I think that the Seders this year will be more meaningful and relevant to most Jews around the world. This episode provides some insights into this wildly observed Jewish celebration.
Published 04/18/24
Published 04/18/24
This Episode discusses the most contentious and emotional crisis in Israel-the refusal of the Ultra-Orthodox Jews to serve in the army.
Published 04/04/24
In this episode Rabbi Feldman explains the deep and profound ideas that are somewhat hidden in the crazy, carnival-like celebration of Purim and between the lines of the extremely unconventional Biblical book of Esther.
Published 03/17/24
While there IS a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, numerous profound changes must happen FIRST within the Palestinian society. This episode clarifies what these changes are.       
Published 02/27/24
The sudden push for the “Two-State Solution” is extremely dangerous and is, in fact, a formula for never-ending bloodshed. It is time for everyone to stop being delusional about it…
Published 02/12/24
Rabbi Feldman claims in this episode that this is not the same America he came to as an immigrant. Do you agree?
Published 01/29/24
The latest on what's happening on the ground in Israel  - examining the questions, finding some solutions, and keeping the faith.
Published 12/20/23
What is Hamas? What is the Israel-Gaza conflict about? What is Zionism? What is meant by “The Two States Solution?” What is the West Bank? Why are there millions of Palestinian refugees and refugee camps?, and so on.    This Episode is the basic introduction to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 
Published 11/28/23
In the middle of all-out war against a Nazi-like Jihadist terror group Hamas, Israel has an almost impossible challenge of rescuing over 240 hostages hidden in the tunnels underneath of Gaza. Can Judaism provide some helpful guidance in dealing with this complex problem?
Published 11/06/23
Despite the total lack of communication between the spouses, Rebekah is able to change Isaac’s priorities and to secure the Jewish continuity into the next generation.
Published 10/04/23
Having finished the study of the first Jewish family in history,  we begin the story of the Second Generation - Isaac, Rebecca and their children.
Published 09/18/23
This is the conclusion of the story of the founders of Judaism and the Jewish People.
Published 08/29/23
This episode continues the study of the complex relationships in this foundational family which established Judaism and the Jewish people. 
Published 08/15/23
Abraham and Sarah are the founders of Judaism and the Jewish People.  What was their marriage like? Sarah was married to a guy who spoke with God (at least he thought he did!) Did she share his dreams and goals? What can we learn from that relationship for our marriages today?
Published 08/01/23
The real reason why Jewish People became homeless for almost 2,000 years.
Published 07/12/23
Envy, Lust, Glory, and “Do Not Trust the Government!” these are the topics discussed in this episode. 
Published 07/04/23
This episode first summaries the previous four episodes devoted to Pirkei Avot, and then deals with two complex topics: LOVE and ARGUMENTS.
Published 06/20/23
This episode deals with two topics: How to deal with ANGER and How to be more GENEROUS.    
Published 06/13/23
The secret of wisdom and more...
Published 06/06/23
This is an interview with a very unusual and fascinating person. He is an Orthodox Rabbi who lives in one of the  “settlements” on the West Bank and who strongly believes that this land belongs to the Jewish people.  However, he also believes that this land belongs to the Palestinians. A passionate Zionist who is accepts their claim to our land...
Published 04/25/23
In this episode Rabbi Feldman continues teaching the best-known text in Rabbinic Literature - a tractate of the Mishna called "Ethics of the Sages.” This paragraph deals with the elements of life which form the totality of human existence: what a person does with his mind, with his body, with his possessions, and how the individual interacts with society at large. What a person does with his mind, with his body, with his possessions, and how the individual interacts with society at large.
Published 04/19/23
In this episode Rabbi Feldman teaches one of the most famous and beloved texts in Rabbinic Literature which is part of the Talmud. 
Published 04/11/23
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world’s most enduring and seemingly insoluble problems. The terms “occupied territories” and “occupation” are used in almost every article and speech dealing with this complex issue. In this episode Rabbi Feldman provides an overview of the history of this conflict and points out the blatant disregard of the true facts in most discussions by the “experts” and commentators.
Published 04/04/23
In this episode, Rabbi Feldman challenges the way most Jews celebrate Judaism's most observed ritual of Judaism - the Passover Seder. He explains that the real purpose of the 15 steps in the Haggadah is for our spiritual growth and emotional healing. He also illustrates why this unique "intellectual banquet" has the potential to lead us to healthier and happier lives. 
Published 03/24/23