ArrowTalk Podcast Season 4 Episode 3 - RESTORATION - ARROW Ep 81
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Laurel and Thea arrive in Nanda Parbat and request Malcolm, the new Ra's al Ghul, to use the Lazarus Pit to bring Sara back to life. He initially refuses, but in order to appease Thea he eventually agrees. When Sara returns feral, Nyssa destroys the Lazarus Pit in retaliation. An A.R.G.U.S. operative delivers Diggle information on the woman, Mina Fayad, that hired Floyd Lawton to kill his brother. Fayad also works for H.I.V.E., and meets with Darhk about the growing issue with the vigilantes in Star City. She brings in a metahuman hitman named Jeremy Tell, who can turn his playing card tattoos into physical projectiles. After Tell's initial failure, Darhk kills Fayad for challenging him. Diggle and Oliver team up and take down Tell, but get no new information on H.I.V.E. In flashbacks, Oliver is forced to use torture techniques to interrogate the prisoners, who are being used to harvest heroin-cocaine hybrid plants, after a parcel of drugs goes missing.
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