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Ask Sara with Sara Wiseman
Ask Sara is a warm, funny and often irreverent look at how anyone can have a direct connection to the Divine—no middleman, priest, guru or medium required! During the show, Sara will take intuitive readings from live callers. What'll we talk about? Intuition, spirituality, paranormal stuff, aliens, relationships, sex, money, life's path and purpose, healing, synchronicities, serendipities, finding your way, getting lost, bottoming out, climbing back up, riding the wave, dealing with emotions, letting go, being afraid, being alone, tantra, connection, aging, addictions, parents,...
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Ratings & Reviews
4.3 stars from 23 ratings
Topics never covered
Sara has a sweet voice is all I can say. I listened to multiple episodes and zero time was spent on what the title implies. Much is callers and even the calls have no relevance to the titles. Why title the episode and literally never mention anything about it in the episode?
gpmonaghan via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 12/26/13
Recent Episodes
What does it mean to be a practicing SPIRITUAL PSYCHIC? How do INTUITIVES, empaths, mediums and healers experience their PSYCHIC GIFTS? Sara talks to our VISIONARY PSYCHICS about their experience of the MYSTIC REALMS. Learn more at
Published 03/09/22
What does it mean to be a practicing SPIRITUAL PSYCHIC? How do INTUITIVES, empaths, mediums and healers experience their PSYCHIC GIFTS? Sara talks to our VISIONARY PSYCHICS about their experience of the MYSTIC REALMS. Learn more at
Published 03/09/22
What does it mean to be a practicing SPIRITUAL PSYCHIC? How do INTUITIVES, empaths, mediums and healers experience their PSYCHIC GIFTS? Sara talks to our VISIONARY PSYCHICS about their experience of the MYSTIC REALMS. Learn more at
Published 03/09/22
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