KSQD 11-22-2023: Supplements and other advice to combat the side effects of the Shingrix vaccine for shingles; Surge in monkeypox during the summer; The many applications of AI in medicine, from drug interaction help to reading mammograms; Are calcium supplements for osteoporosis affecting my Hashimoto’s thyroiditis treatment? Using computational science to improve maternal mortalities during childbirth; New research shows how cadmium, an estrogen mimic, contributes to endometriosis;...
Published 11/21/23
KSQD 11-08-2023: Go to Santa Cruz Cancer Benefit group (sccbg.org) for Pancreatic Cancer information and awareness event in Santa Cruz on Nov. 19; The physiology of the pancreas; Prognosis for pancreatic cancer is poor; Genetic mutations, smoking, obesity and diabetes are major risk factors; The difficulties of early or any diagnosis of pancreatic cancer; Jaundice is an indicator, but only one out of 5 have the cancer; Lab tests are not very predictive, but circulating tumor DNA holds hope...
Published 11/10/23
KSQD 11-01-2023: Bed Bug hysteria -- another consequence of global warming; The problems with mergers and monopolies in health care pharmacies, insurance companies, benefit manegers etc.; The importance of sleep for weight control and health in general; The details of interpreting HDL and LDL levels for cardiac disease risks; FODMAP diet advice; Are LED lights really worse than incandescent bulbs? Chronic pain is way more common than you may think; different types of pain are discussed
Published 11/03/23
KSQD 10-25-2023: Various therapies for ocular and other eye melanomas; When is chiropractic care appropriate or not? Boric acid suppositories while pregnant; The best forms for calcium, iron and magnesium supplements; Reports of cadmium contamination in dark chocolate; Mupirocin is a drug to treat lichen sclerosus; Restless leg syndrome interferes with sleep -- check ferritin levels; Creamy texture is contributes to our avidity for fat; Oral versions of Semaglutide drugs are in the works;...
Published 10/29/23
KSQD 10-18-2023: The primary care doctor crisis in the U.S.; More advances in robotic arms; Black cohosh is an alternative to hormone therapy for breast cancer -- anatomy of hot flashes; The Altman rule is a proxy for glycemic load in preventing diabetes; The difference between allergic,contact and other dermatitis conditions; The promise of using stem cells to regenerate tooth enamel; New evidence for recalling death experiences after recovery
Published 10/24/23
KSQD 10-11-2023: Testing for VO2 max; New COVID Vaccine availability is poor; The mysteries of the Y chromosome; The differences in bird brains that allow them to be just as smart as many mammals; Nerves involved in taste both in the tongue and the intestines; Is a rash after COVID vaccine associate with an autoimmune reaction? Schizophrenia raises cholesterol
Published 10/15/23
KSQD 10-04-2O23: Fats to aid in absorption of vitamin K2; Nobel prize for biology goes to fundamental research for of mRNA vaccines; A pregnancy test originated in ancient Egypt! Pregnancy tests and hormones are explained; Medical consequences of climate change and other ecological issues; Electromyogram procedure for numb hands; Ayurveda medical philosophy is discussed; Comparison of diets to reduce dementia
Published 10/06/23
KSQD 9-27-2023: Why Hepatitis B vaccine is given to newborns; Dogs are a good model to study osteosarcoma treatments; A healthy microbiome is important for bone health, also more bone health advice; The best types of exercise to reduce blood pressure; Alternative protein sources; Supply shortages from drugs to baby formula
Published 09/29/23
KSQD 9-13-1023: COVD and RSV are ON THE RISE -- vaccines are available; Is quantum entanglement evident in our brain? Pain and nausea symptoms lasting too long for food poisoning; Placenta stem cells used to fix damaged heart cells in mice; Genetically-modified bacteria used to treat cancer; Details about sleep wave forms and benefits for memory; Round worm removed from a woman’s brain! Algae are a good source of vitamin B12, important for a vegan diet; A healthy gut is good for your brain;...
Published 09/14/23
KSQD 7-12-2023: Public health update for Santa Cruz County, California; Follow up on oral hygiene and the use of hydrogen peroxide; Having pets during pregnancy and early infancy reduces food allergies; Having pets during pregnancy and early infancy reduces food allergies; All about menopause and the brain; Weight training, supplements and other advice for a perimenopausal woman with genetic propensity for diabetes; A cerebral spinal fluid leak is an alternative cause for dementia;...
Published 07/15/23
KSQD 7-05-2023: American Society of Anesthesiologists now recommends drinking fluids with sugar until 2 hrs before a surgery; Masks are attributed to preventing COVID deaths in doctors during the pandemic; US Supreme Court rules against Amgen in a case of over-reaching patents of monoclonal antibodies that lower cholesterol; New pneumonia recommendations for vaccines are very confusing and dysfunctional; Is continuous monitoring for C-reactive protein, hsCRP, beneficial? What are the safe...
Published 07/08/23
KSQD 6-28-2023: More about home-grown vegetables and phthalate contamination in plastics; Is Neem good for the oral microbiome? Low TSH, thyroid hormone and iodine are discussion; Dr. Dawn prefers vinegar over bleach to clean a waterpik; Supplements to aid in conceiving a baby? The importance of folic acid during pregnancy; Keytruda (pembrolizumab) is a new immunotherapy cancer drug; Actemra (Tocilizumab) is a targeted antibody drug for psoriasis; A short primer on the immune system; One...
