We usually don’t realize how much something is f*****g us up until about ten years after the trauma. I think that’s because we’re not taught how to deal with emotions. So no one does. Instead, we run away from them. We distract ourselves. We find things to do that feel good and it Usually involves things that doesn’t do a body good. And that’s how our Monsters get worse. It’s what happens when you shut your emotions off. When you ignore them. It’s literally the same as closing the...
Published 08/04/20
Yeah so I got a lot to say, there's a lot of things I've been thinking about lately and I just to share them with you cuz it seems to me there’s a lot of strange things going on behind the scenes and I don’t know about you but I just don’t think anything is what it seems. Too many questions and too much chaos happening all at once and look at what it’s doing to us? It's making us fight for justice. Fight for equality. Fight to stop history from once again repeating itself over and over...
Published 06/18/20
Yeah, yeah, yeah, so my weakest color energy is orange yo, which is why I find it hard to be entrepreneur yo, even though I know I am one, it's in my blood bro. But so is the energy from my karmic imprinting which is a lot of fear and uncertainty so it...
Published 06/06/20
Do you wish you didn’t leave so much? Do you wish you around more for her when she was young? When she was being controlled and manipulated by him... Do you wish you did more to stop it? To step in and take her out of that toxic situation. Do you wish you fought harder to protect her so she didn’t become a victim? I know she wishes you did. Because she deals with the grief every day, to this day. She wishes someone cared enough to stop what was happening. To stop the abuse. To say hey this...
Published 06/04/20
I don’t even know you... Do I? I mean, I remember pieces of you. I remember your smell and the way your home felt. I remember your laugh and the way you held your glass of wine and the way you looked when you were having a good time. And I remember you liked to have a good time. I think that’s why I loved about you so much....you showed me what it was like to have fun. To be in love. To feel loved. But, sometimes I wonder if maybe I made you up? Or maybe what I remember of you is only like...
Published 06/02/20
Yo, what's up? Not much, ummm but I do confess, I just wanna get something off my chest. It's not that I'm upset, it's just that I have this weight of resentment I’ve been carrying since you did what you did. Because the truth is I tried to pretend it didn’t happen. But I know it did because I know things I sometimes wish I didn’t. So I confess, I always saw the inconsistencies in you but I didn’t wanna believe they were true. I have a tendency to see the good in people even though they...
Published 06/01/20
I wonder what she’s like now. I wonder if she’s become a better version of herself and if she loves herself unconditionally I wonder if she has a good relationship with her kids and I wonder if she’s a good parent. A good mother? I wonder if she’s a good lover... Is her marriage to her husband fulfilling...? Are they happy or does she just pretend to be? Does her work make her feel good and is she still growing? Is she happy where she’s going...where she’s been? And I wonder if I’ll ever...
Published 05/30/20
It’s fascinating to see a bright sunny day be invaded by a dark dreary cloud in less than an hour, which changes the vibe entirely. The sun feels nice. Like love. Like fun. Like hope. Like, let’s get out and do stuff, ya know? But the dark clouds bring downpours that make you wanna stay inside and daydream about brighter tomorrows... Which doesn’t actually exist. But it’s nice to imagine, isn’t it? Yes, it is... But this is life, isn’t it... A steady stream of light and dark. Yeah, you're...
Published 05/28/20
Guess what?Guess what, guess what, guess what, guess what?I think I’m f****d.I think I’m stuck in a maze cuz I've feel like I’ve been going down the same path over and over again for days...Weeks, months. Years.I dunno how long it's been but it's been a...
Published 05/26/20
It was CostaRica, February 2016, one month before the fall.....I'm not talkin' about the kind of fall where you trip and land on a bed of down feathers...No. It wasn’t like that at all. I'm talkin' about the kind of fall that hurts almost as bad as...
Published 04/01/20
The one thing that will always have humans freaking out like level 10 is anything that affects their health.So why WHY WHY WHY do we take it for granted all the time?Oh, I know...We hate ourself.Well they do.I don’t hate myself, but I used to so I know...
Published 03/31/20
YO, so it's obvious there's a lot of fear ruling the world right but that's because all the lies we’ve been telling ourselves are starting to really reveal themselves. The lies about how happy we are and the lies about how reliable our systems are. The systems we put our money in to, and the systems use to take care of our health. And the systems we use to consume the news. And the systems we use to go to school. And the systems we use to punish people for doing things that aren’t cool. These...
Published 03/28/20
Yo, yo remember that COVID virus I sent in to do some awakening? Yeah well, humans think that's the biggest threat to their existence right now but it's not. The virus was just sent in as a way to create a symptom that needed attention. And it worked. But why it’s working is not for the reasons we think it is. In fact, it’s a very complicated situation because there's a million different layers to a the story, especially this story, so there’s so much we can’t see. There’s so many lies on...
