Arrow Talk Podcast #89 - S 4 Ep 11 A.W.O.L.
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Felicity returns home from the hospital trying to figure out her place on the team now that she is a paraplegic. While Diggle and Lyla are out on a date, an A.R.G.U.S. agent seeks them out for assistance, but he is kidnapped before he can tell the pair what is happening. Diggle and Lyla go to Amanda Waller, who denies any knowledge of what happened, but gives Lyla a portable hard drive that reveals the operative was taken by an organization known as "Shadowspire". Oliver and Diggle recognize the name, with Diggle recalling first meeting the group in Afghanistan when they were war profiteers. With Andy's help, the team tracks Shadowspire. Oliver pressures Felicity for help, who has started having hallucinations of her hacker counterpart. She struggles under the pressure and Diggle is almost killed. Shadowspire infiltrates A.R.G.U.S. looking for a Rubicon access code, killing Amanda Waller when she refuses to help. Oliver and the team, with Felicity, enter A.R.G.U.S. and stop Shadowspire. In flashbacks, Reiter is revealed as the leader of Shadowspire.
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