Published 08/23/21
Published 02/25/21
The thing is you never know when you’re gonna meet the one. The one that changes you in ways beyond what you ever imagined. Someone who fills in your missing pieces. Someone who helps you find your light. Someone who sees with love Someone who loves to love. Someone who gives you butterflies. They make you smile all the time. Just the idea of them brings you joy. Joy is the goal of life. Why? So we can bring Joy with us when we die. And I just think the best way to find joy is...
Published 02/25/21
Ive been carrying you with me for the last few years... I don’t know why. I guess I’ve been feeling a bit lost. I think you’re cute. I wanted to get to know you. But I didn’t realize who you really were until recently. I don’t know why. I guess it’s just the way we get taught to do life... The truth gets lost in time. I grew up. You went away... Where did you go? I did not know. But the older I got the worse things got for me, and I guess that’s when I started to think about why I...
Published 02/12/21
Red shoes. Pointed. Long legs. Seductive. Black pantyhose. Short skirt. A woman who knows how to make walking look good So good you wanna see her dance moves... Where is she going dressed like that anyway? She’s going where she doesn’t wanna go, isn’t she? That’s why she takes her steps slow... And the entire time she’s walking that fine line, she has thoughts running through her mind that make her wonder why she doesn’t stop, drop and roll. Why doesn’t she go back to who she was before?...
Published 02/04/21
Welcome to another Art Stories podcast episode by Artist Sarah Long....In case you don't know, Art Stories are inspired by my alcohol ink art paintings.Alcohol ink art will help you create a healing home that helps you become the best version of...
Published 02/01/21
Welcome to another Art Stories podcast episode by Artist Sarah Long....In case you don't know, Art Stories are inspired by my alcohol ink art paintings.Alcohol ink art will help you create a healing home that helps you become the best version of...
Published 01/29/21
Welcome to another Art Stories podcast episode by Artist Sarah Long....In case you don't know, Art Stories are inspired by my alcohol ink art paintings.Alcohol ink art will help you create a healing home that helps you become the best version of...
Published 01/26/21
Welcome to another Art Story by Artist Sarah Long.The stories are inspired by her alcohol ink art paintings which can be found here; http://www.artistsarahlongstore.comSubscribe to the “Art Stories...
Published 01/08/21
I feel like a grey rainy day in May... But it’s a good day. The trees and flowers are blossoming outside so looks nice and green. It feels very healing. And inside I feel comfortable. It’s warm. Comfy. It smells like a good cup of coffee. Bacon and eggs. It feels like a healing home finally... So I guess you could say, we feel at home today. And I have nice music playing behind me. I’m sitting at my desk, getting ready to dance these fingers on my keyboard... I’m dressed in sweats. A...
Published 09/20/20
She wants to leave him. She’s sick and tired of being his mother when he’s supposed to be her lover. But they don’t make love anymore because he doesn’t act like a lover should. He’s lazy. Insecure. Angry. He acts like a baby, and so she has to take care of him and his kids. He thinks he can just come home from work and not do shit. He doesn’t think he should have to clean up and run errands, just because he has a job. He thinks he can sit back on the couch and relax while she does it...
Published 09/18/20
The naysayers... The ones that wanna pull ya down when you're feeling up about something you find fun.The ones that wanna squish your bubble of feeling in love. The ones that wanna find a million different reasons why you shouldn’t do what you love The ones that wanna poke holes in your imagination and take apart your vision. So they wanna make your goals feel stupid. Like you could never do it... Whatever it is, they wanna make your achievements seem like they aren’t that big of a deal. So...
Published 09/16/20
Sometimes bad things happen to other people because of us. Maybe it's something you did or said. Or maybe something bad happened to someone because of someone else but you were there, and some how it’s your fault things went the way they did.... Either way, beating yourself for tragedies you caused or were involved with is really a selfish thing to do, because guess what? Blame, and shame and guilt only leads us to hating ourselves. And self hate is destructive and the emotional pain...
Published 09/12/20
What I'm talkin' about is, just because you marry someone doesn’t mean they’re the one. It doesn’t mean the relationship is gonna last forever... Forever is an illusion. And just cuz you get married doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Or be attracted to other humans. After all, we are all human. But marriage is like walking into a prison if you ask me because you’ve tied yourself and them in a knot, and now you’ve become one with someone, which blocks you off from yourself. So now instead...
