At the root of our sin is not a mind ignorant of God’s ways, but a darkened love, a hardened heart, and a will bent away from God’s ways.
Published 06/24/24
Published 06/24/24
In this fallen age, resurrection power does not keep us from pain. Instead, it brings life to others as we keep loving Jesus in our pain.
Published 06/20/24
Bible reading can bring comfort, but Bible reading can also bring fear. How can we rightly embrace both the comfort of God’s promises and the fear of his warnings?
Published 06/17/24
Paul says that the renewed mind discerns God’s good will “by testing.” What does that testing look like in the thousands of everyday decisions we make?
Published 06/13/24
Our boredom in this world is meant to point us to another world — a world where the infinitely interesting God will banish boredom forever.
Published 06/10/24
No matter how comfortable our friends and neighbors may seem, they are headed for hell unless they repent. So, what words might break through their comfort?
Published 06/06/24
Why does Paul call Satan “the prince of the power of the air”? Pastor John explores the extent of Satan’s authority and Christ’s decisive victory.
Published 06/03/24
If God has not chosen to save me, then why would he condemn me for not believing? Pastor John explains the kind of inability that does not remove responsibility.
Published 05/30/24
Is Shia LaBeouf right to say that Jesus experienced “maximum joy” as he died? Pastor John considers the joy set before Christ and the horrors of the cross.
Published 05/27/24
“Cross,” “nails,” “spear,” and “thorns” are words that evoke images in our minds — images with tremendous power to dispel lustful thoughts.
Published 05/23/24
How should Christians think about sexually explicit material on the page rather than the screen? Pastor John offers ten questions for readers of erotica.
Published 05/20/24
Parents have the God-given duty to warn their children not to rebel against Christ, and some of the most powerful warnings come from stories of failed rebellions.
Published 05/16/24
How can a mom raise boys to become strong and godly men? Pastor John offers counsel for training up the next generation.
Published 05/13/24
Sometimes, God responds to our sinful requests with a merciful no. But other times, he gives what we ask, brings misery with it, and then amazingly works good through it.
Published 05/09/24
How can Christians grow in expressing their deepest affections for God and others? Pastor John offers eight pieces of counsel for those who struggle to speak.
Published 05/06/24
God could destroy Satan at any moment. So, why has God allowed Satan to blind the minds of unbelievers from seeing the glory of Christ?
Published 05/02/24
Does Proverbs 22:6 promise that children raised by godly parents will become Christians? Pastor John explains the proverb and points parents to their ultimate hope.
Published 04/29/24
What makes a good sentence? Good sentences are true, clear, authentic, thoughtful, creative, well-timed, clean, loving, and glorifying to God.
Published 04/25/24
How can we walk through this world of sin, suffering, and futility with strength and joy? Psalm 90:14 holds the key.
Published 04/22/24
In a society steeped in self-worth and self-esteem, how can Christians aim for significance in a way that glorifies Christ?
Published 04/18/24
Should churches be willing to somehow “bless” same-sex relationships? Pastor John responds to Pope Francis’s concerning proposal.
Published 04/15/24
God does everything he does for his glory, including answering our prayers. So, how can we align all our requests with this big, overarching purpose?
Published 04/11/24
How can we tell if we’re abusing caffeine (or any food or drink)? Pastor John offers three questions to guide a Christian’s consumption.
Published 04/08/24
If death belongs to the children of God, as the apostle Paul says, then death not only loses its sting, but it turns around and becomes our servant.
Published 04/04/24