Published 07/01/23
KSQD: 6-21-2023: mRNA Vaccine: A new contraceptive? Question about male hair loss at a young age; Low dose naltrexone (LDN) is a good agent for chronic pain; Don’t put anything in your water pic water; A case of diabetic obesity needs more than natural therapies; New research yields allergy shots for cat allergies; Mitigating negative effects of CT scan radiation; Brain spine interface allows man to walk controlled by thought and stimulated residual neurons to reactivate; The Human pan-genome...
Published 06/25/23
KSQD 6-14-2023: More about the oral microbiome, including toothpaste advice; The benefits and scientific studies supporting oral oil pulling to clean the mouth; The MUTYH mutation causes lots of colon polyps, raising the risks of colon cancer; A story of trying to obtain an inhaler drug paid for by health insurance; California is trying to pass a law to reduce the burden of prior authorizations required by insurance companies; Questions about thyroid problems -- what are the most natural...
Published 06/17/23
KSQD 6-10-2023: The very long list of diseases linked to gum disease; the oral microbiome is thoroughly covered; The side effects of using mouthwash - more diseases like cardiac conditions are also linked to mouth microbiome; Caller complains about cost of dental care, even with insurance, and other mouth wash options; Take probiotics if given antibiotics with dental procedures; Problems of major infections deep in the roots of teeth, antibiotics and using bacteriophage and other treatments
Published 06/10/23
KSQD 5-31-2023: Stress raises glucocorticoids and inflammation in the gut, thus causing irritable bowel syndrome; Mosquitos are attracted to terpenes in many soaps, but repelled by those with coconut oil; Editorial about gender selection and the altering of sexual development
Published 06/03/23
KSQD 5-24-2023: The promise of a vaccine for pancreatic cancer; Some statistical comments about statins and cardiovascular events research; How can I relieve knee pain without using pharmaceuticals? The role of bacterial biofilms in preventing antibiotics from working; A long-term study in Great Britain analysis different treatments for prostate cancer; Treating depression and epilepsy using magnetic brain stimulation; Prozac increase neural plasticity, decreases fear and improves maze...
Published 05/27/23
KSQD 5-17-2023: It’s tick and Lyme disease season! Advice to deter and treat; A genetic mutation prevents onset of Alzheimer’s symptoms even when beta amyloid amount is high; Advice for varicose veins; Lower mortality is associated with walking only a couple of days a week; Blockage in the popliteal artery, that feeds the feet, should be monitored and fixed with a stent; Doctors should reveal financial benefits from pharmaceutical and other medical corporations -- some get exorbitant amounts;...
Published 05/20/23
KSQD 5-10-2023: New recommendation suggest starting mammograms for breast cancer screening at age 40 -- statin use also discussed; Superbugs found in L.A. wastewater -- explanation of the spread of antibiotic resistance; Evidence that Bronze-age people used mind-altering substances such as atropine and scopolamine; A transgender woman has a story about not being able to get a PSA test; Do stem cells from Wharton's jelly injected into your spine really work for pain? More about statin use in...
Published 05/13/23
KSQD 5-06-2023: Advances in anti-aging drugs; A survey of many brain-computer interface devices available and being developed
Published 05/06/23
KSQD 4-26-2023: Is Juven supplement a good product? Manganese contamination in the water in the Central CA valley; Excessive exercise can cause metal toxicity in mitochondria; Tick bite can cause a reaction to its saliva and doesn’t indicate Lyme disease; What treatment is appropriate for a hamstring injury? Drugs to treat post-operative adhesions; What are the health benefits of Radishes? Is Stevia a good alternative to sugar? The history of using bacteriophages, viruses that attack...
Published 04/29/23
KSQD 4-19-2023:Advice for getting the shingles vaccine with or without a history of chickenpox; Improving sleep quality for someone with night-time congestion; Detecting diseases by waste water surveillance; Hangover cure by an engineered probiotic; Socks that give electrical stimulation to treat neuropathy and balance issues; Early detection of Alzheimer’s disease by examining glycans and Tau protein; Ehlers Danlos Syndrome may be caused by a mutation in the MTHFR gene; A potential new...
Published 04/22/23
KSQD 4-12-2023: More details about intermittent fasting scheduling and types of food to eat; The benefits of freeze dried and powdered fruit and vegetable extracts; How air pollution causes lung cancer -- it’s not just DNA damage; Should adults get the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps or rubella? Comments about the chemical abortion drugs and the banning of mifepristone; Skin products that change the balance of good vs. bad bacteria on skin that cause or reduce eczema and dermatitis; New...
Published 04/15/23
KSQD 4-05-2023: Interpreting coronary artery calcium scores and how to combat coronary artery disease; Atra, a new treatment for rheumatoid arthritis has its problems; Manganese contamination in California central valley wells; Early menopause, hormone replacement therapy and Alzheimer’s disease; Cold temperatures may extend longevity by increasing breakdown of damaged, toxic proteins; Experiments with nematodes also support increased longevity in colder environments; A newly discovered...
Published 04/08/23
KSQD: 3-29-2023: Life expectancy in the U.S. is lower for the second year in a row; Safe limits for fluorinated hydrocarbons are lowered by the EPA; Lancet preprint article about effectiveness of a COVID-19 vaccine developed in Cuba has problems; Discussion of disc fusion surgery for neck pain and why pain appears in other areas of the body; Pain and numbness down left arm after playing the piano; How well can an AI neural network recognize skin cancer from skin images? The Heart Math device...
Published 04/01/23