the systems
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YO, so it's obvious there's a lot of fear ruling the world right but that's because all the lies we’ve been telling ourselves are starting to really reveal themselves. The lies about how happy we are and the lies about how reliable our systems are. The systems we put our money in to, and the systems use to take care of our health. And the systems we use to consume the news. And the systems we use to go to school. And the systems we use to punish people for doing things that aren’t cool. These systems we rely on that don’t really work, but we can’t stop the momentum to find new ways that work. Why? Why do we love systems that don't work? Oh, I know. We like feeling in control. We like what we know. And we like feeling comfortable even though we’re miserable. And so, we believe the lies we tell ourselves cuz it’s easier to do that than it is to face the facts And I get it. I’ve been there my friends, but what I know from personal experiences is that eventually, the lies will cause things to fall apart in a very scary and dramatic way. And so I had a feeling that the only way to slow down the momentum down and to get on higher ground, would be to create a fear so big it targets the one thing humans care more about than anything Their health. And so that’s why COVID-19 is happening. And guess what? It’s working. The humans are afraid and it’s forced them to slow down in ways they’ve never done. A full stop. A complete pull of the plug. A dark night of the soul for some, because now they can’t do what they’ve always done. And now they’re being forced to look in the mirror and get real with the one they’ve been running from. To see the reflections of themselves and the people they surround themselves with. And the best part about this is, everything has been shut down, so they can’t really go out and distract themselves. And I just think it’s a miracle in disguise because we could never change in the way we need to, but now we have the opportunity to do so. And opportunity far greater than we can really see right now. So right now we can do the work we need to do. The inside work that feels so painful... But don’t worry friend, the work is easier than you might think it is. You just gotta let go of the need to control things you can’t and focus on raising your frequency in ways you can. You gotta stop thinking the worst about things and learn to see things rightly. Just gotta stop feeding your monster information that makes you freak out, and indoctrinate yourself with thoughts about how to become your higher self. So like I said before, how you make your decisions during times of change will dictate how you change. So ask yourself... Are you being a reflection of the change you want to see in the world? Or are you being a reflection of the fear ruling the world? Are you a zero or a 1? Are you going to be part of the problem, or will you rise above? Those are questions you need to sit and reflect on. And that is all I have to say for today. I just wanted to share my perspective on things because I know what it’s like to feel afraid. But I also know what it’s like to be in love in spite of the conditions and I just want the whole world to feel that way. Thank you for listening. Good day. *** Get all the Art Stories at *** Buy her alcohol ink art paintings, at ****@ArtistSarahLong on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube
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