ArrowTalk Podcast Season 4 Episode 2 - THE CANDIDATE - ARROW Ep 80
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The team take out another Ghost operation, but Diggle feels like it is not enough and Oliver continues to worry about Thea's excessive aggression when taking out criminals. Meanwhile, Queen family friend Jessica Danforth puts a bid in as the city's new mayor. During her announcement she is attacked by Lonnie Machin, an anarchist for hire working for Darhk. While trying to locate Machin, Thea's aggressive behavior seriously injures a witness, which forces Oliver to reveal to her the warning Malcolm Merlyn gave him before he put Thea in the Lazarus Pit. The team goes after Machin, successfully stopping him, but Thea again goes too far and sets Machin on fire in the process. Later, Machin escapes police custody in route to the hospital. Laurel decides to take Thea back to Nanda Parbat to find a way to stop the aggression, while Laurel wants to bring Sara's body to the pit. Meanwhile, Oliver decides to run for mayor after Jessica backs out of the race. In flashbacks, Oliver infiltrates a local military operation run by a man namedReiter. Oliver feigns ignorance of the military operation, but Reiter decides to recruit him for his cause instead of killing Oliver.
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