...or if you're still trying for your baby 9 weeks, 9 months or 9 years from now! So how the heck to do you live your life and plan your future when you have no idea when you'll be able to grow your family? In today's episode, I'm sharing how I've managed to obsess less with the timeline and my plan to not pause my life...
Published 11/16/22
When you're TTC (trying to conceive), it can feel like everyone else in your life is getting pregnant! So how do you deal with all of these pregnancy announcements? In this episode, I'm sharing a pretty raw reaction to hearing about lots of growing families in my life, why emotional reactions are so normal, and some of the things I'm doing to process my emotions and refocus on my own fertility and conception journey.  Want to share your pregnancy or TTC journey? Have feedback for the...
Published 11/09/22
If you're in the middle of the TWW (two week wait), you're probably wondering: When can I take a pregnancy test? Sure, you can take one anytime when you're TTC (trying to conceive) but when should you actually take one? You might not be able to find out if you're pregnant until 14 DPO (days past ovulation) but is it worth it to test early? Should you wait and test late to get a definite answer? Or should you test based on pregnancy symptoms you're experiencing? There might not be a right...
Published 11/02/22
A lot of people are scared of needles, don't like blood, fear hospitals or just don't feel comfy around medical procedures - and I am one of them! But most TTC, fertility and pregnancy journeys involve at least the occasional blood draw. So how have I handled the medical tests and procedures I've been through so far and what are my strategies for dealing with the medical side of pregnancy coming up? Tune in to find out!  I'm also sharing some tips for advocating for yourself, finding fat...
Published 10/26/22
Welcome back! This week I'm sharing an update on my current menstrual cycle (spoiler alert: we're well past 28 days!) and sharing some things that I've done to regulate my period and manage my PCOS symptoms in the past. But, since I'm not expert, I'm also sharing more advice for how to get your period back and keep your cycle regular when you're trying to conceive. Want to share your pregnancy or TTC journey? Have feedback for the podcast? Have an episode idea? Leave me a voice memo!...
Published 10/19/22
Welcome back! Last week we talked all about how expensive babies are and how much you may need to budget for things like feeding, diapering and childcare. But don't worry, I also shared some tips to save money! If you missed that episode, go back and listen now. This week we're following it up with part two, diving into the last few categories of baby expenses: feeding, breastfeeding/chestfeeding, bathing and other. Tune in as I break down the costs, help you figure out what you need for...
Published 10/12/22
In today's (very long!) episode, I'm breaking down all of the expenses parents have to consider in the first year of baby's life. We're talking childcare, breastfeeding, diapers, strollers and more! And, because there's just so much to buy, I've had to break this episode into two parts. But before you get overwhelmed, tune in as I'm sharing some ways for you to cut back on your baby expenses and save money!  First year baby costs calculator:...
Published 10/05/22
A few weeks ago I shared that my doctor was sending me for some fertility tests. Well, I've finished the tests and my results are in. In this week's episodes I'm breaking down what fertility tests I completed, how the tests went, what my results were and what this means for my conception journey. As always, I hope this episode is helpful if you are going through any fertility issues or testing and I want to thank you for listening to me share my own TTC story!  Want to share your pregnancy...
Published 09/28/22