Good sex
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It’s a good day to This is now Yesterday was then. Tomorrow is coming but it’s not for certain, my friend. Tomorrow is an illusion Illusion aren’t real. Illusions are real if you think they’re real. What is real anyway? Something you can see... Ok. Seeing is perspective, and perspective changes everything. What is everything? All of the things we can imagine? So then everything is fake if imagination isn’t real. So nothing is real. But no thing is something if you want it to be. Like two cents can feel worthless, but some cents is better than no cents, ya dig? So I’d rather be a real something than a fake nothing would you agree? Or do you disagree? Don’t answer me. Your opinion doesn’t matter to me. I’m just thinking out loud to my self... Whoever that is... It’s still something I’m trying to figure out. But I know I never will. So what’s the point in being here? I don’t know dear? Where are we going now that we’re here? No where dear. We are staying right here... It’s a nice place to be. So it makes sense to me. It’s better than running... Running is hard on the knees. And the knees need you to honor their feelings. So do your feet. So it’s good to stay and grow and dig your roots deep. It's good to find a place to stay safe. It's good to find a place to feel safe. Like this place... It’s full of everything you need. So your needs will always be met. You’ll always have good sex. You’ll always have a nice paycheck. You’ll always have cool cats. Cats are nice to have. Cats are nice to cuddle with. Cats are nice to pet. It’s nice to have pets. Pets make you feel loved when you don’t have a human to love. Humans are hard to love when they don’t love their human self. Self is hard to love if you’ve felt shamed and guilt for being who you are. Shame makes us cover-up. Cover up causes a lot of problems. Problems keep you stuck. Stuck is hard to get out of. So is quicksand. Once you’re in it you need a helping hand. Sometimes a lot of hands. Where do you find hands when your stuck in no man's land? Oh, I know... You call someone you know. What if you don’t know anyone with hands, bro? Then you're stuck in quicksand forever yo.. Where is no man's land? I don’t even know. Some place unknown. How do you get there? I don’t even know? How do you find your way home? You don’t. Yes, you do... All you have to do is find your heart. She’ll lead you to wherever you want to go... I don’t know where I wanna go, but going is fun. So think about this hun... You have so many options if you let yourself, love. Have you thought about this? Thought about what? How much you’re afraid to love? Do you think that’s what keeps your heartbroken? Heartbreaks are hard to fix. Especially if you don’t fix them quick... Cuz then you risk the broken pieces goin' missin' And where do they go when the pieces go when they go missin? They seem like they disappear into thin air like they weren’t even there. So how do you fill in the cracks when you don’t have all the right equipment? Oh I know, you find new pieces and fill them by raising the frequency. Fill the holes in with someone new and interesting. But remember, Heartbreak isn’t real is just an illusion. Love is always here if you choose it. Love is always here if you choose it. Choose to see with love. Cuz Love is a drug and drugs are fun if they have good ingredients. I choose Cannabis. Cannabis is love. What’s is love made of? Things that feel good. So why is everyone so afraid of love? Why do people love with conditions that feel good? Have you seen the conditions they use? Thoughts and beliefs that feel so rigid. Like a prison. Like a tight rope. Like a slippery slope... Slippery slopes are scary cuz once you slip it’s hard to get back up from it. Which can cause relentless backache. And backache makes it hard to co
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The thing is you never know when you’re gonna meet the one. The one that changes you in ways beyond what you ever imagined. Someone who fills in your missing pieces. Someone who helps you find your light. Someone who sees with love Someone who loves to love. Someone who gives you...
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