Published 09/09/20
Yeah, it’s been a minute but I’m back with it. And no, I’m not the same girl. No... No, I’m not the same girl. I don’t know who I am exactly but you knew that already, so, I guess maybe nothing has changed in that way, but I am different in a lot of ways. But everyone is changing nowadays so I’m not the only one feelin' a bit cray-cray. No. No, I'm not. The world is shifting to a new frequency and what I know for sure is it is exciting. But change is never pretty. In order to go to where...
Published 09/07/20
She came and left just like that and that’s what’s been keeping me stuck. Cuz, when she came she came in so fast. With so much intensity. So much passion and certainty. It’s like she knew me. She knew who I was and who I wanted to be and she helped me bring out those parts of me, that was missing. And I never loved someone as much as I loved her...so quickly. She had this effect. It’s hard to describe it because on the surface it isn’t obvious. Not at all. But when she touches you the way...
Published 08/25/20
What I know about pain is that it is a sign to change. When things get hard in some way... Whether it’s on the inside, or on the outside if it hurts then you’re on the verge of an emergence, OK? Maybe it’s a new version of yourself... A new version of something else. Maybe it’s the death of something and thus, the birth of what’s next. But that’s the great thing about change, it’s always happening. There is no ending and beginnings, simply new chapters. And thus, I want to remind myself...
Published 08/24/20
Yo, look don’t be offended when I call you a Monster Ok. That’s just your monster makin' ya feel that way, which is precisely why you need to do the work to change your programming. If you did, then you would feel the difference in your cells, and then you wouldn’t act out in ways that make your Monster come out, ya dig? And that’s why I’m saying, don’t take this personal cuz it’s not personal bro... It’s just a byproduct of growing up raised by Monster's parents, who had Monster...
Published 08/18/20
What comes of this? This pandemic and the crash of the economy and all the layoffs and the job losses? There has to be a bigger plan. God wouldn’t kick us down and then keep us there, for that wouldn’t be fair. So there is always something better on the other side of despair. But in the meantime... How do we bridge the gaps between falling apart and putting ourselves back together? I don’t know. Something like this is pretty f****d up and I don’t think we’ve done this before. But I don’t...
Published 08/14/20
It’s hard for people to be themselves when deep down, or not that far down, they actually hate themselves. That’s why so many people struggle to be in love... That’s why they suffer from depression. That’s why they get angry and upset, and that’s why they bully and act out in ways that look like rage. It’s cuz they aren’t free to be themselves. So it’s like your monster is always shooting you in the foot, causing you to feel bad about yourself. So it’s hard to take the right steps...
Published 08/12/20
Losing someone you love... Feeling the effects of grief when you're young...old...either way, it’s so hard to know how to process the emotions, which is why most of us don’t. I know I didn’t. And I know it’s what it killed me more than anything. Carrying them around for so long was so hard and heavy. And I didn’t realize it was happening until I was forced to go within and look at why I was self-destructing. And then when I started to face all the pain... The loss of losing Beverley....
Published 08/11/20
Most of us come from hard starts. We have rough childhoods that cause us to create rough adulthoods, and so most of us are stuck in the hood. And we all know the hood ain’t pretty. The hood can humble you... But the hood can humble you if you let it. The hood can teache you how to fend for yourself. The hood gives you stories to learn from if you’re willing to do the work. But to learn is a choice, isn't it? Just like it’s a choice to wake up and brush your teeth... To read and to empower...
Published 08/08/20
It’s a good day to This is now Yesterday was then. Tomorrow is coming but it’s not for certain, my friend. Tomorrow is an illusion Illusion aren’t real. Illusions are real if you think they’re real. What is real anyway? Something you can see... Ok. Seeing is perspective, and perspective changes everything. What is everything? All of the things we can imagine? So then everything is fake if imagination isn’t real. So nothing is real. But no thing is something if you want it to be. Like two...
Published 08/07/20
Hey bro, what's up with you? Not much. Just been thinking about stuff. Like what? Oh, you know how I made a plan but it didn’t go as planned. I dunno what happened and to be honest, I have no idea where I am and I don’t know what’s happening or what the fack I’m supposed to do next. And I hate that cuz I like to know what to expect. All I can tell you is I’m being forced to do things that seem pointless. She calls it self-soothing and she says it's worth the time it takes. And I’m like,...
Published 08/06/20
These ones for you...I’ve been thinking about you. You Black people. You White people. You yellow people. You red people. Orange people. Green people. Blue people. Purple people.Rich people. Poor people. People with a limp. People with a lisp. People with cancer, Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, MS, fibromyalgia, diabetes, Hashimoto’s, Crohn’s, chronic fatigue, heart disease. People who are gay, people who are straight. People who are bi. People who lie. People tell the truth. People go to...
Published 08/05/20