Published 03/26/20
What's up...? Not much, but I'm having some problems going on I guess... I haven't been able time look at her in the mirror lately. I don’t know why... But I just think it’s probably because she doesn’t look well or something. She’s also aging rapidly, and she has crows feet. Her eyes now have heavy bags of dark circles and her skin on her chin is sagging and I can't catch it. And it’s hard for me to see it happening because I know where it’s going. It’s like watching a train crash in...
Published 03/23/20
Yeah, so I just wanted to go back to what I was saying before, and ya know the truth is, she hates the way she is.... She hates that she has a monster that she can't control. She hates that she does things that only makes things worse. But it makes sense because she’s been though a lot, and she never dealt with it. So it has momentum... And she just pretends that those things didn’t happen by covering them up, by doing things like, drinking a lot. Cheating on her lovers. Eating too...
Published 03/21/20
Things will get better.... That’s what they say when they try to convince you that you should stay. But what they don’t realize is how long you’ve been telling yourself that same phrase. How many days you’ve gone through miserable, but you try to pretend you’re cool. You try to find a way to feel good in spite of your pain. In spite feeling trapped in a prison you can't escape. You try to pretend that things will get better so you fake it hoping to make it, but nothing ever changes... So...
Published 03/19/20
People lie... All the time. But why? What makes us make things up? Oh... I know. Fear. Fear of what? Well, it could be from lots of stuff. Sometimes we lie to make the truth seem bigger and better than what it was. Or maybe we lie to do the opposite...to play down what really happened so it’s less fun. Or not as bad as it seems, sorta of thing. So in some way, shape or form we lie to protect ourselves from the consequences of not following a code of conduct. Of not keeping a promise. Of...
Published 03/17/20
Yo. Yo, I just got some breaking news... We are all at risk of dying one day... And I dunno if this is breaking news for everyone or just me, but what I’m finding about this new news I’ve received, is that it makes me less worried about stupid things. Things like viruses and disease. Mainly because I already had both and I’m still here, and so I know it’s hard to die if it’s not your time. I also know that worrying about those things is actually worse then getting something like one of those...
Published 03/16/20
I knew this chick. She was cool as s**t. But she did some s**t that I wasn’t cool wit. What was it? Well he she cheated on her boyfriend and he was my friend. And for the longest time she made it look like he was the bad guy. That he hurt her. And he broke her heart and that’s why she was so messed up. But come to find out, what really happened was, he loved her more than she wanted to be loved. More than she’s ever been loved. And she just didn’t know how to handle it and it made her...
Published 03/13/20
Hello... Is anyone there? I don’t think anyone is there? Who cares... Just say what you gotta say. It don't matter anyway... Ok... Well, I just wanted to say... For the record, that there is definitely a part of me that is dead, and I didn’t kill her, someone else did. And that might be the reason I killed other pieces of my self, as a way to cope with who I’d become as a way to protect myself. And now I'm starting to think, that’s probably why I don’t feel very well. I’m missing very...
Published 03/12/20
I’m not saying I had a hard life, cuz when I compare myself to others who’ve had it seemingly far worse than me, I feel embarrassed that I would even feel a little sorry for me. But I also know that everybody's story is different. Unique to them. And what’s hard for you might not be hard for someone else, and what’s hard for someone else, might not be hard for you. So what’s hard, is relative to you. So now we know that everyone has highs and lows, regardless of where they are and where they...
Published 03/10/20
You know, we get caught up in toxic relationships. We get stuck in complacency. We settle for the same old same old, even if it makes us miserable. We stay cuz it’s comfortable. But guess what bro, people grow apart, plain and simple. Nothing stays the same. Not people, places or things Everything has a life cycle it’s just how it is. But sometimes... Well actually, most of the time, one person grows and the other one doesn’t and that’s how we break apart at the seams. That’s how you get...
Published 03/07/20
Knock knock... Who’s there? I dunno... You tell me... You’re the one knockin’ bro. I know. I’m asking you who’s there because, I dunno who I am, so I was hoping you could help me out Oh. Well, I dunno who you are so sorry, no I can’t help. But you could ask your Higher-Self. She knows who you are better than anyone else. Ok, where is she then? You got a number or an address or maybe a social media account so I can contact Her? No, I don't. But you do tho.... She’s in your heart. No, She’s...
Published 03/05/20
Hello, friend, it's mem, and I was just sitting here thinking about things and this conversation I had with my friend the other day, and I just thought I'd share with you some of the things that were said because it might help you in your quest for self-mastery. And what she was saying is she doesn’t trust herself, and she’s actually afraid of her self, and who she really is, and her true potential, ya know. And she's afraid that if she were to really let herself out, she doesn’t think she...
Published 03/03/20
Yeah so ya know, sometimes when I'm walking by and I smell cigarette smoke, I wanna punch the smokers' lights out, because it feels so disrespectful. To have to breathe in second-hand smoke when I don’t want to. It’s like dude, don’t be so rude. But I don't say anything, cuz that’s what I do. And we love to do what we always do. But on the flip side, sometimes when I smell cigarette smoke, I like it, and it always surprises me, cuz like I said, I hate the smell cigarettes. And I never...
Published 03/01/20